"What? Only 400000? Is it so stingy? "

Zhang Qingyu was upset. He looked at the bank card, and his face became heavy: "I heard that your husband's compensation is worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

"There are so many! Mom, don't you think about it! Besides, Lin Yang plans to start a business with this money! He has to save money now! Don't push him Su Yan smiles bitterly.

Zhang Qingyu thought about it and snorted, "well, daughter, I'll let him go for the time being! But I have to tell you, that's not enough! He must take at least 10 million to honor his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, only one tenth of him! Isn't it too much? "

"Mom..." Su Yan almost cried out.

"OK, OK, I won't quarrel with you this time, but you have to do ideological work for your husband. If you have money, don't you want your father-in-law? In this way, I'm afraid he'll throw away your wife one day! "

Zhang Qingyu snorted and dragged Su Guang out of the room.

As soon as they left, Su Yan finally sighed.

"You can ask me for money. If you ask, I will give you as much as you want." Lin Yang looked at her lightly.

"Lin Yang, you know my su Yan's character and money. I will make it myself. Your share of money belongs to you, and you don't owe me anything. I'm not qualified to ask you for money." Su Yan shook his head.

"But you are my wife, aren't you?" Lin Yang road.

"Wife?" Su Yan was slightly stunned and dropped her head. She said hoarsely, "but over the years, have I really done my duty to be a wife? I don't deserve to be your wife, except in name! "

Lin Yang was stunned.

He probably didn't expect Su Yan to say such a thing...

"well, Lin Yang, don't worry about it. Now that you have money, I hope you can use this money to make a career! Don't muddle through your life. In fact, you are a man of great ability. You don't have to be a son-in-law that everyone looks down on. "

"What do you think I should do?"

"You can start your own company, look at a promising market and make a good career. Or you can open a private hospital. Aren't you interested in medicine? There's no problem in this line of business. " Su Yan said with a smile.

"What if I put this 100 million yuan into Yueyan international?" Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

This fell, Su Yan such as lightning, muddled on the spot.

But Lin Yang picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, help me to use all the money that Ju Zhiqiang has compensated to inject capital into Yueyan international. Well, that's it."

Lin Yang simply explained a sentence, then hung up the phone.

Su Yan looked at him foolishly, spinning and crying out: "are you crazy?"

"I'm not a businessman. I'd better let you do it and give me a dividend at the end of the year."

"But..." Su Yan pursed her lips, and her heart was full of five flavors.

She felt angry and moved.

She also hopes that Lin Yang can make use of this money to get ahead, not to ask him to earn more money, as long as he can mix up with a model, that's OK.

But I never thought that this guy actually threw away his hand and put this one hundred million buckled on his own brain melon seeds.

Is he addicted to soft food?

"You can't regret it now." Su Yan took a deep breath.

"No, Xiao Yan. I'll depend on you in the future." Lin Yang light road.

"You... Just, in this case, you are the largest shareholder of Yueyan international. I will give you the dividend at the end of the year according to the big head." Su Yan sighed helplessly.


Lin Yang nodded.

Solve this matter, Su Yan then hurried back to the office, deal with Linyang this sudden cover over a huge amount of funds.

Lin Yang returned to Yanghua.

With the efforts of Kang Jiahao, Ji Wen and others, the Wang family has fallen apart. Most of the Wang family's criminal evidence has been collected by Kang Jiahao and submitted to the police.

This time the Wangs are completely finished.

As for Rengui, it's not easy. Tianheng has suffered a lot because of this incident. Ren GUI himself was involved in several commercial disputes, commercial fraud, slander and frame up, which caused a lot of bitterness. Tianheng's stock market collapsed in a mess.

Everyone knows that the sky is over.

With Tianheng besieging nearly 100 large and small enterprises in Yanghua, they are all suffering heavy losses at the moment.

Yanghua won a complete victory in the battle.

Mahai's vision is particularly unique, and immediately took advantage of the situation to acquire several potential subsidiaries of Tianheng, and devour the big cake of Tianheng.

Other corporate consortia are particularly envious and want to take a share.

But Tianheng is Yanghua's booty. At this juncture, no one dares to jump out and grab food with Yanghua.

Otherwise, it is to provoke Yanghua and regard Yang as the enemy.At present, Yanghua is at the height of the sun. Who dares to fight against Yanghua?

Ma Hai will deal with these things properly. Lin Yang only needs to have a look at them.

He sat in the office, leafing through the papers.

At this time, Gong Xiyun led a woman into the office.

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