Su Yan is a perceptual person, but in her work, she will be more rational.

Judging from the current situation, Su Yan really can't think of any turning points in Yanghua.

After all, the current rules are moving, but the root of Yanghua!

It's the medicine that can make Yanghua rise!

If these things are broken by any rules, what is left of Yanghua?

Even if Yanghua doesn't fall now, it will never be as brilliant as before!

It's almost a dead end.

"I'm going to take a shower. You can rest early. After today, everything will be all right." Lin Yang said with a faint smile.

"If you are not among them, I don't know how serious the situation is. If Yanghua falls down, companies like me who refuse to submit to any rules will certainly be the target of their crackdown and clean-up. At that time, I'm afraid... Oh, forget it. You don't understand too much about it. Go take a bath!" Su Yan was a little impatient.

Lin Yang did not say a word, took the change of clothes, into the bathroom.

Su Yan continued to look at the document, Liu Mei or tight Cu not scattered.

She vomited and drank red wine. Her face was red, and she was slightly drunk.

Buzz, buzz...

I don't know how long after that, the sound of mobile phone vibration rings.

Su Yan immediately reached out to touch the mobile phone next to it.

But pick up a look, found that the vibration is not their own mobile phone.

Su Yan turned her head and saw that the sound came from the tea table in the living room.

It's Lin Yang's cell phone!

"Who called Lin Yang so late?"

Su Yan is confused.

Take a look, it's a strange number.

"Harassing phone calls at night?"

Su Yan pressed down directly, went back to the room and continued to look at the document.

But before long, the phone vibrated again.

Look, it's still that number.

Su Yan was a little angry, pressed the answer button, gritted his teeth and said: "do not buy a house, there is insurance, do not need tea, thank you!"

The voice on the other side of the phone was unexpected.

"Miss, I don't know what you're talking about." The voice on the other side of the phone was full of doubts.

"I don't know what I'm talking about? What are you calling for? " Su Yan hum asked.

"I'm here to see Dr. Lin. please tell Dr. Lin that we have arrived in Jiangcheng and Mr. Ma is receiving us. However, we want to see him. We don't know if he has time." The voice over the phone was respectful.

Su Yan was stunned, and his head was full of mist. The waterway said, "what Doctor Lin? Do you have the wrong number? This is my husband Lin Yang's cell phone. "

"Wrong number?" The voice on the other side of the phone was also full of confusion, and then muttered: "yes, it's this number."

"Doctor Lin's phone number is 137... Which is this number! You must have the wrong number. " Su Yan said.

She has a phone call from Dr. Lin. naturally, it is clear.

"Is that so? I'm sorry, miss. Excuse me Hang up immediately.

Su Yan shook her head and put the phone down.

At this time, Lin Yang came out while wiping his wet hair.

"What's the matter?"

"Just now someone called you and said he was looking for Dr. Lin. I told him he had the wrong number." Su Yan said.

"Wrong number?"

Lin Yang said with a faint smile: "have you ever thought that he didn't have a wrong number?"

This word falls, Su Yan looks at him doubtfully: "what do you mean?"

"The meaning of my sentence should be easy to understand."

"Lin Yang, I feel that your spirit is a little abnormal recently... It seems that I have to take you to see a doctor sometime." Su Yan frowned.

Lin Yang smiles bitterly and doesn't speak any more.

"If I guess right, the person who just called is a famous doctor from outside the province."

Famous doctors outside the province?? What are they doing here? How do you know that? " Su Yan asked.

"They were invited by Dr. Lin for the free clinic tomorrow! Tomorrow, you'll know. "

Lin Yang light road, then went to the sofa, lying down.

Su Yan some not taste, looked at Lin Yang on the sofa, the heart head can not help but emerge a complex mood.

She hesitated for a long time and suddenly whispered, "sleep in your room tonight."

"No, I've been sleeping on this sofa for three years. I'm used to it. I recognize my bed." Lin Yang said.

Su Yan bit Cherry Lip lightly.

Turn around, walk to the door, step slightly stagnant, spin and whisper: "if you can't get used to the bed in the guest room... You can come and sleep here."

With that, he went into the room and the door was closed.

Lin Yang suddenly sat up and looked at the door. The whole person was stunned.

Su Yan, what's going on?It was the first time that she invited Lin Yang into her room.

Does this woman accept herself?

Lin Yang is a little confused in his mind and can't guess Su Yan's meaning completely.

He wanted to go in and even do something impulsive.

But he held back.

Because his feelings for Su Yan are not as strong as he imagined.

Is it about love?

Lin Yang can't tell.

And in fact, he has decided to divorce Su Yan, and there is no disagreement about Su Yan.

He will not stay in Jiangcheng all his life.

I still have to go back to Yanjing and settle the grudge.

Lin Yang sighed again.

After all, it's not a world person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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