Back to the company, Lin Yang called Su Yan.

Shocked, Su Yan went back home and went to sleep with his head covered, which made him much better.

At present, she has a new level of understanding of Dr. Lin.

Flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, one blow cracked the mountain.

Is this a God?

Su Yan shook his small head, feeling a little confused.

After thanking Lin Dong, Su Yan continued to sleep with his head covered and didn't want to take care of anything.

As for Lin Yang, he began to deal with the company.

After reading several documents, he suddenly thought of something and called Mahai.

"The Lin family came here to cooperate with Yanghua to photograph a purple mine in the northwest. What do you think of this matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"Mr. Lin, are you also interested in this purple mine?" Ma Hai was stunned and asked.

"But I'm interested in anything that can strengthen our strength in Yanghua."

"Lin Dong, in fact, the auction of Zikuang is a sure win for any consortium. But the value of this purple mine is too high. If you want to win it, you have to have an amazing amount of money to bid for it. Even if you do, you need an astronomical investment in the early stage. At present, all of our focus in Yanghua are inclined to purchase the hundreds of companies At present, the drug has received good feedback, and foreign countries have also received a large number of orders. We are urgently building a factory to manufacture specific drugs. We really don't have much money to bid for this purple mine! " Ma Hai said helplessly.

Lin Yang touched his chin and asked, "if we get the purple mine, how much improvement can we have?"

Ma Hai was silent for a while. Suddenly he went to his desk, picked up the three books beside him and piled them together.

"This is our current strength height of Yanghua!"

With that, he added another book and put it on it.

"This is the strength height of purple mine mountain!"

Simple and clear.

It's shocking!

"When will the auction begin?" Lin Yang asked.

"At 2:00 this afternoon, in the Qingdu international exhibition hall!"

"Arrange a plane. Go."

"Mr. Lin, we... We're afraid we don't have so much money!" Ma Hai asked.

Although the company still has 10 billion yuan of capital, if the money is used, once the capital chain breaks down, it will have a fatal impact on the operation of the whole company...

"don't worry, I have other things!" Lin Yang said faintly.

"Something else?"

Ma Hai was stunned, suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly showed a color of joy.

"You can help me contact the auctioneer immediately. I have a few things to hand over to them for auction. The proceeds from the auction should be able to support us to fight for the purple mine!"

"Good, good! Mr. Lin, wait a moment. I'll contact you right away! "

Ma Hai was very excited and ran down immediately.

A moment later, Mahai turned back.

"Mr. Lin, we have received the news over there. They are going to hold a welcome ceremony to welcome you!"

"Tell them not to. I want to keep a low profile."

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

After having lunch in the company and having a little rest, Lin Yang, accompanied by Xu Tian, rushed to Jiangcheng airport.

Board the private plane and fly directly to Qingdu airport.

On the plane, Xu Tian stops talking.

"No, what's the matter?" Lin Yang drank red wine and looked at the newspaper with his legs up.

"Mr. Lin, are you really interested in the purple mine?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang put down his newspaper and looked at him strangely.

"Well, I have received news that there may be some unique treasure in the purple mine, so many consortia want to take the purple mine, even...

" or even what? "

"There are even some hidden families!"

"The hermit family? Is it that the Nangong family has also intervened? " Lin Yang frowned.

If so, it would be difficult.

"I don't know about this, but I think the purple mine is not so easy to take!"

"If you can't get it, then forget it. This time it's only a trial to see if you can get it. If you can't get it, you'll have to delay the whole afternoon and it won't hurt you!" Lin Yang light road.

"That's good!" Xu Tian was relieved.

"What? You seem worried? " Lin Yang looked at him strangely.

"Lin Dong, you don't know. It's said that several families are sure to win the purple mine! I'm not worried that we Yanghua will get into these troubles for no reason. " Xu Tian said with a smile.

"Well... Don't worry, I'll do what I can! Yanghua has had a lot of troubles recently. I will be cautious. " Lin Yang nodded.Xu Tian smiles and doesn't speak.

Soon, the plane landed at Qingdu airport.

Once out of the airport, an extended Lincoln was parked outside the airport.

"Hello, Mr. Lin! I'm Xiaojia of Qingdu Longteng auction! I'm here to meet you at the order of the president. Please get on the bus, Mr. Lin! " A woman in a professional ol dress stepped forward and said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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