Ren GUI failed.

It was a mess. It was a complete failure.

He didn't even have a chance to turn over!

After the free clinic, Yanghua rose all the way in the stock market, while Tianheng group fell all the way, almost on the verge of collapse.

Associated with Tianheng international, nearly 100 companies of all sizes have been seriously affected.

These companies are now unable to protect themselves, let alone deal with Yanghua!

Even if it is Rengui itself, now it has been involved in many lawsuits and various commercial cases. How can it manage those companies?

The Wang family is even more miserable! After Wang Zixiang's amazing quotations, which confirmed that the Wangs used illegal means to sell Yanghua's interests, Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen also made efforts at the same time to expose all the Wangs.

At present, the Wang family is in danger, and no one can escape safely.

The commercial war was officially ended by the victory of Yanghua!

However, although the commercial war is over, the work of Mahai and Linyang is not over!

Taking advantage of the other party is now in trouble, Ma Hai immediately carried out a large-scale merger and suppression on Tianheng group and even hundreds of companies.

The Tianheng group, which is under any regulation, has shrunk by half in only three days.

Lin Yang followed up the victory and quickly launched the special drug for diabetes.

New drugs on the market, the response is excellent, has been a patient's praise, and there are many countries doctor's testimony, almost fell into the situation of mad robbery.

Even abroad, there are a large number of orders to buy new drugs.

Yanghua had to invest in several factories to produce new drugs.

Zhonghao's factory was listed as the key production object by Linyang, and the scale of the factory was invested by Linyang, which expanded more than three times.

Zhong Hao looked at the Zhonghao factory, which was gradually expanded, kneeling on the ground, with tears on his face and crying.

"Dad, I didn't live up to your expectations. I didn't...

Lin Yang sat in the office and looked at the computer screen silently.

Ma Hai pushed the door open and ran to Lin Yang excitedly.

"Mr. Lin, we have eaten more than half of the Tianheng group. All the companies on his side are also devoting themselves to us. From today on, Yanghua is the leading enterprise in China! There is no other force that can compete with us! Lin Dong, we succeeded! Yanghua is already a name that can't be ignored by Chinese people! We did it

The horse sea was flushed and the whole excited man was shaking.

"I see!"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and looked at the mobile phone. His eyes were full of profundity: "it's almost the same! That day is coming

"Mr. Lin, at present, there are 31 media that want to give you an exclusive interview!"

"There are also 47 celebrities in China who want to invite you to dinner. Here's their list!"

"At present, 198 well-known domestic enterprises want to discuss cooperation with us!"

"Lin Dong, there are these..."

MA Hai put one after another in front of Lin Yang.

It's piled up like a mountain.

Lin Yang glanced and sighed fiercely.

He had expected that.

Once you defeat Rengui Tianheng, Yanghua will become the leader of domestic business in an instant, and no one can stop it.

But... This is not what Lin Yang wants.

"I don't want to have dinner together. I'm not interested in these special interviews. As for the cooperation, you can take full responsibility to deal with which one is beneficial to Yanghua." Lin Yang light road.

"Good Mr. Lin!" Ma Hai nodded.

Lin Yang looked at the time, has arrived at five o'clock in the afternoon, thinking about the time to eat, at this time, the mobile phone rings.

Few people know his mobile phone number, and those who can call in are very close people.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was su Yan!

"Xiao Yan, what's the matter?" Lin Yang pressed to connect and asked.

"Where are you? Come out and eat Su Yan's words are quite relaxed, said with a smile.

"Where to eat?" Lin Yang inquired.

"Do you know the fireworks store? I'll wait for you there

"Well, I'll be there now!"

Lin Yang nodded and hung up the phone.

"Mr. Lin, do you want me to take you there?" Ma Hai asked.

"No, I'll drive myself."

"What kind of car do you need? Alto? Or what? "

"No, just Rambo. Anyway, I'm telling her that I'm Lin Dong, and she won't believe it, so let's do it at will."

Lin Yang said faintly, then put on his coat and walked out of the office.

Ma Hai looked at his back silently, thinking.

Soon, Lin Yang opened a vehicle Lamborghini poison, came to the fireworks star restaurant.On the way, many people gathered to guess which company it was.

When entering the restaurant, Su Yan and Luo Qian are sitting in the middle of the seat and chatting excitedly. Seeing Lin Yang coming, Luo Qian almost immediately stands up and rushes forward, holding Lin Yang's hand excitedly.

"Lin Yang! What you've done today is just perfect

Lin Yang gave a faint smile.

But Su Yan was stunned: "what did Lin Yang do?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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