The scene was particularly quiet.

All of them were staring at the pit in front of them, not daring to speak.

The dust in front of him gradually settled down, and the rubble also slowly calmed down.

In the pit, a figure is slowly standing up.

People are anxious to see.

It was a middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old.

The man has an inch head, dark skin, a beard on his face, and a robe from the Republic of China. He looks a little sloppy. On the whole, he doesn't look abnormal, but he doesn't die when he jumps from a helicopter that is dozens of meters high...

this is very strange.

People were in a state of panic.

The little secretary screamed directly.

Su Yan shivered.

At the moment, even Gong Xiyun, who has seen many big waves, can't help but feel numb and cold.

"Shoot! Shoot

Gong Xiyun roars.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

the guns in the people's hands immediately spewed out fire.

The bullet went at once.

But... No one's bullets touched the man.

His pace was constantly moving, people were like a gust of wind, to avoid these people's bullets.

So, until the bullets in these people's magazines were empty, they did not touch the man half an inch...

"ghost... Ghost... Is he a ghost?"

Someone cried out in horror.

Gong Xiyun is also panicked and looks at Lin Yang in a hurry.

"Uncle Heng! Ha ha ha, uncle Heng is here! Uncle Heng is here! You all have to die! You're all going to die here! Ha ha ha... "

Lin Ziyan on the bus was extremely happy and excited, and her face was full of crazy smile.

Lin Yang also slightly opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of the car in disbelief.

Uncle Heng!

Lin Zhiheng...

the one who watched him grow up from childhood!

It never occurred to him that the Lin family sent this man to Jiangcheng...

Linyang's heart beat violently.

"Lin Dong, this man... We're afraid we can't cope with it..." Gong Xiyun's voice trembled, and he said to Lin Yang.

"Tell them to step back, this man... I'll deal with it." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Do you need to inform forget worry island and Qilin gate?" Gong Xiyun was a little worried, so he asked immediately.

"No, they have their own tasks. The Qilin gate can't be called back in Yanjing. It's impossible for the island to arrive for a while. I'll come by myself."

Lin Yang opened the door and went out.

Lin Zhiheng over there looks at Linyang, his eyes are full of confusion, but he doesn't know what's wrong.

"Are you Doctor Lin?" The forest of constant opening.

Familiar voice.

But Lin Yang has not heard about it for years.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Because you're also surnamed Lin, let the Lin family go. I don't care about you." Lin Zhiheng road.

Lin Yang didn't speak. He just looked at the open space on the mountainside and said, "let's go there and solve it."

"Solve it?"

Lin Zhiheng was stunned: "what's the matter? You want to fight me? "

"Defeat me, Lin family. You can take it safe and sound!"

"Dr. Lin, I've heard of you. You're young and brilliant. Your medical skills are unparalleled. I appreciate your young talents, but I don't think you will be my opponent. I think you don't know me well. If you fight with me, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot!" Lin Zhiheng said faintly.

"Lin Zhiheng, the elite black dragon in the Tianlong Hall of the Lin family! In the early years, he was originally the trial division of the Lin family's criminal mirror department, but after hearing a case, he was deprived of his post and sent to the firewood room to work as a coolie for five years. However, later, because of his high martial arts attainments, he was re opened by the Lin family and incorporated into the Tianlong hall to fight for the Lin family. In these years, you have killed 37 Lin family enemies. None of these enemies are the most powerful ones, and you are also Because these achievements are so powerful that they are called black dragons Lin Yang said faintly.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Zhiheng was stunned.

His achievements are no secret. We can find out after a little investigation.

But where did Dr. Lin hear this?

This is not information that ordinary people can find out.

"How do you hear that?" Lin Zhiheng asked hoarsely.

"Is there anything else in the world that Dr. Lin doesn't know?" Lin Yang said faintly.

"Funny boy."

Lin Zhiheng nodded: "in this case, well, I will fight with you. If I win, you will give them to me! If I lose, I'll leave it to you! "

Lin Yang didn't speak. He jumped in the air and flew to the open space on the hillside like a swallow."Good lightness skill!"

Lin Zhiheng yelled and jumped up and fell on the open space.

Gong Xiyun, Su Yan and others hurriedly got out of the car to have a look.

Two people stand still.

Lin Zhiheng immediately put on a posture.

But he is one hand forward, the other hand attached.

"What? You don't have to do your best? " Lin Yang asked strangely.

"You are the younger generation after all, I have to let you Lin Zhiheng said.

"Then you may regret it!"

Lin Yang's eyes gradually cold, raised one hand, the other hand toward the arm to wipe.

Buzzing, buzzing...

a silver flash.

On his arm, there were silver needles...

Lin Zhiheng breathed.

Lin Yang, it seems that he is not going to keep his hand.

He's going to do his best!

"Are you ready, uncle Heng?" Lin Yang cold road.

"Uncle Heng?"

Lin Zhiheng was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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