Ju Nan'an finally decided to take a shot.

After all, what Lin Yang said is reasonable.

If we continue to fight, Zhenghua is bound to suffer heavy losses under the pressure of Linyang and its market value will shrink.

The people behind Ju Nan'an have noticed the trend of Ju Nan'an during this period.

Although Ju Nan'an did not personally intervene in Ren GUI's siege and suppression of Yanghua, Ju Zhiqiang's frequent contact with Ren GUI actually represents his intention.

The people behind Ju Nan'an did not stop Ju Nan'an from doing so.

After all, if junan'an succeeds, it will only bring benefits and no harm to Zhenghua.

But if you fail... It's hard to say.

Now the one behind is watching Ju Nan'an's action!

If Ju Nan'an can stop Lin Dong from suppressing Zhenghua, then Ju Nan'an can continue to sit on the Diaoyutai, and no one can shake his position.

If he can't resist the pressure of Yanghua... Then, it's a certainty that Ju Nan'an abdicates.

As for whether we can keep Zhenghua, Ju Nan'an is the best one.

Yanghua, which has eliminated the Wang family and annexed Tianheng, is one of the hundreds of large and small companies. Its strength has long been extraordinary. Coupled with its current prestige in the Chinese business community, to put it bluntly, Yanghua is already a super first-class consortium enterprise, and its Zhenghua is not enough to compete with it. Is it against the current Yanghua? Maybe Ju Nan'an can still hold on for a while, but when Yanghua digests all the resources he has absorbed and grows into a giant... Then he can no longer wrestle with him. Failure will only become the doomed outcome.

So, Ju Nan'an wants to fight!

For Zhenghua!

For all of you!

After the announcement that Zhenghua was incorporated into Yanghua, Ju Nan'an quickly moved the people who lived in the house into Jiangcheng overnight, and moved Zhenghua's headquarters from Shendu to Jiangcheng to work in a temporary office building provided by Linyang.

Although everything was very hasty and unexpected to everyone, Ju Nan'an didn't care so much. Even if a large number of shareholders opposed it, he decided to slap him in the face.

The Zhenghua incident is beyond everyone's imagination.

Ma Hai was also extremely surprised.

Of course, he is also complaining.

Ren GUI's side has not been settled yet, and a Ju Nan'an comes.

It seems that he has to live in the company every day these days.

Of course, Lin Yang will not be a shopkeeper at this juncture. If he can help, he will take the initiative to do it.

Early in the morning, Lin Yang is in the office processing documents.

At this moment, a phone call came in.

"Hello?" Lin Yang looked at it, but didn't look at the caller ID. his eyes were still fixed on the files on the desktop.

"Mr. Lin! You're very good. I didn't expect that junan'an was attracted by a few words. It seems that I underestimated you. " There was a distant voice over the phone.

Lin Yang was stunned, and his expression was frozen, but his words were also indifferent: "what do you call it?"

"I don't want to mention my name, Lin Dong. I'll give you a way to go. If you want to, you will still have to be rich and prosperous in the future."

"Road? It's interesting. I just gave someone a way to walk, and now someone is going to give me a way. Tell me about it. See if I can move. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Take your Yanghua and join me at once, OK?" The man said faintly.

"Turn to you?"

Lin Yang was stunned and laughed: "I've recruited your people. You'd better come to me directly! In this way, can I work for you? "

"If you like it, you can work for me all your life."

"Then I may not be interested." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"No interest? Is that a refusal? I think it may be a very stupid decision. I hope you can consider it carefully

"Anything else?" Lin Yang did not give a direct reply, but asked lightly.

"Doctor Lin, don't let yourself regret it."

The man read it and hung up.

Lin Yang holding the phone, quietly sitting in front of the desk, eyes rippling with cold and cruel.

"When did I ever regret it?"

He murmured, put the phone down, looked at the time, and planned to have lunch.

But just then another call came.

But this time it was on Lin Yang's mobile phone number.

Lin Yang glanced at the caller ID.

It's a strange number of Yanjing!

He frowned and pressed the connect button.

"Who?" Lin Yang asked in a low voice.

"Is it Lin Yang?"

There was a careless voice over the phone.

"You are..."

"I'm in the Xilan cafe in Jiangcheng. You can come here right away!" The voice on the other side of the phone seemed very impolite.Lin Yang heard the sound, did not take care of himself down the stairs, ready to find a place to make do with a meal.

Half an hour later, the call came back.

"Lin Yang! What do you mean? Didn't you come at once? " The voice on the other side of the phone was annoyed.

"Who are you?" Lin Yang frowned and asked coldly.

"Who am I? I'm from the Lin family! I'm your aunt! Lin Ziyan The voice on the other side of the phone was particularly rude.

"Lin family?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

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