Lin Yang did not expect that at this time the Lin family actually sent someone to Jiangcheng.

Previously, the Lin family also sent people to Jiangcheng and found Linyang.

But their purpose was not Lin Yang, but Lin Dong of Jiangcheng.

In the eyes of the doctor, the only thing they can do is to abandon them.

Lin Yang originally did not want to go, but hesitated, or decided to understand the Lin family's intention.

He drove to Xilan cafe.

There are several people sitting in the cafe at the moment.

Lin Ziyan was drinking coffee on a table in the corner.

Her manner is particularly noble and elegant. She is dressed up in luxury. Behind her, there are two men in suits and sunglasses. She knows that Lin Ziyan is not from other families.

Lin Yang walked over and sat down.

"May I have something to eat, sir?"

The waiter asked with a smile, holding the menu.

"He doesn't need anything. Go away and don't disturb our conversation." Lin Ziyan glanced at Linyang, put down the teacup, and said without expression.

The waiter was embarrassed and ready to leave, but Lin Yang stopped her.

"Don't listen to her. Let me see the menu."

"This... Yes, sir." The waiter smiles and puts the menu on the table.

Lin Ziyan saw this, and her eyebrows were filled with anger, but she still didn't attack.

When Linyang ordered the dishes, linziyan opened the cavity.

"Is that all right? Let's get down to business. "

"Don't worry. I'm hungry. I'll talk after I finish my meal." Lin Yang light road.

"Asshole! Lin Yang, what do you mean? Are you here to argue with me Lin Ziyan is angry, a pats the table, stares at Lin Yang way.

"It seems that we have lost our promise. In that case, I'll go first."

Lin Yang was not wordy, and he got up to go.

But two men in black next to him stopped him immediately.

"Lin Yang! Don't you see what you are? Abandoned son of a family! A wild seed! I can call you to meet, that is your honor, you don't get cheap also sell good! Sit down for me and answer some questions! Do you understand? Or I want you to look good. "

"You want me to look good? Well, you can do it. I also want to know how you are going to make me look good. " Lin Yang shakes his head.


Lin Ziyan was so angry that he immediately ordered his two thugs to beat Lin Yang down here.

But in the end, reason overcame her impulse.

It's not good for her to make a big fuss here!

What's more, he couldn't get rid of his hatred by beating him.

Lin Ziyan thought about his mission here. He took a deep breath and said coldly, "what do you want?"

"Have a good attitude, and then wait for me to finish my meal. When I'm finished, we'll talk about things. If we don't eat well, you'll wait here for me, understand?" Lin Yang said without expression.

Even the two thugs couldn't stand the arrogant words.

But Lin Ziyan resisted.

She slumped down in a chair, closed her eyes and breathed as hard as she could, trying to stabilize her mood.

And Lin Yang is in the order of the dishes after Qi, wolfing down.

"A bastard is a bastard! It's true that they didn't eat. The descendants of the Lin family can't have such things. They must have stolen them! " Lin Ziyan's mind was full of evil thoughts.

After about twenty minutes.

Lin Yang drank the coffee from the cup, wiped his mouth, and breathed: "OK, let's talk about something. What can I do for you?"

"The family found out last night that you won a big prize in an activity in Yanghua and won double flowers of hope. Although the dress was damaged, Ju Zhiqiang, who damaged the dress, paid you a huge amount of compensation, right?" Asked Lin Ziyan.

Lin Yang was stunned: "what's the matter?"

The amount of compensation is 100 million, which seems to be a lot, but for the Lin family, 100 million is nothing at all.

Can the Lin family still covet his one hundred million yuan?

How could it be?

"I heard that you took this one hundred million shares in your wife Su Yan's Yueyan international, right?" Lin Ziyan squinted, approached Lin Yang and asked with a smile.

"The Lin family's investigation is still full of thorough... Yes, I've invested 100 million yuan in Yueyan international, why? Is the Lin family still interested in such a mess? "

"Of course, Lin Yang, you may not know. In fact, as early as a few days ago, Yueyan international had reached a strategic consensus with Yanghua, and both sides deepened their cooperative relationship. Now you have become the largest shareholder of Yueyan international, which means that you are actually doing some business with Yanghua, do you understand?" Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

"But what does this have to do with the Lin family?" Lin Yang is still puzzled."Of course it does, and it matters a lot." Lin Ziyan gave a mysterious smile: "our Lin family has a big project recently, and we haven't been able to find a partner. So I want you to represent our Lin family and cooperate with Yanghua this time. How about it?"

As soon as this word falls, Lin Yang shows a trace of astonishment.

Lin family... Actually want to cooperate with Yanghua?

His brow moved.

At present, the relationship between the Lin family and Yanghua is actually very bad. The previous events have made the Lin family completely offend Yanghua. In principle, even if the two sides are not water and fire, they are certainly not good.

But why did the Lin family find the door again?

"What is it? Tell me. " Lin Yang light road.

"What's the use of telling you? You just need to help us connect the line. Don't ask about the rest! " Lin Ziyan cheered.

"I'm sorry. You can find someone else." Lin Yang shook his head and refused.

"You... Stop!"

Lin Ziyan cheered.

Seeing Lin Yang's determination, helpless, he could only gnash his teeth and say, "well, I'll tell you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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