Luo Qian looked at Luo Beiming for a long time, but his face was red and said:

"grandfather, what are you talking about? Don't say anything messy! What's more, you don't know. That's Lin Yang. He's married. How can you still say that? "

"Xiaoqian, you know clearly that Doctor Lin and Su Yan will get divorced, otherwise he won't hide his identity from Su Yan. What's more, can't you see how Dr. Lin spent these years in the Su family? Dr. Lin must be planning a big event. He and Su Yan are destined to be people in two worlds. " Luo Beiming shook his head.

Luo Qian was stunned: "well, grandfather, what do you mean..."

"if you want to get the real medical heritage of Dr. Lin, you must marry him!"

"Marry him..." Luo Qian is a little absent-minded.

"Xiaoqian, sometimes you shouldn't take the initiative to wait for opportunities. People like Dr. Lin are too dazzling. If he can survive this crisis, he and his Yanghua will rise to a higher level again. His future is boundless. People like him are destined to be the target of numerous people. At that time, there will be many excellent girls around him, even better than you If you want to be an excellent girl, it will be too late if you make a move at that time, so if you have a feeling for Dr. Lin, you must take advantage of it now! Take the initiative! Do you understand? " Lorbeiming lowered his voice.

"Take the initiative?" Luo Qian was stunned and looked up at Luo Beiming: "grandfather, you mean... I want to...

" do not break the means! " Luo Beiming simply spits out these four words.

Luo Qian's mind could not help but tremble and fell into silence.


At this time, Lin Yang saw a patient again and called out.

Then a man with messy hair, a beard and a vest stepped forward.

The man is a little skinny, his face is not natural, and he looks like a drug addict.

He had a little smile on his face and put his hand on the table.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yang glanced at him and asked.

"Doctor, I feel sick all over the body. I went to the hospital for examination before. The doctor said that I have cerebral infarction. Can you cure me?" Said the man.

Lin Yang nodded and immediately felt the pulse for him.

A moment later, however, the brow frowned slightly.

"You are not ill."

"You are not ill! Are you going to see a doctor or not The man was in a hurry and immediately called out.

"But your pulse is normal and your blood pressure is stable." Lin Yang light road.

"Normal pulse? I think you are a quack? Now, you see, the doctor's examination reports are all here. My blood pressure is not stable at all. I have cerebral infarction! Do you think other doctors are wrong about me? Dr. Lin's diagnosis of me is right? " The man threw a small bag he was carrying down on the table.

This move made many people frown.

Reporters around the camera immediately locked in Lin Yang's body.

Lin Yang was not in a hurry, picked up the bag on the table and took out the diagnosis report inside.

"Jiangcheng andrology hospital?" Lin Yang glanced at the name of the hospital and said faintly, "I remember this is a private hospital, right? And this is to see andrology hospital, how can you see cerebral infarction blood pressure? "

"Who told you that cerebral infarction can't be seen in this hospital? Quack! You are a quack! Let's break up. Don't be cheated by this quack! I even have the inspection report from the hospital! But he actually said that I am not sick, cough cough cough... He is a quack at all The man yelled and agitated the crowd.

As soon as Ma Hai's face was cold, he immediately asked the security guard to take the man away.

But it was stopped by Lin Yang.

The man was more and more unscrupulous.

And Ren GUI and Wang family arranged the water army in the crowd.

"The famous doctor Lin is a quack! I thought he was so good

"How could it be misdiagnosed! Let's break up. If you are sick, you'd better go to a regular hospital. Don't be cheated by this quack! "

"You return to Dr. Lin? I think you are the prodigy of Lin! "

"That's disgusting. Are you kidding us all about our lives?"

All kinds of sounds came out.

Many patients who did not know the truth looked at each other.

The scene is a little out of control.

"This guy must have been sent by those people who set rules!" Luo Qian said angrily.

Su Yan is also worried.

"Mr. Lin, how do you plan to solve this problem?" Luo Beiming whispered to himself.

However, even if the scene is such a riot, Lin Yang is also a calm appearance.

"Sir, since you don't believe my diagnosis, can you tell me who your attending physician is?" Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"What are you asking for?" The man was stunned and said in a deep voice.

"I am the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association. Now I suspect that he may be misdiagnosed, so I would like to ask him a few questions." Lin Yang road."Are you... Are you going to take revenge on my attending physician? I won't tell you. " The man's face changed slightly and he said at once.

"It's ok if you don't say it. It's on your report!"

Lin Yang handed the diagnosis report to Ma Hai and calmly said, "contact the doctor immediately and ask him to come here."

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" Ma Hai nodded and came at once.

"Look, Doctor Lin is going to revenge my attending doctor! This man is going to kill! " The man cried out at once.

"Dr. Lin is so hateful

"So narrow-minded!"

"You're so pissed off when you're exposed on the spot?"

"What a nuisance!"

The Wang family's trustees yelled at each other.

Some people were also agitated and could not help but blame Lin Yang.

Public opinion was stirred up again.

Lin Yang was not moved. He looked at those people and cried out: "since you think I have been misdiagnosed, well, I will ask some authoritative people to prove to you whether I have been misdiagnosed or not."

As soon as the words fell, all the voices stopped.

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