Secretary Lu returned to the company full of worries.

Her face was unnatural, her head lowered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

With only one day left before the new drug was launched, many families of patients were waiting at the gate of Yanghua, waiting for the production of new drugs to save people.

Lin Yang also stayed in the factory for a night. Seeing that the production was smooth, he returned to the office to deal with the affairs.

In the hallway.

"Secretary Lu!"

An employee called Lu Xue.

"What's the matter?"

Lu Xuemeng asked.

"Mr. Ma asked you to send these materials to Mr. Lin's office."

"Oh... OK." Lu Xue squeezed out a smile and went to Lin Yang's office with the materials.

The door opened.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Ma asked me to give it to you. Have a look." Secretary Lu put the materials on the table and said respectfully.

Lin Yang raised his head, looked at Secretary Lu, and then buried his head in a large number of documents, casually said: "you help me to see it."

"This... Mr. Lin, these are confidential documents. Don't you think it's appropriate for me to see..." Lu Xue is busy.

"It doesn't matter, you see! I believe you Lin Yang road.

Lu Xue is particularly tangled, but standing in front of those documents half ring, dare not open.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yang looked at her curiously.

"No... nothing..." Lu Xue shivered all over, busy is extrusion smile said, and then carefully opened the file in front of Lin Yang.

After a while, her pretty face turned white.

"What? Are you surprised? "

Lin Yang lit a cigarette and continued to look at the document, but he did not lift his head.

"Mr. Lin, this is the production process and precautions of new drugs?" Lu xuezhan's voice.

"Yes, it was just drawn up." Lin Yang light road.

"But... Isn't the new drug already in production? Why has it just been worked out? Is it said that it was not planned before production Lu xuebusy is asking.

"It was drawn up before production. This is it."

"Well, why do you show it to me? This is a very important document. Do you want me to point out the shortcomings? " Lu Xue was shivering.

"No, I just want to tell you that there are mistakes in the prescription you gave to the Wangs." Lin Yang raised his head and looked at her faintly.

Lu Xue heard, pretty face instantly no blood color, the whole person is also tottering, almost did not fall to the ground.

"Mr. Lin, do you know that I gave the prescription to the Wangs?" Lu xuezhan's voice.

But as soon as she spoke, she quickly covered her mouth.

How can anyone admit it so happily?

But now it's too late to regret.

Lin Yang has seen through everything.

"When you said you went to the bathroom, you actually left the company and went to the restaurant opposite to meet the Wang family's person, Secretary Lu. I really didn't expect that you were also from the Wang family. It seems that Ma Hai didn't do a good job in preventing Wang's family." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Lin Dong, when did you see through this?" Lu Xue asked with trembling voice.

"I'm monitoring everyone in the Wang family. I know everything about Wang's family, including Ren GUI. Every time he goes to Wang's house, I know exactly when he goes in and when he comes out." Lin Yang said quietly.

Lu Xue has no voice.

The whole Wang family works under the eyes of Lin Dong.

Even Lu Xue has entered their surveillance area.

Who did Lin Dong ask? The Wangs themselves have done enough anti surveillance work. Why are they still at a glance by Lin Dong?

Lu Xue was sweating and wet behind her.

But she knew it was over now.

Lu Xueshen took a breath and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry, Dong Lin, I failed your trust with Ma Dong. I'm sorry..."

"why betray me?" Lin Yang asked: "I remember that Mahai gave you very good treatment. You should not be short of money or betray us. Do you have any reason?"

Lu Xuemo mumbled her pink lips and sighed: "our family... Was supported by the Wang family."


"Yes, I didn't have a father since I was a child. My mother was paralyzed in bed, and my family was poor. It was the Wang family who treated my mother and paid me for my study and living expenses that made me who I am today. So their demands... I will meet them! They arranged for me to enter Yanghua. In fact, they helped me to this position, and they also made efforts behind their backs. " Lu Xue is hoarse.

"I see."

Lin Yang nodded and looked at Lu Xue: "do you know how much damage will be caused to Yanghua if you hand over my prescription to others without permission? How many years should you sit down? Have you thought about that? ""With the influence of this drug, I may have to spend the rest of my life in it." Lu Xue smiles bitterly.

She knows what Lin Dong means, and what's more, with Kang Jiahao and other big lawyers around, even if she makes a little mistake, as long as Lin Yang wants to punish her, she is basically unable to get out.

However, Lin Yang shook his head: "I don't intend to sue you, nor do I intend to punish you. Even, I can treat this as if it didn't happen!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Xue was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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