"Master! Get out of here

"That guy is coming!"

People on this side changed their faces and rushed forward immediately to cover master Wan's evacuation.

But just as soon as they moved, Lin Yang rushed over and hit these people like a storm.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Dong...

the crowd was smashed and flying.

Master Wan's body immediately became a vacuum.

His old face was tight, clenched his fist, staring at Lin Yang standing in front of him, ready to make a move.

But Lin Yang stopped and did not attack him.

"Don't worry, I won't move you. I won't hurt you until they fall Lin Yang said quietly.

"Why?" Master Wan asked.

"Because I want you to see with your own eyes whether you can defeat me with too many people."

Lin Yang was hoarse and opened his voice. Then he moved and crossed master Wan and killed the dense crowd behind him.

Master Wan's pupils shrank and his breath was trembling.

After a while, there was a shrill scream behind him, and a large number of figures flew out, falling one by one towards this side.

Bang, bang, Bang...

the dull sound of boxing kept coming out.

The sound of terror is frightening.

Master Wan shuddered and his face was pale.

He turned slowly and looked behind him.

Just a glance, as if by lightning, petrified in place.

The originally dense crowd behind him is now in disorder, toppling a piece of people.

Everyone groaned on the ground and couldn't stand up again.

Although these people are martial arts, and the strength is not vulgar, but in front of Lin Yang, they can not bear a blow.

On the contrary, it was Lin Yang's figure, which they could not capture at all.

Under the fierce attack, people only felt that they were facing a ghost. After they appeared, they were wrapped up in severe pain and could not get up again after lying on the ground...

soon, hundreds of people were lying on the ground.

The rest of the people were frightened by Lin Yang's terrible and powerful posture, and they all went back like crazy and did not dare to go forward.

The scalp of Nangong scorpion is numb.

Xu Tian was overjoyed.

"Doctor Lin is so powerful! My God, is he really human? " Ding Mao stupidly looks at the Lin Yang who rushes into the crowd and kills all directions. His brain is blank and his mouth doesn't make a sound.

"President Ding, it's not the time to say this. Come on, we have to get three shaos to sign the contract! As soon as the contract is signed, we will have the initiative! " The people next to him spoke in a hurry, reminding Ding Mao.

Ding Mao shivered all over and immediately recovered.

"You are right! At this time, we have to settle the contract first. We have already broken our skin with Nangong family. Now we can only turn to Dr. Lin. we are grasshoppers on the same rope with Dr. Lin. if we can get this contract, it will be of great benefit to Dr. Lin! "

Ding Mao drank low and said to Nangong scorpion, "go, hold him down and force him to sign."


They all rushed to Nangong scorpion.

Nangong scorpion shivered all over, and then came back to God. The man retreated again and again, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Asshole! Ding Mao! What do you want to do? "

"Three little! Here's the contract. Please sign it quickly. If you don't sign the contract, I'm afraid we can't explain it to Dr. Lin either. " Ding Mao said coldly.

"It seems that you are determined to be Doctor Lin's running dog! Good! Ding Mao, this is your own choice. It has nothing to do with me. When the time comes, your Longteng chamber of Commerce will be destroyed by my Nangong family. Don't regret it! " Nangong scorpion gnaws its teeth.

"Regret? I regret not signing this trillion contract! My whole dragon is not worth the price Ding Mao drank: "do it

"Go on

People cry, a rush up to the south palace scorpion press down.

But Nangong scorpion is not a man who has no strength to bind a chicken. He shouts, opens his arms and waves his fist. He fights with the boxers of Ding Mao.

Don't look at Ding Mao. There are so many people here that he can't do anything but Nangong scorpion.

After a fight, four people were knocked to the ground by Nangong scorpion.

But Ding Mao didn't panic at all. Instead, he kept humming: "the people who came out of Nangong family are really extraordinary. But you have been injured before, and you are single handed. How many can you lose? Do you think you are Dr. Lin? Give it to me

Yue Yong, people shout.

Nangong scorpion tried to resist, but it was difficult to resist four hands with two fists. How could it withstand such a terrible attack? People were fighting back and forth, and their injuries were more and more.

He was sweating with pain and couldn't help crying out: "master Wan, come and help me!"

Master Wan's face sank, and he called out, "go and help San Shao!""Good Lord

Here several good hands rushed forward to help Nangong scorpion, Dingmao's people were immediately beaten back.

"Ding Mao, what do you think you are? How dare you help the dead Doctor Lin! Well, if you want to fight against us, don't blame us for being cruel! Come on, kill the Ding Mao Gang together! Live or die! " Master Wan was furious, pointing to Dingmao and shouting.

At that time, nearly 100 people killed dingmaona.

Ding Mao was shocked and trembled wildly.

How can his people compare with those of master Wan.

Master Wan is specialized in training martial arts, but he just hired some amateur bodyguards.

Master Wan intervened, and Ding Mao was defeated like a mountain and retreated. He had no escape.

"Catch Ding Mao for me. Ben Shao wants to kill him with his own hands!" Nangong scorpion looks ferocious.

All of them rushed to Ding.

Ding Mao's several confidants tried to stop him, but it was obviously useless.

Their people couldn't stop master Wan's elite generals...

they had no choice but to turn to Lin Yang for help.

"Doctor Lin! Help... Help me

The cry of sorrow resounded.

Lin Yang, who is fighting in the crowd, immediately turns his head and stares at this side.

Nangong scorpion and others suddenly shiver, and then look at Lin Yang's pace a little, like the wind and lightning toward this attack.


Nangong scorpion is shocked.

"Be careful!"

"Stop! Stop him

The shouts were repeated, but useless.


after landing, Lin Yang was hit by lightning again. All the people standing around him immediately fell to the ground and could not get up again.

Nangong scorpion looks frightfully white, legs a soft, directly a buttock sits on the ground.

"Shall I help you with the pen?" Lin Yang looks at Nangong scorpion without expression.

A simple sentence, but like thunder, let Nangong scorpion can not accept.

"Kill! Kill me! Kill the doctor

Master Wan roars at this end.

The crowd came again.

But this time, Lin Yang seems to have moved to kill the heart.

"Are you really afraid of death?"

He growled in a low voice.

It's like the roar of a beast.

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