Naturally, Lin Yang would not take the machine to repair so quickly, but let Kang Jiahao send people to take a few photos.

After the photo was taken, I immediately contacted the media to report the incident, and the photo was also sent in the past.

In the afternoon of that day, the media published the news in major newspapers or news networks.

Every Jiangcheng people can get a mobile phone to see the news, filled with indignation.

"What, Wang Kang asked someone to smash the factory where Lin Dong produced new drugs?"

"How did this happen?"

"It is said in the news that the Wangs want more dividends for new drugs, but Mr Lin is not willing to. He says that new drugs are basically sold at cost. If they want to pay dividends, the company will have to pay him back!"

"It's disgusting. Lin Dong is benefiting the public. He doesn't want to make money at all. How can this Wang family get into the eyes of money?"

"And destroyed the factory! We have to delay the launch of new drugs! "

"It's just scum!"

"This family is the scum of society."

"How can there be such moths in Yanghua?"

Many people watch the news with their mobile phones and curse one after another.

Naturally, the Wangs also saw the overwhelming news.

Wang Laozi gas direct will love purple clay pot mercilessly on the ground.

"Asshole! Asshole! How do you do things? I told you to take the factory back. I didn't ask you to bring people into trouble! " Master Wang pointed to Wang Kang's nose and swore.

"Dad, I also asked them to take back the factory. Who would have thought that those guys were so unstable that they smashed other people's machines..." Wang Kang also wanted to cry without tears.

Mr. Wang was very angry, but he soon calmed down.

"This Lin Dong is much better than we thought! In fact, this kind of thing, how can not have a bit of scratch, but he has this bit of scraping magnified countless times, using public opinion to put pressure on us! Now it's not only Yanghua who wants to drive us away, but also countless people want us to get out of Yanghua. Good! Good! Lin Dong, you have a good way!! But I'm not a vegetarian, old man Wang Laozi is ferocious way.

"Dad, your plan is...

" no matter what the public opinion, take back the factory by force! "

"But in that case, Yanghua's new drug can not be produced. We are only afraid that we will bear more pressure from public opinion." Wang Kang was busy.

"What do you care about at this time? I tell you! At present, Yanghua has driven us to the end of the road. We are going to fight with Lin Dong, and we will not die! He won't let us feel better. Even if we die, we have to bite a piece of meat from him! If Yanghua falls down and Ren GUI takes advantage of the situation to fight back and carve up Yanghua, then we can still rely on Ren GUI's power to rise again, do you understand? " Wang shouts.

Wang Kang's eyes brightened.

"Yes, Dad, in that case, I'll contact the lawyers and ask them to take measures to forcibly take back the factory, regardless of the public opinion of those people!" Wang Kang nodded and wanted to dial the phone with his mobile phone.

But at this time, a group of people walked into the Wang's villa.

"Mr. Wang, I think you'd better save it. Now it's impossible to take back those venues!"

As soon as he said this, Wang Kang was stunned. He looked at the source of the sound together with the Master Wang. Then he saw that Ren GUI, Ju Zhiqiang and others had entered the room.

"What do you mean, boss Ren?" Wang asked in a deep voice.

"You don't know yet? Several of your venues have been expropriated by the government! " I'm sorry.


They were stunned.

A newspaper on the handle of any rule fell on the tea table.

Wang Kang quickly picked up a look, his face suddenly disappeared.

"It turns out that there is still official support behind him?" He said, with a dull look.

"This is a great event for the benefit of the masses, and the people above will naturally give their full support! It's very difficult for us to deal with Lin Dong alone, and I'm worried about one thing now. " Ren GUI was hoarse.

"What does boss Ren worry about?" The old man asked with a gloomy face.

"You Wang family... Can you continue to cooperate with us inside and outside to deal with Yanghua?" Any rules close, said coldly.

The old man and Wang Kang's heart beat and did not say a word.

They understand the meaning of Ren GUI's words.

Ren GUI is worried that they will be cleared out by Yanghua if they don't come to Ren GUI's side.

If their Wang family was branded as a traitor by Yanghua, then the world would not believe what they said.

Once the Wangs were expelled from Yanghua, they would have no value to Ren gui...

Wang Kang was sweating, and he was completely flustered.

The old man was still calm, only took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "let the boss rest assured! We have no way out for the Wangs. This is the end of the matter. We will die with Yanghua. "

"I admire the old man's determination, but the so-called" die with one "also needs this capital I'm sorry.Mr. Wang's face was very ugly.

At this time, the housekeeper walked in quickly.

"Sir, someone has just sent this thing. Please have a look at it." The housekeeper handed over a piece of paper, and his voice trembled.

Mr. Wang looked and froze on the spot.

"Lawyer... Letter?"

"Kang Jiahao formally sued us on behalf of Yanghua..."

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