"Mr. Lin! When are you still concerned about the auction? I don't have money. How can I afford to buy things at this auction? Why waste time at this auction? " Xu Tian is in a hurry.

Lin Yang did not say a word, and his sight continued to fall on the exhibition stand.

"Mr. Lin! Did you hear what I said? Nangong family invited foreign help! They have foreign help! Just like me, please! Let's get out of here! Since the third young Nangong dares to invite that person over, he must be hard to deal with. I'm just a little bit of a person. I'm really worried that I can't protect you in time. If you have any mistakes! Then I will be a sinner

Xu Tian was so anxious that he almost cried out.

However, Lin Yang is simply back to his two words.

"Sit down!"

His voice fell to the ground, and Xu Tian was stunned.

"Didn't you hear me? Sit down. " Lin Yang said again.

"Lin Dong..."

Xu Tian opened his mouth and saw Lin Yang slightly turn his head.

When he looked at Lin Yang's eyes, Xu Tian lost his temper and sat on the chair.

Several hands behind looked at each other and did not say anything.

Lin Yang continued to look at the exhibition stand.

It's the seventh auction.

Longteng is dragon Teng in the end, and all the things that people are very interested in, so the bidding is relatively fierce.

Xu Tian is not in the mood to see the auction, the whole person is absent-minded.

But at this time, the auctioneer man dance suddenly stopped and waved to the staff.

The worker came up again with a tray.

Only this time, the tray was not wrapped in red cloth, but directly exposed to the public.

On the tray of flowers, it looks like a delicate one!

This flower is very wonderful, petals such as fire, strange and moving, and send out a strange fragrance, fascinating.

Many guests closed their eyes and fell into ecstasy.

"What is this?"

"How fragrant..."

some people couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Tian also slightly raised his eyes, swept the flowers, but did not care too much.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce to you that this special vegetation is called qiuxuan flower. It is said that taking it has the effect of prolonging life and the effect is very similar to that of ginseng, but its efficacy is much higher than that of ginseng, and it can also beautify and beautify the skin and remove all kinds of diseases! The owner of this autumn Xuan flower, please forgive us for not being able to disclose it, but we can guarantee its value absolutely for its efficacy Man dance said with a smile.

That is to say, but the guests on the scene were looking at each other, and not many people showed their desire and expectation for this autumn Xuanhua.

After all, it's just a good smelling flower.

As for the effect of man dance, they will not care.

Who on the scene would understand this? Manwu said more mysterious, there are many people think she is just boasting.

"Miss mam, just say the price!" Some people urge, hope to quickly pass this product, to see the next baby!

Manwu nodded and said with a smile: "since there are guests in a hurry, I will not sell the matter. The starting price of this autumn Xuan flower is 2.8 billion, and each auction cannot be less than 100 million!"

This word falls, the scene immediately boils.

"What? Such a broken flower costs 2.8 billion? "

"Are you kidding me?"

"Do you want money?"

"Can't it be a wild flower from somewhere that deliberately deceives us?"

The guests questioned and asked loudly.

Man danced to explain.

But no one would believe her explanation.

After all, in addition to the beautiful flowers, strong smell, and ordinary flowers are no different!

Who would have spent so much money on such an illusory thing?

So, after the shooting started, no one followed the price.

Although we are rich, we are not fools. Who will be the big head of this kind of injustice?

"Doesn't any gentleman like this autumn flower?" Man dance wiped the sweat on his forehead and asked with a smile.

But still no one offered.

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the VIP box on the second floor.

"I give four billion!"

As soon as the sound fell, the whole boiling scene was silent.

Everyone looks at the sound source.

When I fixed my eyes, I found that the person who made the sound was Doctor Lin on the second floor!

"Did Dr. Lin make an offer?"

The crowd was stunned.

Next to Xu Tian is suddenly side head, staring at Lin Yang.

"Lin Dong, you..." he murmured, his face full of stupidity and shock...

the expressions of all the guests were quite different from him.Manwu was very happy, and he was busy shouting: "Mr. Lin, the VIP box on the second floor, offered $4 billion. Is there anyone else to follow?"

There was no one around.

Everyone is still in a state of confusion.

"Is there anyone else willing to offer a higher price than Mr. Lin?"

Man dance is shouting again.

Still no one answered.

She had no choice but to shout:

"four billion times!"

"Four billion two times!"

"4.3 billion..."

"I give 5 billion!"

Just as the man dance was about to drop the hammer, another voice came out...

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