They may not have guessed at all that Lin Yang would say.

Su Yan in the back also muddled circle, stupidly looking at Lin Yang.

The atmosphere in the room became very solemn and tense.

It took about three or four seconds.

"You son of a bitch!! How are you? You have the seed to say it again Zhang Qingyu almost opened his throat and let out a sharp cry.

"Do you want me to repeat it? OK, I say again, you don't want a dime of my money here! Do you understand? " Lin Yang is drinking again.

This time he didn't give in at all.


Zhang Qingyu screamed bitterly, and the whole man rushed to Linyang and started to scratch him.

Su Guang in the back quickly hugs Zhang Qingyu, but also stares at him angrily and says: "Xiaoyang! What are you talking about? She's your mother-in-law! How can you talk to her in that tone? "

"Mother in law? Since I joined the Su family, when did this person regard me as her son-in-law? Every day she humiliates me or exploits me. Such a person deserves to be my mother-in-law? " Lin Yang hums coldly.

"You... You... What do you say?" Zhang Qingyu's whole body trembled and his face turned red. The whole person couldn't stand, and his eyes were filled with angry flames.

"Xiaoyang! You... You're going too far Su Guang was also angry.

"White eyed wolf! White eyed wolf! If it hadn't been for our family, you rubbish would have starved to death! You eat our family, live in our family, now developed! You're going to kick your nose on your face? White eyed wolf! White eyed wolf Zhang Qingyu cried bitterly.

"Eat your food? Live in your house? Zhang Qingyu, over the past few years, although I have not gone out to work, but all the big and small things at home are not what I do? If you hire a servant, you may have to pay him in addition to food and shelter! And me? What did your family give me besides food and housing? " Lin Yang stares at her and says coldly.

"You..." Zhang Qingyu said, but still unwilling, shivering all over, eyes full of resentment.


At this time, Su Yan, who had been silent, couldn't help but drink.

"Daughter, look at your good husband! Look at him! He's developed now! Money! I started to turn my face away! This is a dog's heart! Keep your eyes wide open Zhang Qingyu took Linyang, and immediately ran to Su Yan's side and criticized him.

"Mother! In fact, Lin Yang is right. In recent years, you are too harsh on him, and you want to force him to divorce me all the time. Now Lin Yang will treat you like this. No wonder who? " Su Yan said in a deep voice.

Zhang Qingyu was stunned and then yelled: "Su Yan! What's the matter with you? Whose seed are you? How did you elbow out?? Or are you obsessed with this dog? Which side are you on? "

"Mom, although you do some things too much, but no matter what, you are my mother, I am on your side of course." Su Yan shook his head.

"That's good. I didn't raise you for nothing! Come on, the boy is very obedient to you. Tell me something about him Zhang Qingyu snorted down the road.

"What do I say about him? He's right, too

"Is he right? So... What are you going to do now? " Zhang Qingyu was stunned and asked.

"Mom, if you really think Lin Yang is unforgivable, then I will divorce him!" Su Yan said.

Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang were struck by lightning. Then Zhang Qingyu screamed and cried out in a sad voice: "we can't divorce! Never divorce! "

"Mom, why? Haven't you been looking forward to my divorce from Lin Yang? "

"That was before, and now I will not! I'll tell you su Yan, if you divorce Lin Yang, I'll jump from here immediately! " Zhang Qingyu was in a hurry. He rushed to the window and yelled.

Su Yan's face changed. She rushed to the window and grabbed Zhang Qingyu. She said, "Mom, I'm not leaving. Don't be impulsive. Come down quickly! Come down

"That's about it!" Zhang Qingyu hummed.

Now that Lin Yang is rich, how can she agree to Su Yan's divorce?

This time who drives Lin Yang to leave, she with who anxious!

Su Yan sighed.

Zhang Qingyu's mind, how can she not know?

At this time, Zhang Qingyu held out his hand to her and said, "Xiaoyan, your mother is going to buy a house in the suburb of Jiangcheng. You can take the money."

"Money? What money? Mom, I don't have any money. " Su Yan slightly a Zheng way.

"You don't have money. Your husband has money." Zhang Qingyu made his eyes.

She directly asked Linyang for money is no play, so far, she plans to ask Linyang for money through Su Yan.

"This... Mom, that's Linyang's money..." Su's face was embarrassed.

"Lin Yang's money is not your money? You are husband and wife! Did you divide the property? Don't think I don't know! You used to give Lin Yang money to buy clothes every new year or festival. Now that he is well-developed, what's wrong with giving you some money to be a wife? " Zhang Qingyu hummed."Mom, don't make it hard for me."

Zhang Qingyu listened, and immediately sat on the ground, wailing.

"My God, my life is so hard! It's useless to marry a husband. I don't care about my daughter! My life is so hard! What's the point of living! I'll go straight to the dead! Zhang Qingyu is full of tears and tears. He gets up directly and climbs to the window.

"Rain! Don't mess with me Su Guang grabs her.

"Mother! Don't be impulsive Su Yan is also anxious, holding Zhang Qingyu's arm.

"You let me go! I don't have you! Let me die. Forget it! Let me die! Wuwuwu... "Zhang Qingyu was struggling madly and was determined to die.

Su Yan had no choice but to get close to it and said in a low voice, "Mom, all right! I'll talk to Lin Yang. "

Zhang Qingyu immediately stopped struggling. He just wiped his tears and said, "Xiaoyan, if you want to have my mother in your heart, you have to consider it for your mother! It's not easy for mom to raise you so much! Now that you are successful, can't you let mom have a good life? "

"All right, I see!"

Su Yan had no choice but to turn around and walk towards Linyang.

Lin Yang paid attention to all this and did not say anything.

Su Yan looked at him and took his arm out of the door.

Lin Yang looked at her silently, as if waiting for her to speak.


Out of the door, Su Yan didn't say anything, even didn't open his mouth, just took out a bank card from his pocket.

About a minute later, she went directly into the room and put the bank card into Zhang Qingyu's hand.

"Take the money, mom! This is the 400000 yuan given by Lin Yang. You should pay the down payment first. "

As soon as this word falls, Lin Yang at the back is stunned.

It turns out that from the beginning to the end, Su Yan did not intend to pay the compensation in Linyang , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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