Jiangcheng mountain is quite famous in China.

Because there is a famous temple on the mountain, named Yashan temple.

There is an endless stream of pilgrims who come to Yashan temple to burn incense every day. Especially on holidays, it is noisy and even causes traffic congestion and overcrowding.

Today is the weekend.

Su Yan didn't intend to come here. Since Yanghua solved the rule of Tian Heng, her company was busy, and a large amount of funds from Lin Yang settled in. Su Yan suddenly became less strapped, and some big orders were confident to take over. At present, the company mainly deals with the sudden increase of orders, and she can't leave for a while.

She believes that in less than a year, the company's profits will double.

At that time, she didn't have to worry about money.

Su Yan took a deep breath and looked at the road leading to Yashan temple, with a little ease and guilt on her small face.

"I didn't expect that by now, the one who helped me the most was Lin Yang!" She murmured to herself, her eyes dim.

Thinking of Lin Yang's grievances over the years, Su Yan felt more guilty.

However, she couldn't understand Lin Yang's ideas.

In her opinion, her husband is actually capable.

If he is willing to do it, it should be possible to create a world. It is really not good. He will not look down on him when he is looking for a stable job, and others will give him more respect.

But from the beginning to the end, he was a loafer and a quiet man.

As if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

This makes Su Yan feel that he is too mysterious.

Su Yan shook his head and walked into the temple.

After paying homage to the Buddha, Su Yan waited outside the temple.

Today, she said she had a big client to talk to.

Su Yan couldn't understand why she didn't come to the company to have a good talk, but offered to talk in such a place...

however, considering the company name and status of the other party, Su Yan had to prepare well.

"Su Dong, you drink water!"

At this time, the Secretary from the back of the car took out two bottles of prepared mineral water, handed to Su Yan.

"Thank you." Su Yan smiles and takes a sip of it.

At this time, several Benz cars drove up the mountain and stopped at the gate of the temple.

Several men and women in black suits and sunglasses got off the bus.

"Go and add some sesame oil."

A sunglasses woman said to the people next to her, and then went to Su Yan.

Su Yan was stunned and rushed forward.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Su." Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

"Are you miss Lin Ziyan? Hello, hello! Nice to meet you, Miss Lin Su Yan said with a smile.

"Well, Mr. Su, let's stop talking nonsense. Let's get to the point. This time I asked you to come here to sign a contract with you." Lin Ziyan raised her hand, and the people next to her immediately put a piece of information in her hand and handed it to Su Yan.

Su Yan was stunned and took over the information and read it.

After a moment, her look became unnatural.

"You want to cooperate with me on behalf of Yanglin group Su Yan looked at her strangely.

"Yes, we hope that Mr. Su can join hands with our company for the time being. Our Lin family's company is no smaller than Yanghua group. If you cooperate with us, we will give you enough remuneration! Enough to let your company grow up, Su Dong, this is a good opportunity for your company! Yes, your company can even enter the ranks of first-line companies Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

"But... Why don't you talk to Mr. Lin directly? Why look for me? Don't I belong to the middleman? You can save this reward for me. " Su Yan squeezed out a smile.

"What? Is Su Dong unwilling? " Lin Ziyan squinted.

"I just want to know why Miss Lin doesn't go directly to Mr. Lin. I have to find out why." Su Yan was apologetic.

In fact, she wanted to refuse.

The other party didn't go directly to Dong Lin, but came to find her. It was made clear that Dong Lin was not willing to cooperate directly with the other party, so the other party asked her to come forward and discuss the matter with Dong Lin.

Although Su Yan wants to expand the scale of the company, she certainly won't fight against Lin Dong because of this.

Sure enough.

After su Yan asked this question, Miss Nalin's attitude immediately changed subtly.

"Miss Lin, I can tell you frankly that there is a little gap between our company and Mr. Lin, and Mr. Lin also has some misunderstandings about us. So we go to Yanghua directly and most of them will be closed. But if you come forward, the chances of success are very high."

"Gap? I'm very sorry, Miss Lin. Dong Lin has helped me many times, and Yanghua has also helped me many times. If I go to discuss this matter with Mr. Lin on behalf of you, it is deceptive. Our company and Yanghua are also business partners. Cheating partners is not a good thing. So I'm sorry, Miss Lin. " Su said with a guilty face."So... Did Su Dong refuse me?" Lin Ziyan asked with a smile.

"Miss Lin, I think you'd better clear up the misunderstanding with Mr. Lin as soon as possible." Su Yan advised again.

"Clear up the misunderstanding? How can people like Lin Dong bow their heads? How can we bow down easily? I'm afraid it's very difficult for us to make up, Su Dong. You may not know that our family is the family of your husband Lin Yang. If you refuse us, I'm afraid your husband's future life will be difficult. " Lin Ziyan said with a cold smile.

"Lin Yang's family?"

Su Yan was surprised.

Although she met Lin Ziyan for the first time, she still vaguely heard about the family behind Lin Yang.

It's just that she's not sure.

What's more, she heard that Lin Yang had been abandoned by his family for a long time, and in fact, he was just an illegitimate child, and was not recognized by the Lin family at all.

"Miss Lin, I think it's better not to be impulsive. There are solutions to any problems!"

"I think you'd better think twice before you have time to repent."

"Miss Lin, I won't think about it. You don't have to say more. Maybe we can't make a good deal. That's all for today. Miss Lin, I'll go first."

Su Yan said, then turned to get on the bus and leave here.

But just as she was about to open the door, a foot beside her kicked it hard on the door and kicked the door back.

Su Yan suddenly turned back.

But see linziyan lead Lin family has surrounded.

"Miss Su, I may have to tell you again. I'm not talking to you! I, this is forcing you, do you understand

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