Hearing this, the faces of all the people were stunned.

The bald man flew into a rage.

"Mr. Lin! What do you mean by that? Are you kidding us

"The contract is here, and the penalty is also given! As a result, you refused to return the factory to us! Lin Dong! Are you going to force us to call a police officer? "

These people were so angry that they came forward one after another.

"Don't get me wrong. It's not that I won't give it to you. In fact, the contract has been drawn up and I've got liquidated damages. This factory has nothing to do with me. It's just that I don't want to give it to you, but some people don't want to give it to you now!" Lin Yang shook his head.

He was stunned.

"What do you mean, Lin Dong?"

"That is to say, this factory is actually expropriated!" Lin Yang shrugged his shoulders.


People looked at each other with bewilderment.

"By whom?" The bald man asked coldly.

"I can't tell you that." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"You... Asshole, this factory belongs to us. If it is expropriated, do we not even deserve the right to know?" "I think you just don't want to return the factory to us at all!"

"I don't mean that. The factory has been expropriated! If you really want to know who it is, I can call first and ask if that person can let you know! "

Finish saying, Lin Yang took out the telephone.

But how can the other party take care of this?

"Lin! Don't delay me here! Our boss said that you are going to get out of this factory today! Brothers, give me a rush, throw these guys out to me, and their rags, also throw all of them out of the factory The bald man got angry, waved his big hand and yelled.


They all screamed and rushed inside.

"Stop them!"

The factory director immediately directed the security personnel to stop these guys.

But the number of security personnel is small, and they are only gatekeepers. How can they be rivals? After a while, they were washed away and they ran to the factory.


Secretary Lu was stunned and said eagerly, "Mr. Lin, we have to find someone to stop these guys."


Lin Yang nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

But without saying a few words, he hung up.

"Mr. Lin, did you call Mr. Ma?" The secretary was busy asking.


"What? No... no

Secretary Lu's face turned white with fright. Then he took out his mobile phone and shivered to call the inspector.

But Lin Yang held her hand.

"Don't make a lot of noise. We'll deal with it in private." Lin Yang murmured.

How can we deal with this situation in private?

The secretary is crazy.

"Mr. Lin, do you know what's going on? If the factory is destroyed by these people, our new drug will not be on the market in time! Then it will be all over. "

"Don't worry, it's not that bad."

Lin Yang said, just looking at the direction of the factory, does not seem to be very anxious.

Seeing that Lin Yang is still showing such an attitude at this moment, Secretary Lu almost collapsed.

When is it? Why is Lin not in a hurry?

What the hell is he thinking?

Bang Dang!

Bang Dang!

Bang when...

at this time, there was a continuous loud noise from the factory.

Then there was the roar of the workers and the shouts of the bald men.

"No! Lin Dong, they seem to be smashing machines! "

At this time, the person in charge changed his face and said in a hurry.


Lin Yang was stunned. He could not sit still. He ran to the factory immediately.

He didn't expect that bald men would be so lawless and dare to smash machines made by Zhong Hao.

These can be Zhong Hao's painstaking efforts. Anyway, Lin Yang doesn't want them to have any problems.

Sure enough.

After rushing into the factory, the bald man and others directly smashed all the way, thinking of a group of bandits and robbers.

Some employees still want to obstruct, but the other party is really cruel. They are just a group of employees. How can they fight with these guys?

"Stop it all!"

Lin Yang shouts.

But the bald man sneered at the corners of his mouth and raised his hand.

People stopped.

"What? Lin Dong, do you feel heartache

The bald man said with a smile, "if you feel heartache, you'd better move these scrap iron to me, or I'll smash them into scrap iron and throw them out!"

Lin Yang congealed his eyes and suddenly seemed to see something. He walked quickly to a machine and saw that the operating lever on it was all crooked. His face was heavy and he asked coldly, "who got it?""Me, what's the matter?" The bald man said with a smile.

"Brother long, Mr. Lin wants you to lose money." The people beside him laughed.

"Lose money? Yes

The bald man laughed, took out a few banknotes from his pocket and threw them on the ground: "Mr. Lin, pick it up!"

"Ha ha ha..."

the crowd roared with laughter.

Secretary Lu here is red with anger and shivering all over.

Lin Yang looked at the money on the ground without expression. Instead of picking it up, Lin Yang waved and calmly said, "Secretary Lu, ask someone to move this machine out and put it outside."

"Good, Lin Dong."

Secretary Lu was puzzled and immediately asked someone to move the machine.

"The others? You don't have people move it? " The bald man said with a smile.

"No, it's not necessary."

Lin Yang looked out and said calmly.

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