Lin Yang raised his head slightly, glanced at it, and showed an appearance of sudden enlightenment.

"It's Lu Xue! I remember I promised you before, won't shut you too long! Now, you are free again. "

Lu Xue lowered her head and her eyes were full of tears.

She already knew about the defeat of the Wangs.

At the moment, she is trapped in endless pain and self blame.

She didn't want the Wangs to lose, nor did she want to see Yanghua lose.

Because the Wangs helped her, and Yanghua trusted her very much.

But she failed on both sides.

In the past few days, her heart was full of suffering, and even had the idea of suicide.

But now it seems too late.

Death can't solve any problem.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry." Lu Xue murmured.

"The Wangs are gone. Do you have any plans for the future?" Lin Yang asked.

"I will turn myself in. Even if Mr. Lin doesn't hand me over to the police, I will take responsibility for my actions." Lu Xue is hoarse.

Lin Yang was stunned. He looked at her and shook his head: "if you turn yourself in, it must be more than ten years! I'm not going to sue you right now. You're still young. There's no need to do this. Are you wasting your youth? "

"But... I failed."

"I can't blame you. You alone can't reverse the whole situation, because this is not a one-man war."

Lin Yang said faintly, picked up a stack of information on the table, went to Lu Xue's front, and handed it to her.

Lu Xue looks up slightly, takes over the information, looks at a few eyes, the breath suddenly sends tight.

"Lin Dong, these people are..."

"not everyone in the Wang family is heinous. There are also some upright people and even children. But after the collapse of the Wang family, they are now living in no fixed place and their future is gloomy. Lu Xue, I will hire you to work for my Yanghua, and you will manage the Wang family for me. How about you? At least, you can't let the Wangs die! In this way, you have paid off the favor of the Wangs! " Lin Yang said with a smile.

Lu Xue was so excited that tears in her eyes filled out again.

"Lin Dong, really?? Thank you so much. How can I repay your kindness? " Lu Xue cried.

"No, you're just a miserable girl!" Lin Yang comforted a few words, said: "well, you go out to prepare, later Ma Hai will arrange for you a new post! Wang's side, you also go to docking

"Yes, Mr. Lin, thank you!" Lu Xue made a big bow to Lin Yang and ran out excitedly.

Lin Yang watched her back in silence, waiting for her to go out, then turned back and sat back to her position.

"Mr. Lin, I don't quite understand. Why do you want to keep the Wang family? And let Lu Xue take charge of the Wang family? Don't you know that if you cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze will bring forth this truth again? " Gong Xiyun can't help it any more, and he comes forward to say what he said in his heart.

"Cut the roots? Gong Xiyun, I understand this truth better than you, but sometimes, even if we know that some people will have hidden dangers, we have to bear with it! " Lin Yang shook his head.

"Why?" Gong Xiyun is stunned.

"Because we Yanghua, is no longer the previous Yanghua, after defeating Ren GUI and Wang's family, we have reached a new height, and let some higher level people notice us! If I cut the root of the Wang family at this time, it will stimulate those people! "

"Excitement?" Gong Xiyun was confused: "Lin Dong, I still don't understand it!"

"I'll give you a brief explanation. If we use some simple ratings to summarize, before our Yanghua's strength was only A-level, then the S-level people would not pay attention to us, because we still can't get into their eyes. But now we have eliminated so many opponents and become S-level, then other S-level people must treat us as opponents and take us seriously ! But if we show the ruthlessness and cruelty of eradicating the roots now, they will only take the lead in attacking us! We are not stable at the moment, it is not suitable to meet their attack. Now that I have shown such a skill, they will only think that I am a woman's benevolent guy, short-sighted and not to worry about! I let the Wangs live, just to paralyze our more powerful opponents! As for the Wangs, they are monitored all the time, and it is impossible to set off much storm! " Lin Yang shook his head.

"I see."

Gong Xiyun's eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly.

But soon, she suddenly realized something and asked, "Dong Lin, who do you mean by this" S-level "opponent

Lin Yang said nothing.

At this time, knock on the door.

Gong Xiyun suddenly turned his head, but saw Ma Hai come in.

"Mr. Lin, the guests are here!" Ma Hai said seriously.

"Let him in!" Lin Yang road.


Ma Hai retreated."Here comes the" S-level "opponent Lin yangdan said.

Gong Xiyun is frightened and looks at the gate.

A moment later, two figures came in.

Gong Xiyun looked at it and found that one of the figures was juzhiqiang!

The middle-aged man next to him is the boss of Zhenghua group!

Ju Nan'an!

It turned out to be Zhenghua group??

Can't be?

Aren't they the same level as Tianheng at most?

When did Zhenghua become the existence of Lin Dong?

Gong Xiyun is in a mess. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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