Seeing Lin Zhiheng's expression, Lin Yang was not surprised and realized that he had given a habitual address.

However, he still kept calm in time, so that people can not see the difference.

"You are older than me. To call you uncle Heng is to respect you. After all, you let me go." Lin Yang light road.

"Is it? It seems that you are still pretty cute! But I have to tell you, even if you call me that, I won't keep my hand in a moment. You'd better use your full strength! " Lin Zhiheng hums and laughs. His eyes are full of war spirit.

"Then you can watch it!"

Lin Yang clenched his fist.

The silver needle on his arm suddenly trembled, and the needle bit by bit stabbed into his arm.

It was as if there was a magnet in the arm bone, and all the silver needles were sucked into it.

After a while, all the silver needles went into the arm and disappeared.

Lin Zhiheng's scalp is numb.

He never saw such a means.

Although I have heard that this young man Tianjiao is a terrible doctor, I still feel shocked when I see him today.


At this time, Lin Yang, walking towards Lin Zhiheng, suddenly steps a little, and the whole person suddenly disappears.

Not good!

Lin Zhiheng breathed and suddenly crossed his arms in front of him.

In the moment of crossing, an iron fist thundered on Lin Zhiheng's arm.


The explosion was heard everywhere.

The terrible waves of force were unleashed in all directions.

Lin Zhiheng only felt his arms tremble and numb, and the power of terror spread all over his body like a storm.

He retreated abruptly, his feet dragging long gullies on the ground.

After he had stabilized his body, he found that he had been pushed back by force for about ten meters. The skin and flesh of the arm that resisted Lin Yang's fist had been completely cracked.

What amazing power!

He has never met such amazing power!

Lin Zhiheng was frightened and looked forward.

Just see Lin Yang did not launch the next round of attack, but stood quietly looking at him.

"You are not my opponent. Go back!" Lin Yang exclaimed.

"Funny boy." The corner of Lin Zhiheng's mouth rose, and the fighting spirit in his eyes suddenly became strong several times: "I look down on you! You are very interesting. Ha ha, you can have a good fight today

"What? You don't listen to my advice? " Lin Yang frowned.

"Do you think I will go back to the Lin family if I don't take them back? What's more, with a strong opponent like you here, I won't fight a fierce battle today, and I won't be reconciled to go away! "

He rolled up his sleeves and started laughing again.

This time, he didn't have any more hands. He did his best and did his best.

Lin Yang looked at Lin Zhiheng's excited eyes and crooked mouth, sighed and said hoarsely, "OK, since you want to fight, I will fight with you!"

Come on, boy Lin Zhiheng drank a lot.

Lin Yang stepped forward and walked towards it.

He walked and ran.

After a few steps, his feet were a little bit more.


Once again the man disappeared!

This is the change after the speed has reached a certain level.

Lin Zhiheng immediately cocked up his ears, looked at the six roads, and searched for the location of Linyang.

There was a strong wind around.

The strong wind kept spinning around him. It was so terrible that all the sand and stones around him were blown up.

All of a sudden, Lin Zhiheng roars and blows his fist towards the strong wind on the side.

"Here you are!"

When the voice fell, his powerful fist hit a hard object.

The strong wind stopped all around.

A look, Lin Zhiheng's fist just hit Lin Yang's fist.

Lin Yang stopped and stared at him coldly.

"Good boy, look at my twelve fists Lin Zhiheng roared and waved his fists. His fists were like Gatling's, and he hit hundreds of fists at him in an instant.

But Lin Yang was unafraid and did not hide or dodge. He only accepted the moves with both palms.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa...

his palms always contain Lin Zhiheng's fist.

No matter how fierce the fist is, how violent the fist front is, it will be dissolved and dissipated at the moment when it hits his palm.

With a thousand fists, Lin Zhiheng did not hurt Lin Yang Fen Fen Fen.

He could not help panting, but also knew that his attack had no effect, so he raised his legs and attacked the footwall of Linyang.

But just as his leg was lifted up, Lin Yang stepped on it again, and then his knee bent down and stuck Lin Zhiheng's knee.

Lin Zhiheng breathed for a moment, and then he made efforts.But in front of the strength, he seems to be no match for Lin Yang.

All attacks are resolved and blocked!

It's such a stranglehold.

Under the head of Lin Sanyang, Lin's heart is shaking.

Lin Yang didn't stop him, but retreated in accordance with the situation, avoiding this record of head vertebra, and opened a distance with Lin Zhiheng.

Both sides seem to be no match, but Lin Zhiheng knows that he is completely being played by the other side.

"Boy, why don't you fight back? Do you look down on me Lin Zhiheng is a little angry and stares at Lin Yang and shouts.

"I said, you are not my opponent." Lin Yang shook his head.

"So you don't fight back? Are you afraid of killing me? I tell you boy, if you don't fight back, that's the biggest insult to me! In this way, even if I die, I must kill you. There will never be a victory or defeat between us! Do you understand? " Lin Zhiheng was angry and drank.

"Fight back?"

Lin Yang was silent for a while and suddenly stepped back.

Lin Zhiheng has no idea what Lin Yang is going to do.

But Lin Yang raised his fist and raised it to the sky.



He let out a sudden howl and hit the ground with his fist.


A wave of terror broke out from the fist.

All the sand and gravel around were blown away, the vegetation around was broken by earthquake, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the cracks were immediately diffused.

The whole cliff mountain suddenly vibrated.

The people who were still watching on the road in the distance were all unstable, and they were turned upside down by the sudden vibration.

The burst of terror, as if to break the eardrum.

Lin Zhiheng is also shaking.

When he stood firm, he raised his eyes and saw that the dust was flying and hazy in Linyang.

When the dust fell, Lin Yang's figure reappeared in his sight.

However, the ground under his feet was collapsed by the hammer, which was several meters deep. A terrible crack directly spread from here to the bottom of the cliff mountain...

"one punch... Crack mountain?"

Lin Zhiheng whispered.

"Uncle Heng, do you really want me to fight back?" Lin Yang looked at him and asked faintly.

This word falls, Lin Zhiheng murmured lower lip, completely did not have the voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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