In the case of the factory, the compensation is only the second. The most important thing is that Lin Yang can buy time for himself because of public opinion.

At least that's what Mahai thinks.

But in the view of Ren GUI, Lin Yang's purpose is far more than that.

His aim is to settle the matter in five days.

Now three days have passed!

However, the situation has changed subtly under the operation of Lin Yang.

Although it seems that the momentum of Rengui is still very strong, and Yanghua is losing and retreating, Ren GUI knows that his current means are not enough to launch a fatal attack on Yanghua.

If you want to completely overthrow Yanghua, you must have a means to kill.

But now, he can't find such an opportunity!

It can't be delayed any more.

The longer the time goes on, the more harmful it will be to any rules!

So Ren GUI took these people back to his branch office in Jiangcheng overnight, held an emergency meeting, and started a new round of offensive against Yanghua.

"Mr. Ren, what should we start with?"

At the meeting, a Tianheng employee asked carefully.

"Mr. Lin started with public opinion, so we also started with public opinion! At present, Yanghua's root causes are cerebral infarction drugs and rhinitis drugs, and their hope is the special drug for diabetes. If these things are not solved, we will have no chance of winning. " Ren Guisen said coldly.

"Ren GUI's intention is..."

"if something goes wrong with these things, Yanghua's roots will rot, won't they?" Ren GUI's eyes twinkled with ferocity.

"Mr. Ren, are you crazy? Move this? Once caught, it's over... "

immediately, several employees stood up and objected.

They have no bottom line, and they dare not make fun of people's lives.

"Don't worry, I won't do it so absolutely. However, everything and any product have drawbacks and can't be perfect. As long as we find out the loopholes and defects of these drugs and enlarge them, we can bring Yanghua down from the invincible position!" Ren GUI said with a smile.


People are confused.

Ren GUI looks at those yuanyanghua employees who are brought by him.

"In fact, there is a hidden drawback, or taboo, in the special drug developed by Lin Dong. Take cerebral infarction medicine for example. The disadvantage of brain infarction medicine is that once people with pollen allergy take these drugs, they will have a strong allergic reaction. If the situation is serious, it will even lead to life-threatening." A former employee of Yanghua said.

"They will mark this on the instructions for the use of these drugs. What's the use of this? Did someone remind you that you are allergic to pollen and still use this medicine, can you blame others? " One shareholder frowned.

"But do you know about a product to be released by the company under general manager Ren?"

"What product?"

"Soap! I had a chat with Mr. Ren on the way to our destination. We found that this soap may conflict with Yanghua's medicine! "

"Then Yanghua should be able to label the users can not use our soap!" The shareholder frowned.

"But now Yanghua doesn't know about our soap? We haven't released it yet, but we can ask some of our own people to use the soap and then use Yanghua's medicine! " The former employee laughed.

As soon as the words fell, people were all stunned and looked at Ren GUI one after another.

This is naked. We should frame Yanghua.

The soap hasn't been released yet. These people use it. I'm afraid they can't find it for a while...

however, Ren GUI doesn't seem to want to keep his hands on it.

"At this time, we have no other choice. We must let Yanghua die without breaking the means." The eyes of any rule are ferocious.

"Mr. Ren, it's no use just like this. It's just a few cases that can't make a big storm. What's more, Lin Dong's medical skills are superb. If he can cure people, then we will lose our wives and lose our soldiers? Has made him famous? " The shareholder thought about it and said coldly.

"It's just a fuse. We can take this opportunity to question the prescription." The former Yanghua employee took a document from his bag and put it on the table.

"Yanghua's prescription? Any questions? " The shareholder picked up the document and looked at it, puzzled.

"Dr. Lin's prescription is no problem, but some things can't be explained clearly! Some dirty water, once splashed on, can't be washed out The man said with a smile.

When people hear it, they all have their eyes lit up.

"Now in this society, the most powerful thing is not evidence, but public opinion, because sometimes evidence can't resist public opinion. If this matter gets into trouble, we can hire a water army to create public opinion. At that time, even if Yanghua proves his innocence, it will not be easy for him to thoroughly clean up this point."

Ren GUI closed his eyes and was silent for a long time. He said hoarsely, "go and arrange it immediately."



Lin Yang's current focus is on the production of new drugs.

The matter of the factory has been solved, and Ma Hai has also put the talents from Yanjing into the positions that have been cleaned up in Yanghua.Although this day is a holiday day for all employees of Yanghua, it is not peaceful inside Yanghua, and there are many people gathered in Yanghua headquarters.

In a box in the restaurant opposite Yanghua headquarters, Mr. Wang and Wang Kang walked in through the back door and went up the second floor to the innermost box.

A woman was holding a suitcase and sitting nervously in it.

Seeing the king come in, the woman immediately got up.

"Grandfather Wang, uncle Kang."

The woman called softly.

"Sit down."

Mr. Wang stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Did you bring everything?" Wang Kang asked nervously.

"Yes, it's all here!" The woman opened the box.

Wang Kang hurriedly went forward, checked it around, turned and stared at her and asked, "are you sure it's all these? Is that right? "

"I don't know medicine, but these are my prescriptions, which should be true." The woman whispered.

Wang Kang did not speak, but looked at an old man nearby.

The old man immediately came forward and took the prescription and looked at it for a while.

A moment later, his calm old face showed deep surprise and excitement.

"Genius! Genius! What a genius The old man called again and again.

"What? Man Bo, is this prescription true or false Wang Kang asked.

"Really, of course it's true... Doctor Lin is worthy of being a miracle doctor! How could he think of making drugs in this way! This is something we quacks dare not even think about The old man called man Bo was full of emotion.

"Aman, you are also a great doctor. Since you can see that this prescription is OK, it is probably no problem!"

Master Wang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "take the prescription to produce the medicine right away! Do you hear me? "

"Dad, we can't catch up with the market before Yanghua." Wang Kang was busy.

"Not necessarily." Mr. Wang squinted and said hoarsely, "I've been ready for this long time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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