Xu Tian doesn't understand what Lin Yang's intention is.

Although Lin Yang is calm, sitting there eating fruit, very comfortable, but Xu Tian is like an ant on a hot pot, in the box around.

"Go, send someone to keep an eye on Nangong sanshao." Xu Tian suddenly stops his pace and faces one of his subordinates.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!"

The man nodded and ran out at once.

But Xu Tian still can't calm down, a sad look.

Xu Tian looks at Lin Yang and stops talking. Finally, he gives up and sits on a chair.


Dang Dang...

a few crisp sounds were heard in the meeting hall.

The chatting guests were stunned and looked at the stage.

But she saw a woman in a red cheongsam coming along the stage.

The woman is tall and graceful, her facial features are correct, and her makeup is quite thick, but at first glance, she is also a special creature.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am Manwu, the auctioneer of this time. Welcome to Longteng auction house. On behalf of all of us, I would like to offer my most sincere thanks to you."

Then he bowed to the crowd.

The luring temptation attracted a lot of men's eyes, calling one side of the female companion jealous.

"If you have come all the way, you will not lose your time. Now I officially announce that the auction ceremony has officially begun!"

The woman said with a smile, and then listened to a few crisp sounds spread again, and then a formal and rigorous staff member came up with a tray.

The tray was covered with a piece of red cloth, and the people nearby could not see any clue.

On the stage, they were carefully placed in front of the exhibition stand.

"The first item to be auctioned by our chamber of commerce is a string of blood diamond chains provided by Mr. Liu Shicheng! It is said that this blood diamond bracelet is the only one in the world, and the blood diamond is very special. After wearing it, it can activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis and dredge muscles and bones. The starting price of the blood diamond bracelet is one billion! The price must not be lower than 50 million each time! Is there anything you want, sir or miss? " Man dance, the auctioneer, laughs and shouts.

This word falls, the scene suddenly boils.

"One billion and fifty million!"

Someone's on it right now.

"1.1 billion!"

"1.15 billion!"


the people below yelled.

Xu Tian in the VIP area opened his mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief.

"Lin Dong, is this... Too exaggerated? The first thing is a billion shots? Then to the purple mine... Must be tens of billions to compete?? How can we have so much money

"Let's have a look. If you can take a picture, you can't do it! Do you want me to go back home now? All of you are here. Don't be impatient. The fruit here is very good. " While eating grapes, Lin Yang said that he was completely indifferent to the wind.

Xu Tian is still worried.

He is familiar with Yanghua's current economy.

Nowadays, Yanghua needs too much money.

Huge Yanghua seems to have extraordinary strength, but after winning the war with Tianheng, Yanghua urgently needs a period of peaceful stability.

As long as there is a period of stability and excess, not to mention 10 billion, even 100 billion Yanghua can be taken out at will.

However, the current situation does not give Yanghua a chance to breathe.

"What good method does Lin Dong have?"

Xu Tian sighs bitterly, a face of helplessness.

The blood diamond soon sold for 2.7 billion yuan.

The next auction of items, is indeed more than a price to be ridiculous.

But most of the prices are still within 10 billion.

I have to say, this auction is really too luxurious.

However, as everyone knows, this is an auction specially prepared by Longteng auction for the purple mine.

Usually, the auction price of Longteng is only ten million yuan. Although the scale is not small, it is not only one grade worse than today's.

This time, Long Teng took out all the treasures at the bottom of the box to set off the value of purple mine!

After all, if the purple mine sold a good price, they could also get part of the auction, making a lot of money.

Xu Tian sits in the VIP area and looks at the transaction of one piece of priceless treasure with a worried face.

Although the babies are very good, they seem to have nothing to do with them...

just then, the door of the box was opened suddenly, and a figure came in.

Xu Tian looked back and saw that he was the one he had sent out before.

"Do you know anything?" Xu Tian immediately gets up to ask.

"Mr. Xu, just now, a man entered the box in the middle!" The man was busy."Who is it?"

"A man with long hair! It seems that he may be in his thirties, but his identity is not clear! " That's humane.

Xu Tian frowned and looked at Lin Yang: "Lin Dong..."

"don't worry, everything will be discussed after the auction is over!" Lin Yang is still that expression.

Xu Tian didn't die in a hurry.

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