
The bald man obviously can't understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

However, Lin Yang asked people to carry the destroyed instrument out of the field, and then he stood beside the instrument, closed his eyes, and did nothing more.

This can make the bald man and others more confused.

Secretary Lu and the factory director are confused.

What is Lin Dong going to do?

"Hello, Lin Dong, if you don't want these instruments, I can ask someone to throw them for you!" The bald man was impatient and yelled.

"I advise you not to do so." Lin Yang light road.

"If I do, what do you want?" Said the bald man with a smile.

"What are you doing, brother? Do you want to fight against Dr. Lin? Be careful when you are ill and no hospital will take you in! " The younger brother next to him joked.

"My God, I'm so scared, I'm so scared! What should I do? Shall I kowtow to Dr. Lin now? " The bald man quickly patted his chest with a look of fear.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

people burst out laughing again.

"Damn it!"

"You are so bullying

Secretary Lu and the director of the factory were all red with anger. They glared at the bald man one by one, but they could do nothing.

But just then...


the ground suddenly vibrated slightly, followed by a rush of pace.

People were all shocked and looked at the sound source.

It's from the gate.

I saw a line of uniformed people running through the gate, and trucks with full people were coming towards it.

The bald man and others were stunned.

Ten trucks loaded with more than 200 people.

In addition to the hike, after a while, the whole factory was surrounded by nearly a thousand people.

These are all from the team!!

The scene was immediately under their control.

Then a man in a high-level uniform trotted over and saluted Lin Yang.

"Mr. Lin, we have received the order and rushed here immediately. Who are the troublemakers?" The man cried.

It's full of air and loud voice.

The bald man's face changes.

Lin Yang Chao bareheaded man and others pointed.

In an instant, the man glared at the bald man with Eagle like eyes and walked quickly.

The bald man shivered all over, spinning and busy was squeezing out a smile: "this... Sir, misunderstandings... Are misunderstandings!"

"Misunderstanding? I don't know it's taken over by us? Do you dare to come here and make trouble, little rabbit, who gives you the courage The man cheered and slapped him in the face.


A crisp slap sounded.

The bald man directly turned around in situ, dizzy, some people can not find the north.

"Get your men out of here at once!" The man yelled.

"Yes... Yes, sir. We'll go right away. We'll go right away..." the bald man nodded and bowed.

Who dares to show his prestige in front of him? Hurry is to take their own people to leave, do not dare to stay for another second.

"Hold on!"

At this time, Lin Yang drinks to shout.

The bald man immediately trembled.

"Mr. Lin, what else can I do for you?" Asked the uniformed man.

"They've broken this machine. It's the machine I use to make new drugs. How can they just go away?" Lin Yang hums coldly.


The subdued man is stunned and stares at the bald man with endless anger in his eyes.

He rushed up, grabbed the bald man by the collar and pulled him hard.

Although the bald man looks fierce, how dare you resist against this man? He is like a lamb.

"You son of a bitch! Do you know that these drugs benefit the masses? You broke the instrument! I wish I could strip you alive The subdued man scolded, and then said to Lin Yang, "Mr. Lin, how do you deal with these guys?"

"They're just thugs. What can we do with them? The key is how to deal with the people who instruct them! "

Lin Yang went to the bald man and calmly said, "who told you to come?"

"Wang... Mr. Wang Kang..." the bald man shivered.

"Do you know how much damage you have caused?" Lin Yang asked again.

"This instrument probably needs two or three hundred thousand..." the bald man mumbled his lower lip and cautiously said.

"Don't be so expensive. After all, the damaged parts are only local parts, not the whole. The repair cost may cost 10000 yuan or 20000 yuan to solve the problem." Lin Yang road.

"That's good!" The bald man was relieved.

Ten or twenty thousand. He can still afford it.

"However, because you damaged the instrument, the launch time of our new Yanghua new drug was delayed a lot. I estimate that the loss cost during this period will be calculated in tens of millions. Even many people will die because of not using my medicine in time. These also have to be included in the calculation. Therefore, you will not only face huge compensation costs, but also have to pay for those who have not been able to use my medicine in time Those who have been treated with new drugs and died are responsible! " Lin Yang said with a smile.As soon as he said this, the bald man fell to the ground.

How could he have thought that things could be so serious.

He looked at Lin Yang for a while. Then he knelt down on the ground and cried out: "Lin Dong! Lin Dong! You let me go! Please let me go! I'm old and I'm young! Please let me go!! Wuwuwu... "

I didn't expect these three big and five thick men to cry so loud.

Lin Yang and the uniformed man were both stupefied.

"Damn it The subdued man spat.

"You may want me to let you go, but you have to promise me one thing." Lin Yang approached a few minutes and said.

"Anything, as long as you don't investigate my responsibility, I promise you anything!" Said the bald man in a hurry.

"Then I want you to testify against Wang Kang for me. Do you agree?" Lin Yang light road.

As soon as he said this, the bald man was as dumb as a cucumber.

"Referring to Mr. Wang Kang? This, this, this... How can this be done... "The bald man immediately waved his hand.

"Then be prepared to lose money." Lin Yang patted him on the shoulder and was about to leave.

"Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin! No! I will, I will! " The bald man was in a hurry and yelled.

"I didn't force you!" Linyang side of the first road.

"I didn't force me, I volunteered! I am willing to cooperate with you! " The bald man wants to cry without tears.

He doesn't think the board of directors is joking. After all, he has the best lawyer team in China!

If Mr. Lin is serious, he has to pay tens of millions of yuan.

How can he get this?

The bald man compromised, and Lin Yang immediately called Kang Jiahao.

Kang Jiahao, who got the news, immediately dragged people to the factory.

He knows, this is an opportunity!

A great turning point to revitalize Yanghua www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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