True gold is not afraid of red fire.

Lin Yang believes that his medicine is no problem, so even if he has to re test, he does not have the slightest fear, everything goes according to the process.

But now the most troubling thing is the public opinion of Ren GUI.

Medicine is related to life.

If people have doubts about a drug, it is extremely fatal for the drug manufacturer.

As long as there is a little doubt about a drug, people won't choose it until it's critical.

It's hard to explain the medicine. There are too many professional terms involved in it. Yanghua can't explain it to the public clearly. The public can't understand.

But Ren GUI can create momentum for this!

Because although Yanghua can't explain clearly, Rengui can give the public a false impression that there is something wrong with Yanghua's drugs!

After all, there are a few people who have used Yanghua medicine and entered ICU in the hospital.

People lying there, can have a fake?

It's the easiest way for the navy to build momentum. At the moment when there is no real name system online, many people don't feel responsible for any words they say on the Internet.

Ren GUI made a force, and Zhenghua international on Ju Zhiqiang's side will not be watching.

That night, Zhenghua organized a group of people to directly surround the gate of Yanghua, shouting.

"Black heart factory!"

"Beast that eats man but does not vomit bones!"

"Have you cheated people's conscience?"

"Dr. Lin, thanks to my granddaughter's taking you as an idol, did you sell fake medicine? Is that how you hurt our family? "

"Devil! You are all demons

The shouting was loud and attracted a large number of people.

People have taken out their mobile phones to record or take photos and send them to the Internet.

Public opinion on the Internet has risen to a new height again.

Especially the masses in other provinces.

"Why are so many people gathered?"

"Is there really something wrong with Yanghua's medicine?"

"But my dad always used it well."

"I use that rhinitis medicine, also have no problem."

"Is there something wrong with the medicine now? Cutting corners? "

"Impossible? Will Dr. Lin make fun of people's lives

"Who can say exactly."

"People will become."

"Doctor Lin is here? This is it? "

A large number of netizens are discussing.

On the theory, the painting style has changed, and some strange remarks have appeared.

Under the instigation of Ren GUI Shui Jun, a number of Yanghua black have begun to appear on the Internet.

The official microblog of Yanghua has been blasted by the Navy, and a large number of abusive news spread, forcing Ma hai to conduct a review.

Lin Yang sat in the office, silently waiting for the development of the situation.

Ma Hai is in and out of the office, busy, constantly report the latest situation to Lin Yang.

After a few rounds, Mahai has been a bit unbearable.

But at 10 o'clock that night, a more powerful news broke out from Jiangcheng.

A small pharmaceutical company affiliated to Jiangcheng Wangjia has officially announced that a new drug will be launched tomorrow.

The effect of this new drug is the special drug for diabetes.

Once the news came out, it hit everyone's mind again.

All the people who pay attention to this matter are confused, including many overseas media.

What's going on?

Isn't the special drug for diabetes exclusive to Lin Dong?

Why does this company produce?

What's more, their listing date is one day earlier than Yanghua?

The world was shocked.

The whole incident has become confusing to many people.

Ma Hai sent the news to Lin Yang's office.

"Mr. Lin, what should I do now? Wang's family actually put new drugs on the market one day ahead of us. It's obvious that they had been ready before this event happened! Our stock market will suffer a new round of impact, and if it goes on like this, we will be in a big mess in Yanghua! " Mahatma shivered, and his words were trembling.

"The old fox of the Wang family is really resourceful. Although he did not expect that the relationship between the Wang family and our Yanghua will come to this stage, he must have made preparations in advance. Otherwise, he would not be able to launch new drugs at such a fast speed after getting the prescription! I'm afraid the Wangs are doing their best to make new drugs. "

"Mr. Lin, you should have to wait for a while to test the medicine?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, as long as they start to test drugs, it will be bad for us, even though they can't succeed."

"Lin Dong, what should we do now?" Ma Hai asked eagerly.Lin Yang thought about it and calmly opened his mouth: "it's almost done. It's time to draw an end to this matter."

"Mr. Lin, do you have any plans?" Ma Hai asked.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment. He said hoarsely, "send me a message. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, I will have a free clinic at the gate of Yanghua! At that time, I will invite all well-known doctors at home and abroad in the capacity of Dr. Lin to conduct on-site supervision and review! "

"Free clinic?"

Ma Hai was stunned.

"In fact, whether it is Ren GUI or Wang family, they have ignored one thing!" Lin Yang stood up and calmly said, "that's the doctor. You can't slander with rumors and slanders."

Ma Hai stayed where he was.

A moment later, he suddenly understood what he was doing and bowed: "Mr. Lin, I'm going to do it now, but... Can famous doctors at home and abroad come in such a short time?"

"Pick up the plane tonight!"

"Tonight? Are they...

"they are coming to Jiangcheng. I invited them one day ago!" Lin Yang said quietly.

Mahai was terrified.

At the beginning of the emotional fight, Lin Yang has been ready!

He will use his medical skills to prove that his medicine, there is no problem!

The world doesn't believe it?

Yes, so the foreign authoritative doctors should believe it? Should they believe in foreign authoritative doctors?

Wang family and Ren GUI, no matter how skillful they are, they can't buy off these famous doctors!

The truth is not deceiving!

Tomorrow is the last battle to decide Yanghua's life and death.

Ma Hai did not dare to neglect, racing against the clock to move up, rushed to send out the message.

This one news releases, whole network exploded again.

The whole river city was a sensation.

Countless people came to Jiangcheng overnight.

Is to witness the extraordinary medical skills of Dr. Lin together!

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Even at three or four o'clock in the morning, the streets are still full of traffic. Hotels and hotels near the headquarters of Yanghua are full, and even some people have gathered at the gate of Yanghua, waiting for Dr. Lin to appear...

but Lin Yang did not stay in Yanghua overnight.

He put on his coat and went straight back to Yueyan international , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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