Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen both know that time is money.

Since we have to deal with the Wangs, the sooner the better. We should cut through the mess with a sharp knife and do not give the Wangs any chance to fight back or even breathe.

Therefore, after creating a wave of public opinion pressure on the Wangs, Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen formally sued the Wangs on behalf of Yanghua.

They are not only suing for the factory incident, but also suing the Wang family for all kinds of tricks in Yanghua.

Although they haven't collected evidence for many incidents, it doesn't matter.

The victory or defeat of the lawsuit is only the second. The most important thing at present is to buy time for Yanghua and thoroughly remove the Wang family from Yanghua.

After receiving the lawyer's letter, the Wang family immediately ran into operation, using all the relationships that can be used and all the methods that can be used.

Ren GUI also intervened in it, making convenience for the Wang family.

As for Lin Yang, after returning to the office, Ma Hai immediately handed him a list.

Lin Yang looked at these lists, his face changed, and his eyes widened for several minutes.

"Are you sure you read it correctly?" Lin Yang Leng way.

"No mistake, Lin Dong, the names of people related to the Wang family are all on it." Ma Hai respectfully said.

Lin Yang's face suddenly became gloomy.

"I didn't expect that Wang's shares in the company are not much, but there are so many people who have been placed in the company. If all the Wangs are transferred, will Yanghua be paralyzed in an instant?" Lin Yang asked coldly.

Ma Hai hesitated and whispered, "yes."

Lin Yang fell into silence.

"Who made the Wangs equity injection at the beginning?" For a while, Lin Yang asked.

As soon as Ma Hai's face changed, he said in a low voice: "Dong Lin, it's... It's me..."


"Yes, I'm interested in their land, which can be used to build a market. Moreover, the Wang family's influence in Jiangcheng is really good. If they can stand on our side of Yanghua, it will be of great help to the development of Yanghua. But I didn't expect that they actually attracted so many people to install in such a short period of time, and even there were two security guards at the gate Lin Dong, i... I'm sorry for you... "Ma Hai's voice trembled.

"You are really sorry for me. In fact, you were right to invite the Wangs to take shares, but your fault lies in not letting the Wangs go."

Lin Yang put down the list and closed his eyes. It's like thinking about something.

About seven or eight seconds later, he spoke in silence.

"In one day, replace these people."

"Lin Dong, how could this be possible? It is impossible for us to complete so many post handover in one day! If you do this, Yanghua will be in chaos! They have been staring at us Yanghua! They are waiting for this opportunity. If we let the rules take advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack on us, we will... Be unable to hold on to it! " Ma Hai was almost about to cry.

"Never mind! It can be done. " Lin Yang road.

"Even if the handover can be successfully completed, where can we find so many talents? Lin Dong, this is not to buy vegetables on the side of the road... We... We really can't do it... "Ma Hai sighed and said in distress.

However, seeing Linyang stand up and stare at him, he said, "Ma Hai, if I help you find excellent talents in various positions, can you complete the handover work in one day and maintain the internal stability of Yanghua?"

"This... Can!" As soon as Ma Hai bit his teeth, he just threw himself away!

Lin Yang nodded, not wordy, picked up the mobile phone on the desk and dialed a number.

"Dr. Lin, why did you call me when you were free?"

There was an old voice over the phone, very surprised.

Obviously, he also knows that Lin Yang is not at leisure.

"I want to ask you a favor."

"Dr. Lin, if you have any needs, please tell me what you want. The old man will certainly satisfy you!"

"In that case, I don't want to go around in a roundabout way. I need a group of talents. You can talk to them and transfer them from them. In return, I will give a longevity pill to every person who provides me with talents. Of course, I mean talents. I don't count those who make up the number. I will assess them in person." Lin Yang light road.

The man on the other end of the phone was breathing heavily.

"Dr. Lin, are you... Are you serious?"

"Did I tell a lie?"

"Good! Good! Mr. Lin, I'll contact them right away. If you need any professional talents, you can speak up. The most important thing in our place is top talents! " The voice over the phone was particularly exciting.

"Well, I'll send you a list later."

Lin Yang light road, then hang up the phone.

Ma Hai was stunned.

"Mr. Lin, who are you calling?"

"Yanjing Xiajia." Lin Yang light road."Xia family?"

Ma Hai was stunned and suddenly thought of something. He said, "Mr. Lin, do you want to transfer talents from the top companies in Yanjing


"This method is good. Which one of those companies in Yanjing is not an elite? They are fully qualified for our positions, but... There is a serious problem. "

"What's the problem?"

"After all, these people are not our own people. If they go to all positions in our company, some people will definitely get access to some confidential information of our company. If they go back, they will leak to those cross enterprises in Yanjing... It is not a good thing for us..." Ma Hai worried.

Lin Yang heard the sound, but raised his head and looked at him faintly: "did I say I want to return these people?"

"This... You are not on secondment?" Ma Hai is stupid.

"I didn't say the word" borrow "from the beginning to the end Lin Yang cold road.

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