Lin Zhiheng was lying on the ground, gasping, his mouth was covered with blood, and his body was covered with bruises and bruises.

His arms were broken, and it was very difficult for him to get up even if he wanted to get up. In addition, his ribs were broken, so he could not sit up at all, and his upper body was almost useless.

But... He didn't give up. He was still trying to stand up.

Su Yanqiu's eyes widened.

Lin Ziyan and other Lin family members here were all shocked.

"What does he want to do?" Gong Xiyun murmured.

But the people next to him couldn't answer.

Lin Zhiheng's breath was extremely short, and sweat was constantly spilling over his pale face.

He seemed to be exerting force, and his face was tense.


He growled and his body on the ground shook.

But there was no movement.

"Give up." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Lin Zhiheng ignored, and then roared.


Lin Yang clenched his fist to death, and the pupil bead also slowly became blood red.



The sound of the man lying on the ground is lying on the ground.

Because of turning the body and involved the wound, the intense pain again let his whole body crazy tremble.

However, Lin Zhiheng did not give up.

His hands are broken, his ribs are broken, but his feet are OK.

With his head on the ground and his knees on the ground, he stood up a little bit.

All of us are dumbfounded.

Lin Yang's pupil also widened a circle.

What kind of willpower is needed to achieve this!

Everyone can not help admiring Lin Zhiheng's perseverance.

However, Lin Yang's heart has emerged endless hatred and hatred!

The more so, the more he hated!

"Doctor Lin! Come... Fight Lin Zhiheng was panting and laughing.

But the next second, Lin Yang has appeared in front of him. Without waiting for him to react, he has already grasped his neck with one hand and lifted it up with one hand.

Lin Zhiheng's expression immediately twisted, and the whole person trembled wildly. He wanted to struggle, but it was extremely difficult.

"For a Lin family! Is it worth it? " Lin Yang's eyes were red, and he roared in a low voice.

"I... my name is Lin! What's worth it or not? "Lin Zhiheng cried hard.

"So, are you sure you want to be against me?" Lin Yang roared, and the other fist was shaking violently.

As long as he raised his fist and smashed it on Lin Zhiheng's head, Lin Zhiheng's head would instantly become a smashed watermelon and split into pieces on the spot.

At that time, there was no doubt that Lin Zhiheng would die and no one could save him.

Lin Yang is very painful!

He didn't want to kill this man!

But thinking that this man is fighting for the Lin family, his heart will emerge endless resentment and anger.

Is a family like that worth fighting for?

It's not worth it!

Lin Yang's eyes are full of hatred!

He believed that he could not help it!

He didn't give Lin Zhiheng a chance! But Lin Zhiheng chose to give up.

Lin Yang's whole body is shaking gently, and his fist is shaking the most.

Obviously, she is full of killing intention, but she can't do it all the time.

Lin Zhiheng is also confused. He doesn't understand why Dr. Lin is so entangled.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yang's blood red eyes.

All of a sudden, as if he had an illusion, he called out his subconscious weakness.


This word falls, Lin Yang pupil suddenly trembles, kill the meaning to relax.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Yang quickly stabilized his mind and said coldly.

"No... nothing. I got the wrong person... You look like my nephew Lin Yang... I may have hallucinations." Lin Zhiheng said hoarsely.

"Lin Yang? The trash? "

"Waste? Yes... If he can be a waste all his life, it will be a lucky thing for him. At least, it is a good thing... "Lin Zhiheng has a bitter smile on his face.

Lin Yang saw that his fists were not relaxed.

He was silent for a while. Suddenly, he let go of his hand and threw Lin Zhiheng to the ground.


Lin Zhiheng rolled on the ground for several times, lying still and unable to get up again.

The intense pain was about to make him faint.

People on the side of the road breathed.

Lin Yang went to Lin Zhiheng's side, lowered his voice and said, "I want to ask you, do you really think the Lin family is worth your protection?"

"Why do you... Keep asking me this question?" Lin Zhiheng was weak."I just want to know that you are guarding the Lin family. Then, how do you account for those killed by the Lin family?" Lin Yang stares at Lin Zhiheng and asks.

Lin Zhiheng was stunned and looked at Lin Yang in dismay: "you...

" leave the Lin family, then you can still save your life! "

Lin Yang said hoarse, will be next to a flower in full bloom, in front of Lin Zhiheng, will be a petal off, put on his body, at the same time the palm of the flowers suddenly grasp.


The rest of the flowers were crushed into powder by the surging power of Linyang.

He released his hands, turned into dust flowers, along his fingers scattered in the wind.

Lin Zhiheng instantly understood the meaning of Lin Yang, looking at the only piece of complete petals on his body, the whole person's face was extremely pale, and his pupils were full of horror.

"Who are you? Who the hell are you? " Lin Zhiheng shouts eagerly.

But Lin Yang didn't answer. He stood up and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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