Lin Yang didn't expect that Zhong Hao, for the sake of his own goods, was so desperate that he didn't sleep for several days in a row...

he took a deep breath and lit a cigarette inexplicably.

Secretary Lu, next to him, was also stupefied.

Thinking that she had scolded Zhong Hao for being black hearted, she felt guilty.

"Xiaotan, you go back first. Yanghua is solely responsible for the medical expenses of boss Zhong. I will ask the best doctor of Xuanyi school to take care of boss Zhong and ensure that his health can recover." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Little Tan is extremely happy, busy is bowing to Lin Yang.

"It's OK. Go back."

"Lin Dong, the instrument..."

"how can we not understand the operation of the things we designed? Don't worry. Go back. " Lin Yang said with a light smile.

"Well, Mr. Lin, if there is anything wrong with the instrument, please contact me at any time."


Xiaotan jumped into the car, waved to Linyang and drove away.

"Lin Dong, such a conscientious entrepreneur, can't let him fall like this." Secretary Lu's eyes were a little red, and he twisted his head.

"I know... In a moment, let Mahal allocate 1 billion yuan to invest in Zhonghao technology, and vigorously support it."

"Good, Lin Dong."

"However, if we don't solve the rules and regulations of these people, everything will have no head."

Lin Yang thought.

He put out the cigarette in his hand and took the landing Secretary to turn around the factory. Seeing that there was no problem, he was ready to leave.

But at this time, the person in charge of the factory rushed over.

"Lin Dong, something happened!" The visitor said anxiously.

"What happened? What's the matter? " Lin Yang asked.

"A group of people came outside and said they wanted to take back our factory. I said it was Yanghua's factory. They said it was theirs. Now they are smashing things!" The person in charge wanted to cry without tears.

"Then you should call the police." Secretary Lu is in a hurry.

"It's useless. Someone else showed me the contract. It's a regular contract! What's more, what's more, it's written in the contract... "The person in charge stopped talking and seemed afraid to say it.

"It's the name of the Wangs and the seal of Yanghua?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"Yes, yes, yes..." said the person in charge.

Secretary Lu's look was subtle, and vaguely guessed something.

"Let's go and have a look."

Lin Yang light road, then led the person in charge with Secretary Lu toward the door.

At the gate, there was a roar of voices, and all kinds of shouting and cursing came.

"Fuck you! Get out of my way, or I'll let you lie down here! "

"How can you curse at will? As I said, this is Yanghua's factory! If you want to take back the factory and go directly to Yanghua headquarters, you don't have to come here! "

"You little security guard dare to talk to me? Believe it or not, I will kill you now

"Sir, I said that if you want to talk about taking back the factory, please go to Yanghua headquarters. If you are here to make trouble, I can only call the police."

"Alarm? Yes, I have a contract! Now it's your illegal occupation of our factory! You report it. The police are coming. See who's right! "

"You... Go, call the sheriff!"


"Oh, I give you some face. Do you really put your nose on your face? Go away

"Don't come in!"

"Damn it, brothers, get on me, pull them away, and call me if you don't listen to me!"


With a few roars, the situation behind the gate immediately became chaotic.

"Mr. Lin, I'll call the police immediately!" Secretary Lu was busy.

"No hurry."

Lin Yang light road, then walked in the past.

"Stop it all!"

As soon as the crowd broke up.

"Factory director!"

Someone called out.

The chaotic scene immediately quieted down a lot.

"Are you the factory director?"

The first bald man with a scar on his face, holding a cigarette in his mouth, called to the person in charge.


The person in charge nodded and then introduced, "Mr. Lin is here. Don't make any more noise."

Voice fell to the ground, the scene immediately quiet to the extreme, all people's eyes all focused on Lin Yang's body.

"Did Lin Dong come?"

"My God, it's really Lin Dong!"

"If Mr. Lin is here, we can rest assured."

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

There was a constant clamor.

People in the factory were excited.

But the bald man sneered: "is Lin Dong coming? That's much easier to do! Mr. Lin, we are here to take back the Wang's factory! This is the contract. Would you like to have a look at it? "With that, he shook a stack of paper in his hand.

"Don't look, your contract should be true! This factory, we can return it to you! But you have to pay up the penalty. " Lin Yang road.

"No problem! This bank card money, enough to pay the penalty! You can check the accounts! "

The man said with a smile that he threw his bank card to Lin Yang.

Everyone frowned.

There is no doubt that the other party is prepared to come...

"Mr. Lin, do you have any questions The bald man squinted and laughed.

"No problem! But... The factory still can't give it to you! " Lin Yang road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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