Seeing Wang Zixiang being carried on the stage, everyone was stunned.

"Who is this man?"

"It's like Wang Zixiang!"

"Prince Xiang? Who is he? "

"What's the matter? You don't even know Prince Xiang? That's the young master of Wang's family! It's the seed of Wang's eldest son! You don't even know him? "

"This is a well-known dandy in Jiangcheng!"

"It's said that this man has done all the bad things! Why is he lying on a stretcher today

"I don't know! I think it's because I've done a lot of bad things and been punished by God? "

Many netizens on the Internet put up question marks in the live broadcasting room. Obviously, they don't know who this person is. However, many people in Jiangcheng will say something about this person, so as to popularize science for the public.

After learning that Wang Zixiang was just a second ancestor who bullied the good and feared the evil in Jiangcheng, all the people showed their anger.

"Damn it, it's a scum!"

"How did this kind of dog live up to now?"

"Is he paralyzed now? Good for paralysis

"If such things do too many evil things, they will never come to a good end!"

Angry netizens curse Prince Xiang one after another.

But Prince Xiang couldn't hear it.

But in Wang's eyes, Wang Zixiang's appearance means that everything is over.

The Wangs... Were sentenced to death!

However, Lin Yang took out the silver needle from the needle bag prepared by Ma Hai and began to display the silver needle for Wang Zixiang on the spot.

After a while, Wang Zixiang's neck was filled with silver needles. Then Ma Hai brought a bowl of hot soup, and Lin Yang took it to Wang Zixiang.

Gudong Gudong...

Wang Zixiang, who had been paralyzed, actually recovered the function of swallowing.

"Dad, what's going on? For he Zixiang, he... He... "Wang Kang was silly, pointing to Prince Xiang and shouting.

"It's over! It's all over At the moment, Mr. Wang seemed to be more than ten years old and said in a trembling voice: "I didn't expect that Dr. Lin would start with Zixiang! We're done! It's all over! "

"Dad, what is Dr. Lin going to do? Tell me quickly! I'll stop Dr. Lin! " Wang Kang was in a hurry.

"Stop?" Wang shuddered all over his body and cried out eagerly, "yes! Doctor Lin must be stopped! Come on! Hurry to stop Dr. Lin from rescuing Zixiang! Zixiang has been in a coma! He doesn't know our relationship with Yanghua at all. Dr. Lin needs only a few words to get Lu Xue's identity! We will not be able to restore the situation then! Stop Dr. Lin! Come on

Master Wang roared. Wang Kang didn't care about anything any more. The whole man rushed to the other side as if he were crazy.

All the Wangs behind him also took action.

But just as they were about to move, Xu Tian and Gong Xiyun had sent their men to subdue all the people of the Wang family.

They covered the mouths of the Wangs and did not allow them to move.

Wang and Wang Kang can only stare at the scene.

Dr. Lin has been prepared!

They have nothing to do!

It didn't take long.

Wang Zixiang gradually recovered his consciousness and opened his eyes gradually under a series of treatments by Lin Yang.

"I... what's the matter with me?" Wang Zixiang's consciousness was a little vague, and his voice was weak.

"Wang Zixiang, I ask you, did your Wang family send many people to Lin Dong to act as commercial spies?" Lin Yang opened his mouth directly.

"Yes, how do you know?" Wang Zixiang subconsciously said.

As soon as this word falls, the scene is in a state of uproar.

"Wow! That's true? "

"It turns out that the Wangs did it!"

"Aren't the Wangs from Yanghua? How could such a thing be done? "

"Don't you understand? Wang family betrayed Yanghua and colluded with Ren GUI! All the secrets of Yanghua have been sold to Ren GUI! "

"No wonder there is Yanghua's secret prescription in Rengui. It turns out that..."

"the people of the Wang family are too white eyed, aren't they?"

The crowd yelled, and all kinds of angry voices kept going.

Those reporters immediately locked in the people of Wang's family, all rushed to the king and asked questions crazily.

Gong Xiyun and Xu Tian also let their subordinates release Wang Laozi.

The Wangs were able to speak, but at this moment, no one said anything.

Because it's useless to say anything at the moment...

Mr. Wang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, with no expression on his face.

As for Wang Kang, he howled and crouched on the ground in pain.

"What's the matter? I... where am I? Where is it? Who was talking to me just now Wang Zixiang is still a little confused, neck hard toward both sides of the scan, confused asked."Take Mr. Wang to the hospital for good treatment." Lin Yang is on the side of humanity.

"Good Mr. Lin!"

Other people immediately carried the prince who was still in a fog to the hospital.

Lin Yang looked at the king over there.

"Lin Dong, you really have it Mr. Wang said without expression.

"I gave you the opportunity of Wang family, because you don't know how to cherish it." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Strictly speaking, I underestimated you. I didn't expect that your city is so deep. It shouldn't be owned by people of your age." Wang said hoarsely.

"It's too late to say that now." Lin Yang light road.

"Yes... Late, late... Wang family, buried in my hands... All... Lost..." the king almost whispered, the whole person has been on the verge of collapse.

Several patrolmen came quickly and surrounded Wang Kangzi and Wang Kang.

"Mr. Wang! We now suspect that you are related to a business case. Please follow us back to assist in the investigation! " One of the patrols sank.

Mr. Wang took a breath and raised his hands.

With a wave of the catcher, the crowd was taken away.

The fall of the Wang family indicates that the whole situation has collapsed.

Ren GUI raised his hand, trembling toward the pocket to find a cigarette, but he could not touch the cigarette. He raised his head and looked at Lin Yang above, but saw Lin Yang looking at him faintly.

"Is this man... Really invincible?" He murmured, as if to himself.

But no one could answer him.

Lin Yang opened his hands and said, "gentlemen, the truth has come to light, and I don't have to say any more! I will continue to arrange free clinic in the afternoon! After the free clinic, the rest of the cerebral infarction patients who failed to arrive at the scene can continue to take the medicine launched by our Yanghua to achieve the curative effect. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time! All right, everybody, go back to dinner. "

With that, Lin Yang turned back to Yanghua.

All the people at the scene were stunned, and then issued the sound of mountain and tsunami.

Everyone is shouting Lin Yang's name.

And with Lin Yang's departure, the whole event has also drawn a satisfactory end here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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