Su Yan breathes a shudder, autumn Mou stares big, stare at Lin Ziyan and his party in amazement.

"Miss Lin, what are you doing?"

"Su Dong, we have given you the opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it. No wonder we are. If you are willing to cooperate with us, then nothing will happen. We just want to make more money and make more profits. There is no other meaning. What's more, it is not harmful to Yanghua." Lin Ziyan shrugged and said with a smile.

Su Yan said nothing.

"Su Dong, let me ask you for the last time. Are you going to cooperate with us Lin Ziyan asked with a smile.

Su Yan bit her teeth and whispered, "Miss Lin, I advise you not to mess around, or... Otherwise I will call the police!"

"It seems that you will not die until you reach the Yellow River. In that case, well, don't blame me!" Lin Ziyan fingers move: "tie her to the car."

"Yes, miss!"

The Lin people around immediately stepped forward.

"Stop it!"

"What are you doing?"

Su Yan and the secretary were in a hurry.

"Come on, call the police! Help! Help

Su Yan immediately yelled.

But Lin Ziyan took the lead and directly reached out to block her mouth.

Su Yan struggled.

Lin Ziyan hits Su Yan's abdomen with an elbow.

Su Yan's pain immediately curled up, people could not stand, almost fell to the ground, also had no strength to shout.

Next to the small secretary with a mobile phone pale, shivering.

The second daughter did not expect that these people from big companies who came from Yanjing were so mean and violent.

Next to Lin family a few steps forward, a small secretary's cell phone to seize, mercilessly fell on the ground.

The little secretary shivered with fear.

"Get in the car!"

The people nearby drank and yelled.

The little secretary did not dare to resist and got on the car.

Su Yan was also pushed into the car by Lin Ziyan, watched by two Lin family members.

Lin Ziyan flipped on Su Yan's body, then took out Su Yan's mobile phone, found Lin Yang's telephone number in the contact person, and dialed it.

"Hello." Lin Yang on the other side of the phone called out.

"Lin Yang, in this case, do you think it is possible to cooperate with me?" Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

As soon as this word came out, Lin Yang's face suddenly became cold for several circles.

"Lin Ziyan? How could you have su Yan's cell phone? "

"What? Was it a surprise? Then you should know where Su Yan should be now, right? " Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

"Lin Ziyan, you have made a very serious mistake." Lin Yang took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

"Wrong? Hehe, what's the matter? Are you angry? Lin Yang, what do you think you are? You are just a rag and a waste that we can't even look up to! A maggot, when are you qualified to speak to me in that tone? I tell you, Lin Yang, you will die at any time if I want to. Do you know that? " Lin Ziyan snorted coldly.

"Lin Ziyan, you think highly of yourself." Lin Yang said without expression.

"But you don't seem to see yourself! You are just an abandoned son of the Lin family. Now you have the opportunity to return to the Lin family, but you still don't know what to do! Lin Yang, listen, Su Yan is just a warning. I advise you to cooperate with me immediately, otherwise, you will wait to collect her corpse! " Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and hoarse: "you wait, I'll be there soon."

Finish saying, hang up the phone.

Lin Ziyan was stunned and puzzled and murmured:

"will you be here soon? Does he know where we are? "

"Miss, are we really going to solve these two girls?"

The Yilin family glanced at the shivering woman in the car and couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, it's just bluffing the useless waste. This Su Yan is also useful. If the waste refuses to give in, we'll take this woman to find Lin Dong. I think Lin Dong is very interested in this woman, and he won't give up this woman for a project." Lin Ziyan said with a smile.

"Damn it, it's really bad luck! This useless waste is really a coward. His wife has been watched by others, and his big green hat is on his head. He even swallowed up as if nothing had happened. If such a person wants to enter our Lin family again, it will be a disgrace to him. "

"Do you really think he can get into the Lin family? You think too much, even if I agree, the Lin family that also can't agree! It's still unknown whether Lin Yang can live or not Lin Ziyan laughed.

Several Lin family members were stunned.

One of them asked cautiously, "Miss, what do you mean is..."

"if you know something, don't say it, or you'll have bad luck, and I'll follow it." Lin Ziyan said with a light smile.The crowd immediately closed their mouths, as if thinking of something, their faces full of fear...

not long ago.


a Bentley drove into the gate of Yashan temple.

Lin's people have been paying attention.

That license plate... It's Yanghua's license plate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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