"Lin Dong, why?" Lu Xue was stunned and asked.

"Because I want you to help me." Linyang strangles the cigarette butts, and looks at the snow.

Lu Xue was shocked and immediately understood Lin Yang's intention.

He wants to be an anti spy and help him watch the king's every move!

If Lu Xue is sincere to Linyang at this time, all the actions of the Wang family are almost under the eyes of Linyang.

This is a great help to the situation in Yanghua.

But Lu Xue thought for a while, shaking his head.

"Sorry, Lin Dong, I'm afraid... I can't help you!"

"Why?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"The king family has kindness to me, and without the support of the Wang family, she can not pay for my mother's medical expenses. My mother can't live till now. Lin Dong, I know you and Ma are always very good to me, but people can't forget their own. In my opinion, the king's family is like my family. You want me to betray the royal family... I can't really do it." Lu Xue's eyes are slightly red, and he said in a low voice and hoarse.

Linyang looked at her quietly, half rang, but a sigh.

"Well, since you all say that, I won't force you! You are also a man of love and righteousness. "

"Sorry, Lin Dong, at least, I'm sorry for your cultivation..." Lu Xue is the first to achieve.

Mahai came in with two people.

"Take him down, and close it up first." Mahai Tao.

"Shut up?" Lu Xue was stunned: "Lin Dong, don't you give me to the patrol?"

"If you are handed over to the patrol, it will be exposed. You are assured that I will not sue you, but at the cost, you may have to pass in a closed small room these days. I will provide you with water and food, but you will disconnect from the outside world and hope you can have a better share." Linyang road.

"If the king can't contact me, they will be suspicious."

"So your phone has to stay, I will send messages to the Wang family on my own initiative!" Lin Yang calm road.

Lu Xueshen took a breath and didn't speak.

Mahai took Lu Xue, while Linyang continued to process documents.

And the Wang family and the rules of action is indeed rapid.

At 7 p.m., a strange news suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng evening news.

A common family, father because of taking Yanghua cerebral infarction medicine, suddenly fell into a serious coma, was sent to the emergency room.

After ten minutes, another man, 50, was also in a coma after taking a cerebral infarction.

Both of them were rescued in Jiangcheng people's hospital.

This kind of thing would not have caused much attention.

After all, the elderly, there are many old-age diseases, brain infarction control, but also because of other disorders.

However, when the two were still in rescue, a public opinion suddenly appeared, claiming that because of cost saving, Yanghua medicine made patients have many risks when taking them.

The public opinion appeared, but it caused a wave of confusion.

Mahai hurriedly asked for public relations, and sent the drug to the identification, issued an appraisal form to publicize, clarifying the rumor.

However, after this public relations, there is a voice on the Internet, which makes people who have eliminated rumors have raised questions.

"This cerebral infarction drug is not a problem in the manual."

This sentence seems to be proving that there is no problem with the cerebral infarction, but it is a surprise to combine the identity of the person.

Former Yanghua employee Liu Qiming, just dismissed by Yanghua product manager!

Liu Qiming was dismissed, but it was no longer important that he could not make a voice.

But such a sentence is really confusing.

After a few minutes, Liu Qiming posted another message online.

"Some of the drug sequelae ah, but will be in the human body for a long time!"

After the news was released, it was deleted by Liu Qiming.

Such evasion in the deletion of news, can be said to be a complete ignited all the doubts of the netizens.

Meanwhile, several patients were sent to the hospital's critical department after using Yanghua's brain infarction medicine.

Clear, there is a problem with the medicine!

This time, the Internet directly blew up the pot.

All spearheads and public opinion point to Yanghua in a flash.

Regulators also rushed to Yanghua headquarters at the first time to review and examine every step of Yanghua's drug production.

Despite several times of checking, it shows that there is no problem, but the public opinion on the Internet is really too fierce.

Sequelae and latency?

And it's a long time?

Who won't worry?

For a while, Yanghua's drugs were questioned, and the stock market was hit again, even sales were in trouble.

This wave has to be said to be extremely lethal.

Yanghua suffered multiple blows from any rules, and the previous market has been seriously reduced, supported by these two drugs. If there is a problem with these two drugs, Yanghua will be really finished.But it never rains alone.

"Mr. Lin! Something's wrong

Ma Hai trotted in, panting.

"The factory received a notice to suspend the production of new drugs, saying that it was the safety and hidden danger of new drugs and needed to be tested again!" Mahai emergency road.

The pen in Lin Yang's hand was stiff, and he frowned.

"Is the last resort of any regulation still available...

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