There was a little boiling on the scene.

People you look at me, I see you, can not understand Lin Dong words.

Journalists are crazy shooting, the live studio behind the live lens has been blown up.

"Authority? What does it mean? "

"Did Dr LIN invite some famous doctors in China to prove his diagnosis?"

"Is it the person of Xuanyi school? Should qinbaisong appear? "

"Xuanyi school? How could that be possible? Xuanyi school is all Lin Shenyi people, they come to diagnosis is not convincing. "

"Who is this authority referring to?"

"Blind guess the living Bodhisattva Kou crown of Tianxing province!"

"This is a big doctor! If he comes out, it's still very persuasive. "

"I think it might be several famous doctors in Yanjing."

"It shouldn't be. No one else has time to manage it."

"It's hard to say that Dr. Lin is still very high in domestic medical circles. Moreover, these drugs are related to the safety of patients. If you can prove one hand, it is also very happy to do it."

Online netizens discuss constantly, many people in China but all have free time out of their mobile phones, watch live broadcast.

The man was slightly shocked and hum: "what authority? You're less of a ghost here. "

Lin Yang did not take care of it and said loudly, "please be quiet."

The scene of the boiling was silent at once.

Countless people's eyes are all focused on Linyang.

But listen to him a smile, said: "we Jiangcheng held a special meeting yesterday, I am in the name of Jiangcheng Medical Association, invited some special guests to participate in the meeting, exchange medicine."

Many people are in a fog.

Members of the Jiangcheng Medical Association, which were surrounded by several people, were all surprised.

"Did we have any meetings yesterday?"

"I didn't get the notice."

"Did you hear about it, director Zhou?"

Members of the Medical Association asked Zhou AI, who stood in front of him.

Zhou AI shook his head and smiled bitterly: "actually, Lin Shenyi has not been to the Medical Association for a long time."

There was a little more unrest on the scene.

At this time, a reporter loudly asked Lin Yang.

"Dr. Lin, who are the participants of this meeting? Is it the whole city or the whole province... Or... The whole country? "

The hearts of the people around him jumped.

National meetings?

That's not a general meeting.

If so, who dare to despise.

With the prestige of Doctor Lin, it is very possible to invite well-known experts from home.

The reporter asked very spiritually, and she was almost disguised asking what the authority who Lin Yang was attending the meeting.

Everyone is paying attention.

It also includes the rules in the car, juzhiqiang, Wang Laozi, etc.

"Father, if Dr. Lin called those big doctors to testify to him, it would not be very beneficial for us." Ren GUI said hoarse: "if the authoritative people in China such as KoGuan and zhoucanghai appear, we are afraid that the situation today will not be as Hao as expected."

"Rest assured, Lin Yang invited them, but only a cup of water and a car pay, not enough to turn over! Don't panic. " "Said the old man Wang, smiling.

There are still some worries on the face of the rules.

At this time, Lin Yang opened his mouth and answered the reporter's question.

"In fact, there are many famous doctors coming here."

"Domestic? That means the meeting is national in face? " The reporter was stunned and asked.

"No." Linyang shook his head: "it is facing the world!"

This word fell, the scene instantly quiet countless.

The hearts of the reporters around them seemed to have stopped.

But listen to Linyang side of the first light way: "OK, you, have to ask m State Medical Association vice president Jessie!!"


Many journalists were shocked.

Many people were also shocked and thought they had heard wrong.

Then he looked at the door of Yanghua, and walked out of a man in a white coat and glasses.

The lens was locked in him in a flash.

"My God, Mr. Jessie, vice president of the M Medical Association!"

"I'm not wrong with that?"

"Raymond, President of the Medical Association, is now beset with stains. The president is mostly unable to sit. Jesse is likely to sit in the position of president!"

"This is a real bull!"

The Internet blew up the pot.

"Doctor Lin, am I really OK?" Jessie said with a bitter smile.

"It's OK. You'll sit there first." Linyang road.

Jessie immediately sat in the pre-set position of the nearby Mahai.After that, Lin Yang once again called out: "then, let's invite Miss Anna, the branch of Chinese Medicine Association in country y and vice president of Medical Association of country Y!"

Anna, also wearing a white coat, came out with a smile on her face.

People's vision and brain again had an impact.

Miss Anna is here too!

This is also a celebrity!

"In addition, Mr. Josephine, President of the Medical Association of country Y!"

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes walked out.

"Mr. Mo Qing, Secretary General of the Chinese Medical Association!"

"Let's invite the living Bodhisattva Kou Guan of Tianxing province!"

"Let's invite you, master Yaowang of huaitian province!"

"Let's welcome Mr. ogut, a famous neurologist in D country."

"Let's welcome Miss Rita, a well-known neurologist in e country."


Lin Yang called out his names one by one, and then doctors and experts in white coats came out and sat on the seats that Ma Hai had preset in advance.

The eyes of all the people at the scene were fixed on these people.

Many people don't know these people.

But all the reporters on the scene were stupid.

They are all concerned about the news. Who can sit here, who is not familiar with international news? Which is not the celebrity Daniel of various countries?

Now... Dr. Lin has invited all of them here??

How spectacular!

So many famous doctors sitting together!

This is a historic moment!

In the car by the side of the road, there was silence on the dead side.

Ren GUI, Wang Laozi and others were all stunned.

As for the Internet, it's a complete explosion at this moment.

Blow through!

It's exploding!

Countless people sit in front of computers and scream.

Countless people sit in front of the computer in a daze.

Who would have thought that Dr. Lin had moved all these great Buddhas out in one breath...

"welcome to all of you." Lin Yang said with a smile and looked at the man: "Sir, do you have any questions?"

The man was stunned. Although he didn't pay much attention to medical affairs, there were several faces in it that he seemed to have seen on TV.

"You... What do you do with these people? And foreign devils? Well, what do these people stand for The man bit his teeth and the duck died.

"They represent almost half of the world's medical community! What do you say they represent? " Lin Yang looked at the man lightly.

The man was struck by lightning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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