Rumors are always true and false, which is hard to distinguish.

The same is true of Dr. Lin.

At first, many people were surprised, admired and worshipped when they heard the story of doctor Lin.

But when listening to more, I think it's too fake.

Can a person be so excellent?

In fact, Lin Zhiheng also questioned this.

A young man in his twenties.

No matter which one of these factors, no matter which one is, can not appear in a young person.

But the truth is... They did focus on this young man.

He suspected it before.

Now... What you see with your own eyes, do you need to doubt?

Lin Zhiheng stares at Lin Yang, and his mood is extremely complicated.

Imagine, if this blow is hit on him, he still has a head?

I'm afraid that the body has already been as fragmented as the smashed watermelon, right?

Lin Zhiheng realized that Lin Yang had been keeping his hands and releasing water. Even if it was the first blow, he didn't use one tenth of all his strength!

He's right!

He is not his opponent at all!

The strength of this young man... Is beyond his control.

All the people on the road opened their eyes and looked at Lin Yang foolishly.

"Is this Doctor Lin?" Su Yan's face full of complexity, silently looking at the figure of Wei An.

Which woman doesn't like strong men?

And Dr. Lin's strength has conquered all the people present.

Even Lin Ziyan was shivering and did not dare to shout again.

Even if Uncle Heng appears, she should also see clearly... A uncle Heng, I'm afraid he can't deal with Dr. Lin!

"So it is, I understand..." Lin Zhiheng took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Go back."

Lin Yang patted the dust on his body and said calmly.

Lin Zhiheng was silent for a while and laughed at himself: "I'm afraid it's impossible to go back..."

"You don't have a chance to win, and you're wasting time?" Lin Yang frowned.

"The mission of the Lin family is to bring back linziyan! So I have to do it! Even if I'm not your opponent, I have to fight with you. At least that means I tried my best. I didn't flinch, I didn't run away without fighting! What's more, Lin Zhiheng is not a person who likes to run away without fighting! "

Lin Zhiheng smiles and puts on a new posture.

Lin Yang heard, eyes suddenly cold: "Lin Zhiheng, I have given you two opportunities, no more than three, you don't think I really dare not kill you!"

"Do it, Doctor Lin! Although I know I'm not your opponent, it's an honor for me to die under you! " Lin Zhiheng laughed.

"Well, then don't blame me!"

Lin Yang is also angry, a low drink, suddenly rushed to the past.

This time, he mentioned the speed limit, and his strength was no longer reserved. They were hundreds of meters apart, but they were close to each other in an instant.

Lin Zhiheng's pupil rose, and he quickly raised his fist and danced wildly.

"Sirius fist!"

"Dark star fist!"

"Viper step!"

Lin Zhiheng used three moves in succession.

But it didn't work.

Under the speed of Lin Yang's terror, he can't even touch the corner of Lin Yang's clothes.


Lin Zhiheng roared, and suddenly his arms opened to the strong wind in front of him.

He tried to find out the fast-moving Lin Yang first.

But as soon as he opened it, a fist hit him in the arm.

Lin Zhiheng was anxious to seize the fist.

But he was a little slow.


A clear sound came out.

One of Lin Zhiheng's arms was blown off directly, and his whole body was smashed out and tumbled on the ground for several laps before stopping.

"Uncle Heng!"

Lin Ziyan screamed out in terror.

The Lin family is desperate.

Lin Yang stopped, staring at Lin Zhiheng coldly: "stop, get out now!"

Lin Zhiheng covered his broken arm. He was sweating with pain, but his smile didn't stop. He stood up slowly and said with a smile, "doctor Lin... I said, I won't retreat!"

Finish saying, unexpectedly is to take a step, toward Lin Yang to rush.

Lin Yang hums coldly. He jumps again and takes the initiative to stick it up. The fist hits Lin Zhiheng's other arm.


The sound of broken bones rings again."Ah!!!" Lin Zhiheng made a miserable cry.

Lin Yang backhanded, and was in his chest.


Lin Zhiheng spits blood, and falls more than ten meters, and falls on the ground. At this moment, it is difficult to get up.

He was injured seriously by several broken ribs by Linyang earthquake.

Even if he thinks about it, it will be very difficult.

"This time, is it time to end?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and turned to leave.

But at this time... A hoarse voice sounded.

"Doctor Lin, it hasn't been..." br >

Lin Yang is stunned and suddenly twists his head, but sees Lin Zhiheng on the ground... Struggles again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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