It turns out that Lin Yang doesn't have any two sets of prescriptions at all!

He has only one prescription.

What Lin Yang said about Yanghua's prescription was actually made up by him.

After all, before Lu Xue handed Yanghua's prescription to the Wangs, Lin Yang and Ma Hai had never noticed that she was a commercial spy, and could not have been aware of it.

At that time, it was too late to stop it.

No one would have thought that the Wangs would reach for this place.

It was not intended to be recognized.

It can be imagined that Lin Yang suddenly invited so many great Buddhas from all over the world to help him identify and prove for him that Ren GUI's heart was a burst of weakness.

He knew that Yanghua must have been ready.

To be able to invite so many doctors to Jiangcheng all of a sudden, Dr. Lin must have been preparing a few days in advance.

In addition, the city hospital that several severe patients suddenly cured and defected, also gave him a slap in the head.

He still remembers that several doctors in the hospital said that the patient's current situation could not last for tomorrow, and that it was impossible for him to save his life even if he came.

But... Dr. Lin made them alive.

Such medical skills, it is life and death, human flesh and bones!

The powerful medical skills displayed by Dr. Lin also made Ren GUI believe Lin Yang's words, believing that he really had two sets of prescriptions, and the one he got in his hands was a fake one.

If there is a problem with the prescription, he is bound to be defeated.

Together with the appearance of the appraisal report, he once thought that he was a complete collapse.

But did not think, all is false!

It's all set up by Dr. Lin to deceive him into saying the truth!

With the fall of Ren GUI's words, the crowd at the scene instantly lost control.

All the reporters rushed to Ren GUI in a crazy way. All kinds of long guns and short guns were shooting at Ren GUI.

"Mr. Ren, is it all your design? Did you plan the crackdown on Yanghua during this period? "

"Mr. Ren, are these critically ill patients also instructed by you? Have you considered their safety? "

"Mr. Ren, what is your purpose? Have you considered your legal liability for these acts? "

The reporters' questions were extremely tricky.

Many people are already scolding and spitting at Ren GUI.

On the Internet is a burst of boiling, Ren GUI's words are simplified into a few words: conspirator Ren GUI, and boarded the hot search first.

All netizens are spitting and cursing.

After all, because of Ren GUI's skill, many patients do not dare to use Yanghua's special medicine, and life is worse than death.

This is a joke about human life.

Ren GUI is surrounded by Tianheng's people.

But he did not move, only with his eyes, staring at Lin Yang coldly.

"Stupid! Stupid! Ren GUI, how stupid you are today Wang's anger is blowing his beard and staring at him. He never thought that Ren GUI would blow himself up like this.

"Mr. Ren! President Ren! The appraisal report is out! "

At this time, another voice sounded, and then a Tianheng employee rushed over with a report and handed it to Ren GUI.

Ren GUI takes a look, his whole body is shaking.

"Yes, I should have thought of this detail. If the appraisal report comes out, it should be handed to me first, not to you, Dr. Lin. I am so blind and stupid!" Ren GUI took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"General manager Ren, what about the identification results?"

"A few ingredients are missing, but... In general it works." Ren GUI was hoarse.

In other words, the prescription Lu Xue gave him was flawed, but it was true...

Lu Xue completed the task.

But he didn't believe Lu Xue...

"combined with what you said before, do you know what this means?" Lin Yang asked.

Ren GUI was silent and secretly looked at the king without saying anything.

Wang shuddered all over his body, and immediately understood the intention of Lin Yang's words. He was busy drinking: "ah Kang, come on, let's go back!"

"All right, Dad!"

Wang Kang nodded to take the old man away.

But just as they were about to move, a group of people behind them blocked their way.

It was Xu Tian and Gong Xiyun.

"Where are you going? The good play is not on yet! Don't go in a hurry. " Xu Tian said with a light smile.

"Well, there will be a big play later." Gong Xiyun also giggled.

Wang's face was gloomy, but he didn't say a word.

Suddenly, Lin Yang's clear voice spread.

"Ren GUI, you have also admitted that you have stolen the prescription of our Yanghua diabetes special medicine. I think it is impossible for you to get this prescription easily if you only rely on you. Therefore, you must have cooperated with our people in Yanghua to obtain this prescription easily, right?" Lin Yang road.Ren GUI remained silent.

"You are not in charge of that commercial spy. Mr. Ren, can you tell me who is in charge of her? And who are you handing over with and stealing my Yanghua information Lin Yang was aggressive and asked again.

No matter what the rules are, they are still silent.

But Lin Yang had expected this.

"Don't you? It doesn't matter, because I already know who it is! "

Lin Yang light road, and then toward the other side of the Mahai make a wink.

Ma Hai understood and immediately ordered a stretcher to be carried.

Seeing this, Ren GUI's mouth is wide open, and Wang's is even more astonished.

That's the old prince's stretcher!

The one who was abandoned by Lin Yang!

He saw Lin Yang holding the silver needle and walked over.

"It's over, it's over... It's all over!"

Wang sat down on the ground, shaking and shouting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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