Everyone looked at Wang Kang in unison. They were all stunned.

A moment later, Wang Kang hung up the phone. His face was very white, and he had no blood color.

"What happened?"

Ren GUI and Mr. Wang are busy staring at Wang Kang.

Wang Kang mumbled his lower lip and said in a trembling voice, "Xiao Liu said... He can't enter Yanghua company."

"What's the matter? Is Yanghua even closed today? Isn't there even a security guard inside? Does he really think that today is the new year's day Ju Zhiqiang joked.

Everyone laughed.

But Wang Kang shook his head and said in a trembling voice, "no, it's Xiao Liu. He was stopped by the security guard and was not allowed to enter."

People smile for a moment.

"Why?" Ju Zhiqiang asked subconsciously.

"Because he was... Expelled from Yanghua!" Wang Kang said in a low voice: "the security guard said that if you are not an employee of our company, you can't enter."

All the people were in a daze.

Mr. Wang's eyes widened and looked at Wang Kang in disbelief.

Ren GUI stares at him for a long time. Suddenly, Ren GUI seems to be aware of something. He suddenly gets up and is about to say something.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong...

the mobile phones of all the people present rang, as if there was news coming.

So many people's mobile phones received messages at the same time, so that all people can not help but care.

They pulled out their mobile phones to watch.

Just one glance, everyone is stupid.

"What's this... What's going on?"

"Anand, have you heard from me?"

"Got it."

"How do you do this? Why have we not been informed in advance

"What is the personnel department doing?"

These people are flustered, one by one with a mobile phone face difficult to see the extreme.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Wang drank seriously.

It's only when people are quiet.

One of them looked at Mr. Wang and said in a trembling voice, "master, we... We were all dismissed unilaterally by Yanghua!"


Ren GUI and others all stood up with their eyes wide open.

Mr. Wang was also surprised. His old eyes were staring at the man. For a long time, he fell into silence.

"So it is, so it is..." Ren GUI sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, but his hands holding the cigarette were shaking.

"No wonder Yanghua suddenly gave them a day off. It turns out that... Yanghua is going to liquidate these people!" Ju Zhiqiang's voice was trembling.

"No way!"

Wang Kang almost yelled: "Yanghua suddenly cleared up so many people. Is He Lin Dong crazy? Because of this, Yanghua will be in chaos. Does he want Yanghua to collapse? "

"Mr. Lin must be prepared!! Don't you expect such a thing in advance, Master Wang Ren GUI bit his teeth and glared at the old man Wang.

But at the moment, Mr. Wang has also fallen into silence.


Who would have predicted?

You know, it's enough to make a company paralyzed in an instant by dismissing so many people at this critical point!

If Yanghua is paralyzed, how can he resist the attack of Ren GUI?

No one would do that!

Unless he's crazy!

"Mr. Ren, we can't expect such a thing. Now it's not me, but you." Wang took a deep breath and said without expression.

When Ren GUI was stunned, he immediately realized the meaning of Wang's words.

He froze his eyes, got up and looked around the people present. Then he said in a low voice, "all of your people, follow me!"

"They are at your disposal!" Wang said hoarsely.

"Good! We'll go back now, we can't drag it any more! We don't have time. We have to act now

Ren GUI drank low and left Wang's villa in a hurry.

The people in the room had gone to seven or eight, and Wang Kang was still fidgeting on the sofa.

"Dad, now... What should I do now? What should we do? " Wang Kang was busy with the king and said, "if we don't have this skill, we will have no value for Ren GUI. Then Ren GUI will abandon us! Dad, you must do something about it

"Calm down! What's the standard of being impetuous? " Mr. Wang scolded.

"Dad, how can I calm down at this time?" Wang Kang had been out of control for a long time. He got up and walked back and forth. He couldn't be quiet at all.

"Don't panic. I have another hand."

Mr. Wang's eyes were cold and he drank coldly.

"Dad, what else can you do?" Wang Kang hastened to ask.

"Does Ma Hai think he has cleared all the people of our Wang family out of Yanghua? Well, he is wrong. In fact, there is another person who belongs to our Wang family, and this person's position in Yanghua is very special. This person will become the hope of our Wang family to turn over the world. " Wang Laozi is ferocious way."What are you going to do, dad?" Wang Kang asked.

"I want this person to bring the special prescription for diabetes, and then publish it. I want Yanghua to die without a burial place!"

Mr. Wang said coldly, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

A moment later, the phone was connected.

"Have you got the prescription?"

"Here it is!"

Over the phone, there are three simple words.

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