Lin Zilin and his family did not expect to be defeated.

How did they ever think that the black dragon of Tianlong hall could not fight back in the face of Dr. Lin!

That's too much!

"The scum in the information department gave us the wrong information! They did not investigate the real strength of Dr. Lin at all! They're a bunch of shit

Lin Ziyan, who was in a sluggish state, gradually regained consciousness, but the whole person was shivering, pale, crazy and howling.

The extreme fright and fear had already made her a little crazy.

Especially when they saw Lin Yang coming, they were so scared that they couldn't stand up straight. Their legs were soft and they almost fell to the ground.

They looked at Lin Yang in horror.

That look, as if to see the God of death...

"take them to the car, go to the river immediately, and then sink into the river." Gong Xiyun waved his hand and immediately called out.


The thugs brought by Gong Xiyun crammed these Lin people into the car one after another.

"No! No

"Let me go! I don't want to die! "

"Doctor Lin, please spare us!"

"Doctor Lin, no!"

The sad cry resounded through the sky.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly waved his hand: "all stop!"

People stopped at once.

"What's wrong, Lin Dong?" Gong Xiyun asked in confusion.

At the moment, her face is full of worship, looking at Lin Yang's eyes are particularly eager.

I'm afraid no woman can resist people like Lin Yang.

He has the appearance of a God and the force of a God. Such a man is a God himself.

Gong Xiyun was suddenly very glad that he was working for Dr. Lin.

And willingly.

"Don't kill them! I changed my mind. " Lin Yang road.


" disable their martial arts and break their limbs. " Lin Yang said faintly: "then connect with the Lin Zhiheng over there, and return to the Lin family in Yanjing together!"

Gong Xiyun breathed a tight, vaguely understood Lin Yang's meaning, and immediately nodded: "Lin Dong, I'll arrange for it right away!"

Lin Ziyan in the car can't know whether to be lucky or afraid. The whole person can only shudder crazily.

Lin Yang turned and looked at Lin Zhiheng, who was still lying on the ground and couldn't move. He said, "Uncle Heng! Since you want to take these people away! I will help you

The voice swings away, Lin Zhiheng does not say a word, just stare at the figure.

He couldn't hold on.

The intense pain and excessive exhaustion of strength made his brain faint, and finally his eyes became dark and passed out.

When Lin Zhiheng woke up again, he didn't know how long it had been.

He found himself lying in a white ward.

She had a lot of silver needles and a few tubes.

His arms were cast in plaster, and his body was wrapped into zongzi.

Where is this?

Lin Zhiheng was confused.

When he saw the antique wall clock hanging on the wall, he immediately responded.

This is ward 12 of the Lin family!

He was injured before. He had been recuperating here for some time!

He's in the Lin family!

"Are you awake?"

The door was pushed open and a group of people came in.

At the head was a man with a goatee beard and sideburns white, who looked about fifty years old and looked serious.

Behind them are also a group of 40-50-year-old people. Judging from their clothes, we can see that their status in the Lin family is not low.


Lin Zhiheng was stunned.

The man who came in was Lin Zhonghai, the leader of Tianlong hall!

"Two days ago, you were sent to the Lin family. Our Lin family doctor immediately treated you. Your arms were broken, your ribs were broken, and you were seriously injured. According to his inference, you will wake up at this point!" Lin Zhonghai walked to the bedside without expression, staring at Lin Zhiheng coldly: "you can tell us, what happened?"

"What happened?"

Lin Zhiheng was still a little confused. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He was busy asking, "how did I get back?"

"Well, you don't even know that?" Next to a Lin family angry: "you are sent back by Yanghua people

"What?" Lin Zhiheng was stunned.

"Besides you, there are Lin Ziyan and them

"Lin Ziyan? Are they all right? " Lin Zhiheng asked.

"Don't worry, Lin Ziyan is not dead, but... Their condition is much worse than you. Lin Ziyan's martial arts skills are completely disabled, all limbs are broken, and muscles and veins are damaged. Even if they can heal in the future, they can't practice martial arts! I can only be a waste man in my life Lin Zhong Hai Shen Dao.Lin Zhiheng opened his mouth and lost his voice.

"This time, our Lin family's face is completely lost!" The Lin family nearby hummed.

Lin Zhiheng took a deep breath and did not speak.

"Who did you hurt?" Asked Lin Zhonghai.

"Dr. Lin."

"Is it... His strength is so strong that you are no match?" Lin Zhong Hai Ning Sheng Dao.

"Master, the strength of Dr. Lin is really unfathomable! I think... We should turn the enemy into friends as soon as possible, and we can't fight with him any more. The meeting will start soon. If we really tear our face with him, it will not be good for the Lin family! " Lin Zhiheng is busy.

"Asshole!! Lin Zhiheng, are you increasing others' ambition and destroying your own prestige? " Yilin's family was furious and scolded directly.

"I'm just for the Lin family!"

"For the Lin family? I think you are clearly arguing for your failure! Lin Zhiheng! You are an incompetent person. The failure of this mission has made the Lin family lose face. You still have the face to talk nonsense here! How big is he, how strong can he be? I can see clearly that you have no ability, so you exaggerate and boast about Dr. Lin here! " The Lin family hummed.

"Yes! Lin Zhiheng! You're too useless

"Can't even deal with a half size baby?"

"Well, what a disappointment!"

"You don't deserve to be our Lin family!"

People began to criticize.

Lin Zhiheng looked ugly, but did not explain.

"Well, say less!"

At this time, the sea in the forest made a sound.

"Master!" Lin Zhiheng looked at him.

"Zhiheng, how do you heal yourself? After that, you will be punished by yourself!" Lam Chung Hoi Tam Road.

In addition, the leader of the sun hall, Lin Heng, could not report the incident to me! Since he has done such a thing, we must fight back again! Otherwise, the meeting will be held, and the Lin family will not be at peace! The Lin family... Has no face to stand on... "

" master, what do you mean... "

" maybe we have to fight Yanghua formally! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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