In order not to cause trouble, Lin Yang used the plane under the face of Doctor Lin, but with a hat, so he was not recognized.

I didn't think that the people at Longteng auction had good eyesight and recognized Lin Yang at one glance!

"Didn't I say you don't have to pick up the plane?" Lin Yang glanced at the little Jia and said faintly.

"This is what our president asked. The president said that it is rare for Mr. Lin to come to Qingdu. We should do our best to be the host of the city! You can't neglect your guests. " Xiao Jia said with a smile.

"Thank you very much for me

"Mr. Lin, please get on the bus. We have arranged a rest presidential suite for you! You can go to have a rest first. After that, we will inform you to go to the auction site. " Xiao Jia said with a smile.

"No need."

Lin Yang looked at the time and said, "didn't you say that the auction started at 2:00 p.m? It will start in 20 minutes. You can take me directly to the auction site! "

"Well, since Mr. Lin asked for it."

People get on the car and go directly to the scene of Longteng auction.

Longteng is the first-line auction company in China.

The things that can be auctioned at this auction are either priceless or extremely rare and cannot be valued!

It's impossible for ordinary things to make it to this venue.

Because of this, all the people who came to participate in the auction are the big men from all walks of life in China, or some magnates that ordinary people can't imagine.

After getting out of the car, Xiao Jia led Lin Yang to the VIP box on the second floor of the auction hall.

He took off his hat and did not hide it.

Some celebrities in and out of the auction looked at him one after another.

When they saw Dr. Lin's face, many people were stunned.

"Is that Doctor Lin?"

"Are you sure you read it right?"

"It seems to be him..."

"my God, is it really Dr. Lin?"

"What's the matter? How can Dr. Lin appear here? "

"Is he also from the purple mine?"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect Dr. Lin to come too. I'm afraid this auction will be very exciting."

Many of the guests were whispering and excited.

Lin Yang did not pay attention to the gossips in his ear and went straight into the box and sat up quietly.

The waiter brought the best drinks and desserts.

"Mr. Lin, what else can I do for you?" Xiao Jia, with a smile on his face, asked Lin Yang.

"That's enough. Go down first." Lin Yang road.

"Well, Mr. Lin, if you need anything, please tell our service staff at any time!" Said Xiao Jia, clapping his hands.

Then, two young and beautiful girls with a slightly exposed appearance came in.

They stood by Lin Yang's side, bowing together: "good Lin Dong."

Lin Yang frowned.

But listen to small Jia way: "serve Lin Dong well, understand?"

"Good sister Jia!"

They nodded like chickens pecking rice.

Xiaojia left.

Later, the two girls looked at Lin Yang with expectant and hot eyes. Their faces were flushed.

Really... So handsome! Ten thousand times more handsome than on TV.

God, I'm looking at Dr. Lin at such a close distance. Am I not dreaming?

The second daughter was so excited that she immediately threw herself into Lin Yang's arms.

But Lin Yang did not notice the thoughts of the two girls beside him, but looked at the French window in front of him.

Just outside the window is the auction stand.

"Asshole! Mr. Lin Dong, our VIP seat is on the left edge of all VIP seats! Longteng auction has arranged us on the far side! What a nuisance

Xu Tian suddenly patted the table and got up angrily and said, "Mr. Lin, I'll go to the chairman of Longteng auction and ask him why! Does he look down on us? "

"Wait a minute!" Lin Yang drank lightly.

Xu Tian stops and looks at Lin Yang.

"Don't be impatient!"

"Lin Dong..."

"don't be so impulsive before you get to the bottom of the matter. It's very irrational."

Lin Yang calm way, then looked at the girl on the left and said, "what's your name?"

"Dong Lin, my name is Yi Jie. I'm a senior at Qingdu University. I'm here to do casual work." The girl on the left said excitedly.

The girl on the right looks sour.

But Lin Yang didn't care. He just asked, "Yi Jie, do you know who the VIP seat is for?"

"The VIP seat next to it? I heard that it seems to be reserved for the guests coming from Xiyun! " The girl named Yi Jie thought about it.

"Guests from Xiyun?" Lin Yang frowned."Xiyunjin family?"

Xu Tian lost his voice immediately.

"In that case, it seems reasonable."

Lin Yang said: "I'm afraid the rest of the VIP seats are reserved for some hermit families. For example, we Yanghua are not enough to fight with them at present, so long Teng will not put us in the middle of the table."

Xu Tian nods silently, and there is no sound.

"Yi Jie, do you know who is prepared for the middle VIP seat?" Lin Yang turned his head again and asked the girl. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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