Wang family.

"What? Free clinic? "

Sitting in his study, Mr. Wang couldn't help but stare at Wang Kang who came in.

"Dad, what do you mean by Dr. Lin? Good. What kind of free clinic does he do? Can this free clinic solve Yanghua's current predicament? " Wang Kang asked in confusion.

Wang thought about it and said in a deep voice, "have you ever asked if only Dr. Lin will attend the free clinic tomorrow?"

"Well, I don't know. According to the information on the Internet, Dr. Lin will have a free clinic in front of Yanghua gate at 10:00 tomorrow. There is no other news except this one." Wang Kang shook his head.

The old man's eyebrows were heavy at once.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong..." he murmured, thinking more than once.

"Dad, what's wrong? At this time, there is only such a way for the Doctor Lin to wash white! Offline free clinic is the most reasonable method. " Wang Kang said with a smile, "he has no choice."

"Free clinic is a good choice, but... Just free clinic, can it really eliminate the wind comment on Yanghua on the Internet? Can we really stop public opinion? I'm afraid the effect won't be as good as expected! " Mr. Wang shook his head.

"Even if the effect is not achieved, there is no way to do it. Can Dr. Lin have another way to go now?"

Mr. Wang didn't answer, but thought for a while, and suddenly he drank in a low voice: "go, you go to Jiangcheng Medical Association, look for acquaintances, and inquire about the news."

"What's the news?" Wang kangleng asked.

"Let's see if any famous doctors will come to Jiangcheng."

"This... OK, Dad."

Wang Kang was confused, but he left the study.

Mr. Wang leaned back on his chair and took a deep breath. Looking at the wall clock, the old man gradually lost his mind.

"Tomorrow, it should affect the whole Jiangcheng and even the whole domestic pattern. Whether Yanghua can go further or break into the abyss depends on your ability, Lin Dong..."

in the office.

Ren GUI has just finished the phone conversation with Junan an, and his face is full of funny smiles.

"Free clinic? Ridiculous, I have to admit that your medical skills are really superb, but you can prove to some people that your Yanghua medicine is true and you are innocent, but can you prove to all the people in the world? Dr. Lin, you only have one mouth, and we have so many mouths. Who do you think everyone will believe? What a foolish move. " Ren Guixiang is talking to himself with a strong confidence in his eyes.

"Mr. Ren, what do you think of Mr. Lin's free clinic?" The person nearby asked with a smile.

"It's a dead end beast. If there's no better way, we can only try to turn the situation around with our own strength. Unfortunately, the current situation is no longer what human can do!" Ren GUI said with a smile.

"That is to say, Yanghua is going to lose?"

"Five days from what Lin said, tomorrow will be the fifth day. After five days, his new drug has not been put on the market, so his reputation will be greatly reduced. We will rebuild a wave of momentum and smash the last strength of Yanghua. Next, Yanghua will fall apart and be unable to recover. Our hundreds of companies can completely swallow this huge thing by one person Eat, Yanghua, destined to be history Ren GUI laughs.

"Mr. Ren is really brilliant! Lin Dong, in the end, is too young and immature! "

"Yes, young! Crazy! It's good to be young and frivolous, but he has to be separated from each other. This young Lin Dong will pay the price for his arrogance


Lin Yang stops Ferrari across the road from Yueyan international, and then walks towards the gate on foot.

Into the night.

But Su Yan's room light is still on.

She couldn't seem to be able to sleep. She sat at her desk and looked at the papers, with a glass of red wine beside her.

She covered her forehead, a look of pain, willow eyebrows wrinkled, frown.

"I remember you didn't drink very much?" Lin Yang came in.

"I'm afraid I can't sleep without alcohol." Su Yan did not look up, said hoarse.

"Is it because of Yanghua?" Lin Yang road.

"The Yanghua incident has had a great impact on my company, especially the new drug problems that have exploded in the past two days." Su Yan sighed: "this incident may be a reshuffle of domestic business."

"What are your plans?" Lin Yang asked.

"Ren GUI threw an olive branch at me, but I refused." Su Yan sighed.

"Oh?" Lin Yang was quite surprised.

Ren GUI actually reached for Su Yan?

"Why don't you agree? The momentum of Tianheng's Rengui in China is no worse than that of Yanghua. " Lin Yang asked.

"Although the current development momentum of Yueyan international is still good, I su Yan is not a person who forgets his or her roots. In my most difficult time, I was from Yanghua help. If I threw myself into the arms of Tianheng, would I still be a human being?" Su Yan shook his head.

Lin Yang is silent.A moment later, he asked softly.

"Do you think Yanghua can survive this time?"

"I don't know." Su Yan was a little upset, but after a while, she said hoarsely: "but judging from the current situation, it is estimated that... It will be difficult to support..."

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