Hearing Lin Yang's inquiry, the girl who called Yi Jie was stunned. Her face was a little pale and her eyes were even more flustered.

She shook her head, squeezed out a smile and said, "I'm sorry, Lin Dong, i... I don't know."


Lin Yang's eyebrows moved gently.

Xu Tian also realized that something was wrong.

"So, do you know?" Lin Yang asked the girl on the other side.

The girl shivered all over her body, and then quickly waved her hand and said, "Lin Dong, i... I don't know, I don't know..."

Lin Yang looked at her for a while and said calmly, "it seems that you are not willing to say it! Well, in that case, I won't force you! "


the little faces of the two girls showed helplessness and bitterness.

Lin Yang no longer spoke.

It's close to the start of the auction.

Lu continued to enter the gate, many luxurious and dignified people.

They took their seats in turn.

Of course, many people noticed that Lin Yang was in the VIP seat. They immediately came in and wanted to be close to Lin yangtao, but they were all blocked by Xu Tian.

Lin Yang didn't want to put on airs, but he was not interested in these utilitarian businessmen.

Of course, there are some special situations.

"Is Dr. Lin in there?"

There was another sound at the door.

"If you are looking for our Yanghua cooperation business, you can go to Jiangcheng and talk to Mr. Ma. Today, Mr. Lin is only here for a holiday in Qingdu, not about business matters."

Xu Tian immediately got up and went to the door and said.

But the voice was a little chilly.

"Are you Dr. Lin?"

"No, my name is Xu Tian!" Xu Tianleng hum a, self report home.

But the other side didn't give him face at all!

"Since it's not Dr. Lin, get out of here. I'm only looking for Dr. Lin!"

Xu Tian can't bear it? He turned straight back to his position and waved at the same time.

The bodyguard nearby immediately stepped forward to take the man away.

Next second.

Bang bang!

Two dull noises came out.

Then he saw two figures fly into the box, heavily hit the glass table in front of Lin Yang.

When Lin Yang was about to take a fork to eat the fruit on the table, the glass table broke to pieces. A bodyguard lay on the ground in front of him and moaned.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned.


The two girls screamed with fear.

Xu Tian suddenly got up and glared at the gate. Without hesitation, he took out the gun he was carrying with him. He aimed at the passer-by and said angrily, "who are you? Don't move

However, the people at the gate did not pay attention to it, and walked in without expression.

Lin Yang took a look at the man.

It was a man with a short head but his hair was dyed red.

The man was dressed in a black casual dress. He was about twenty-nine years old. His expression was cold and thin. He was not tall, but his eyes were sharp. His powerful limbs fully showed that he was a practitioner.

But even if it's Lian Jiazi... Making trouble at the Longteng auction, it's still too reckless!

The movement on the upper floor attracted the attention of many people downstairs.

Long Teng's security personnel are also the first time to rely on this.

"Hello, do you hear me? I told you not to move Seeing that the man is still walking inside, Xu Tian shouts again.

The man turned a deaf ear and walked on.

"Damn it!"

Xu Tian will pull the trigger immediately.

But at this time, Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Xu Tian, put the gun away!"

"Lin Dong!" Xu Tian looks at Lin Yang.

"Put it away, or your hands will be gone." Lin Yang light road.


Xu Tianwei Zheng, do not understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words, he is busy looking at the man's palm, but see that the man's cuff flashing a cold light.

It's like... There's a knife in his sleeve.

"Although the bullet is fast, it is relative to the ordinary people. If it is for the special warrior, their sharp weapon is sometimes faster than the bullet! Don't take any chances. " Lin Yang road.

Xu Tian's face is blue and his heart is unwilling.

But Lin Yang said so. He had no choice but to put the gun away.

"Are you Dr. Lin?" The man fell on Lin Yang's body and asked coldly.

"Although I don't have a deep communication with the chairman of Longteng auction, when I go to other people's places, I have to respect others, so I don't want to make trouble. Go out."

Lin Yang said, then took out the silver needle, stabbed the security guard in pain on the ground, and helped him up."My master wants you to come at once!" The man didn't seem to hear Lin Yang's words and said without expression.

"Who is your master?"

Xu tianhen asked.

"You have no right to ask who my master is!" The man didn't look at Xu Tian, but looked at Lin Yang: "I hope Dr. Lin can follow me immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You're welcome?"

Lin Yang did not look back, but calmly asked, "how would you like to be polite?"

The man's eyes are grim, no more nonsense, immediately stride toward Lin Yang, a hand like steel general, dead press on Lin Yang's shoulder, is a fierce drag, actually want to pull Lin Yang life out of the room!


Xu Tian was furious and immediately lifted the pistol that he had just put down again and was ready to open his mouth.

But his pistol has just been raised.


Xu Tian breathed hard and felt a sharp sense of crisis. He was so scared that he forgot to shoot.

But when the snow was about to approach him.


A clear and pleasant voice came out.

Then he saw a spark in front of Xu Tian. Xuemang immediately changed and knelt down, brushing Xu Tian's side and stabbing on the wall behind him.

At first glance, it was a flying knife.

It's the Throwing Knife released by the man!

Xu Tian's cold sweat makes him understand Lin Yang's words.

Shoot this man?

I'm afraid he will be killed before the bullet is discharged!

But no matter how fast the throwing knife is, it can't be as fast as Lin Yang's silver needle!

The man breathed heavily and was surprised.

He suddenly turned back, but saw that Lin Yang had stood up.

"Doctor Lin, you!"

He also wanted to say something, but the next second, Lin Yang had one hand around his neck and lifted it up with one hand.

The man struggled frantically.

But they were indifferent.

His neck was pinched by Lin Yang, and his whole body was like a chicken.

"Who is your master?"

Lin Yang looked at the man in his hand and asked calmly.

But the man was still biting his teeth and refused to open his mouth.

"If you don't say it, I'm not to blame!"

Lin Yang light way, is to start, the man abandoned.

At this moment, however, an indifferent voice came.

"Doctor Lin! I don't know what I'm doing. I'm offended. You have a lot of adults. Let him go! "

As soon as he said this, Lin Yang frowned.

The sound source... Is from the box in the center!

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