Hearing the sound, everyone's eyes immediately moved to the sound source.

I saw that he was a bloated but old-fashioned man.

The man was bald, dead on his face, and his eyes were blank. His eyes were full of black circles. He looked like he was over drunk.

When his companion heard that the man had offered 5 billion yuan, he was in a hurry and cried, "boss Xu, are you crazy? This broken flower is worth 5 billion? Are you rich? "

"So you mean Dr. Lin is crazy, too?" Boss Xu looked at his companion and asked.


the companion was speechless.

Without waiting for the boss to explain, Lin Yang on the second floor opened a tune again.

"Six billion!"


The whole place was boiling.

One billion dollars in one breath?

What's going on?

Does Dr. Lin value this flower so much?

Do you mean... This flower is a miracle drug?

The scene of the rich people breathing shudder, a sudden impatient up!

If even Dr. Lin paid so much attention to it, there would be no mistake!

This is the magic medicine!

It must be a miracle drug!!

"I give 6.1 billion!"

Immediately, a rich man roared.

"I give 6.5 billion!"

"I'll give you seven billion!"

"I'll give you 10 billion!"

The crowd screamed, one by one can't wait, for fear of shouting slower than others, this autumn Xuanhua will be taken away by others.

Those who have no money and such people as Xu Tian are gaping at the moment, completely petrified.

But everyone responded.

Why do these bosses charge such a high price? It must be because this is a wonderful flower!

Otherwise, why would Dr. Lin pay such a high price to buy it?

Thinking of the function described by the auctioneer before, these rich people are anxious.

Most of the people sitting here are the top 100 in China.

They are not short of money, women, names and anything. What they lack is only body! Only time!

If this autumn flower can increase their physique, let them live for a long time and cure all kinds of diseases, how can they refuse to spend it?

Think of here, everyone is relieved!

No matter how good those babies are in front of us, how can they be equal to this one?

As a result, people's bidding on the spot became more and more fierce, and even the VIP guests in several boxes on the second floor couldn't sit still.

Lin Yang stopped shouting and just continued to eat the fruit.

"Mr. Lin, what's going on? That what autumn Xuan flower... Really so good? " Xu Tian can't help but ask.

"It's OK. It has the effect of prolonging life and strengthening the body. After taking it, it can at least make ordinary people live for another five or six years. For ordinary tonics, it is a magic drug!" Lin Yang light road.

"So powerful?" Xu Tianjing exclaimed: "where can such exotic flowers and plants grow..."

"no place can grow such flowers and plants." Lin Yang shook his head.

Xu Tianyi Zheng: "where can't grow?"?? So... Where did this thing come from? "

"I did it." Lin Yang looked at Xu Tiandao.

Xu Tian is confused.

"What... Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? Did you make this autumn flower

"Yes, the money auctioned by this flower is the money we used to bid for the purple mine." Lin Yang said quietly.

Xu Tian looks at the autumn flowers on the exhibition stand, his brain is a paste, but soon, he is finally clear!

Before Lin Yang came, he prepared this autumn Xuan flower! And gave it to Longteng auction, please Longteng chamber of Commerce for auction.

Although this autumn Xuan flower does not look special, as long as Dr. Lin offers, its value will become confused and elusive, and will even appreciate infinitely because of people's imagination.

After all... How can it be a common thing even if the miracle doctor values it so much?

"Lin Dong, is it really worth the price?" Xu Tian asks carefully.

Of course, it's not even worth the cost

"Is it not a deliberate bid up? And... Why does Longteng set such a high price? " Xu Tian asked.

"Because this is the price that Long Teng discussed with me. Although its cost price is not comparable to the bidding price, its actual value is still very worthwhile. After all, this is the most scarce thing for these rich people. As for my deliberate bid up of price, I also got the permission of Longteng. You know, the higher the auction price, the more profits they get A pure businessman, rich, why notHearing the sound, Xu Tian nodded.

No wonder Lin Dong is so committed to sitting here.

He has such a hand in feeling!

Xu Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Dong is Lin Dong after all.

After Lin Yang made a move, the price of qiuxuanhua soared all the way, and it was actually raised to 19.8 billion! It's completely beyond everyone's imagination.

Finally, the autumn Xuan flower was bought by the VIP in box 4 on the second floor.

Countless people are sighing with admiration.

"Mr. Lin, in this way, we have at least 18 billion bidding funds?" Xu Tian was particularly pleased and said excitedly.

"Yes, but that's not enough." Lin Yang light road.

"Let's sell more of them." Xu Tian said with a smile.

Lin Yang shook his head.

"If this kind of thing is sold too much, it can't sell at such a high price. On the other hand, it will also make people suspicious. Therefore, if you do this kind of business once, you can only do it several times. It's just because you can't enjoy yourself!"

Xu Tian nodded thoughtfully.

But all of a sudden he didn't worry.

Mr. Lin must have a plan.

Qiu Xuanhua's final decision can be regarded as the accumulation of a number of funds for Linyang. Now he has the capital to bid for purple mine.

With the money in hand, it's enough to call for several rounds.

Now look at the actual price of purple mine is what degree.

Lin Yang thought.

After the autumn Xuanhua quilt was taken away, the auctioneer put on a few more treasures.

It's also valuable, but extremely rare.

It's just... Very few people buy it.

Most of the people who took part in the auction came for the purple mine, and their money was not willing to be used for anything else.

Seeing that there were few people calling for the price, the auctioneer glanced at Ding who was sitting backstage.

Ding Mao nodded gently.

The auctioneer agreed and waved immediately.

Subsequently, a contract was placed in a tray and carried down by the staff.

Everyone breathed and looked at the contract in a hurry.

"Well, you guys, I think you should all be in a hurry. Then, let's start the finale of this auction! Let's bid for the ownership of Zikuang! " The auctioneer smiles and opens his mouth.

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