Half of the world's medical community...

is this a joke?

No matter how stupid a man is, he should understand what it means.

The crowd at the scene took a breath!!

But no one refutes it!

Because of Dr. Lin's prestige... He can do it!

"Every one of them is a national treasure medical expert in their country! Now I invite them here! Just stare at me all the way here! If you think there's something wrong with my diagnosis? It doesn't matter. You can ask them for a new diagnosis. If you think I can't represent authority, every doctor here, I think they should be able to represent authority. " Lin Yang said with a light smile.

The masses are numb.

The reporters were all confused, their heads were buzzing and blank...

who could have thought that Dr. Lin had such a hand.

And... It's such an exaggeration!

"This gentleman, you say you have cerebral infarction. Can you let me have a look? I think I have a lot of research on cerebral infarction!" At this time, Jesse, vice president of the Medical Association of M, stood up and said.

The man's face rose to pig liver color, trembling all over, opened his mouth, did not know what to say, and then suddenly turned around, actually wanted to escape.

But behind Ma Hai's quick eyes and quick hands, he was stopped.

"What are you doing?" The man was in a hurry.

"Sir, since you are ill, why don't you go to see a doctor? But run away? " Ma Hai asked with a cold hum.

"I... I don't want to watch it, can't I? Do you still have to force me to come to your hospital? Get out of the way! Get out of the way The man yelled, but he wanted to leave by force.

But how can Mahai let him succeed? Stop it immediately.

"Help! Kidnapping! Kill! Everybody, look, Yanghua Mahai is going to kill people! " The man immediately tumbled and screamed.

But there was no one around.

At this moment, even a fool can see that this man has a problem...

suddenly, a voice rang.

"Dr. Ding Jiwei from Jiangcheng andrology hospital is here!"

The voice fell out, people looked one after another, but saw a doctor with glasses, pale face, was two people wearing suits came over.

Ren GUI in the car regained consciousness, and his face suddenly changed: "what's the matter with Ding Jiwei? Didn't he leave Jiangcheng these days? He... How could he be here? "

"Those two people... Seem to be gong Xiyun's people! General manager Ren, it seems that Ding Jiwei has been cut off by Gong Xiyun! " Mr. Wang glanced at Ding Jiwei and said hoarsely.

"How could Lin Dong still have such a hand?" Ju Zhiqiang trembled.

"It doesn't look as optimistic as we think." Ren GUI gnaws his teeth.

Mr. Wang's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Ding Jiwei was pushed to the front of the crowd.

"Hello, Dr. Ding." Lin Yang said hello to him with a smile.

"Lin... Doctor Lin, hello..." Ding Jiwei squeezed out a smile.

Lin Yang handed over the inspection report on the table and said, "is this report written to this gentleman by you?"

"Yes... Yes... Yes..." Ding Jiwei has some lack of confidence.

"So? It's said that the patient's internal carotid pulse is weakened, the anterior cerebral artery is occluded, the vertebral artery is occluded, and the basilar artery is occluded. Do you know what these mean, Dr. Ding Lin Yang asked with a smile.

"This... Doesn't that mean the patient has a cerebral infarction?" Ding Jiwei's morale is insufficient, the speech some flustered way.

"No, no, no, it's not just cerebral infarction." Lin Yang said with a smile: "in fact, if the cerebral infarction reaches this level, the patient has basically died."

Ding Jiwei was silly.

"Dr. Ding, can you tell me what the symptoms of posterior cerebral artery occlusion will appear?" Lin Yang asked again.

"This... This... May have dizziness, and then... Then..." Ding Jiwei hesitated, but he couldn't say why for a long time.

"The competition of posterior cerebral artery will result in sensory disturbance, hemiplegia, loss of reading and other consequences. If it is cortical branch occlusion, there will be hemianopia, visual hallucination, visual hallucination, etc. deep perforator occlusion also has symptoms of spontaneous pain, hand and foot movement, intentional tremor and so on. Do you not even know these basic things, medical students?" This side of Mo Qing face color dunning, said coldly.

"I... I..." Ding Jiwei opened his mouth and could not speak.

"Dr. Ding, it seems that you can't diagnose cerebral infarction at all. It seems that you are majoring in andrology? Why do you show this gentleman brain infarction? And make such an inspection report? " Lin Yang asked again.

Ding Jiwei almost cried out. Facing the torture of each soul, he could not stand it.

"I see, he is clearly with this guy, was instructed to come to frame Dr. Lin!" In the crowd, finally, some patients can not see, scold loudly."That is, he clearly does not have cerebral infarction, go to take a false report to frame Dr. Lin.!"

"You are such a hateful person

"You should go to hell!"

"You must not die easily!"

The crowd spat and scolded.

They were trembling, frightened, and completely stupid.

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