Lin Yang is never afraid of the number of people on the other side.

In fact, when it comes to the level of his medical and military skills, too many people can't determine the level of battle. It's just a number.

And he's explaining that.

After the release of Kirin transformation, all the people around were shaken, and those who were closer to him were even shaken to pieces and fainted on the spot.

This kind of combat power is simply appalling.

People were terrified, but they still fought to kill.

"Go! Keep going Master Wan yelled.

People around are still coming one after another.

"Sir, do you want to call someone?" The person next to see the situation is not right, immediately took the phone to approach to ask.

"Shout! Of course! Call me all the people Master Wan roared.

"Sir, who are you calling?" The man next to me asked carefully.

"So! yes! People Master Wan almost roared into his ear.

The man was startled, but also see clearly the anger in master Wan's eyes, immediately dial the phone.

Soon, more and more cars approached the scene of the Longteng auction, and soon they surrounded it.

More and more people rush into the area and rush to Linyang.

Ding Mao was scared to shiver here and got together at a loss.

Nangong scorpion's eyes show fanaticism and laugh.

"Give it to me! All for me! Call me a cripple, Lin! Ha ha ha ha, fight! Call me Nangong scorpion cries bitterly.

But the more he yelled, the more people flew out.

The breath in Lin Yang's body turns into a unicorn. He dances his horrible palm wildly and beats all the people in front of him.

No matter how dense the people around him and how fierce the attack is, they can never get close to Linyang.

"It's true Qi turning into reality! Master, this Doctor Lin is so good! He is no ordinary doctor! No way The people beside him glared at the terrible scene and cried out.

"I didn't expect that many people were wrong! What this Doctor Lin can do is not only medical martial arts, but also excellent martial arts skills! His own martial arts realm has also reached a very high level! He can defeat two Tianjiao and become double Tianjiao! There's a reason, and judging from his strength, I'm afraid it's even more terrible than shuanglingtianjiao. " Master Wan said hoarsely.

The man next to him was stunned: "master, you mean... This Doctor Lin is more than just shuanglingtianjiao? Is it hard for him to be... He will be the pride of heaven? "

As soon as he said this, even master Wan was shocked.

"Nonsense! Three makes heaven proud? Do you think Tianjiao is a Chinese cabbage on the road? "One pick, one standard" Master Wan calmed down and yelled in his eyes.

Others dare not speak any more.

"Let's fight! As long as it is an individual, it will be exhausted. You don't look at the invincible power of Dr. Lin now. But sooner or later he will be tired. As long as our people continue to move forward, sooner or later, we can press him to the ground and take him down. At that time, I will definitely ask this Doctor Lin to survive and not to die! "

"The master is wise!"

Someone else called.

All the people who rushed up were smashed and flew. But this time, master Wan's people no longer rushed to attack. Instead, they formed a circle with Linyang as the center, and then took out a dark pistol from his arms and pulled the trigger at Linyang.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

a lot of fire spits.

A special bullet flew to Linyang.

It's endless in all directions, like raindrops.

There is no room for Lin Yang to dodge.

But he was not afraid at all, but stood still and growled in a low voice.


The shadow of the unicorn burst to pieces, and a terrible wave of air shook around.

Those bullets, affected by the air waves, slowed down the impact one after another. When they were near Linyang, they had already lost their lethality. They fell from the air and fell in a low voice, making a clanging sound.

"Shoot! Keep shooting me! See how much strength he has left Master Wan shouts.

The crowd pulled the trigger.

Lin Yang also constantly urged Qi.

The bullets were constantly under attack.

A box of bullets were all empty, but Lin Yang could not be hurt. All the people had to quickly draw out the spare magazine and fill it up to continue shooting.

But at this time, Lin Yang's body suddenly whirled, and he rose into the air. His hands spread out and he kept waving around.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

countless silver streamers gushed out of his palm and ran to the people around him.

It's like a meteor, spreading around.

After a round, there are hundreds of streamers flying out.

When Lin Yang fell from the air, all the people holding guns could not move. They stood in the same place like statues...

the people on master Wan's side were all dumbfounded.

"What's going on?""What are you doing? Shoot! Keep shooting at me

There was a cry.

But these people turned a deaf ear.

Master Wan was terrified and looked at them in a hurry.

Only then discovered these people's body... All inserted the silver needle!

"Silver needle sealing points!" Master Wan lost his voice.

At this time, Lin Yang turned and walked towards him.

Ten thousand teachers were shocked and retreated in a hurry.

Lin Yang, come to him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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