"What? Fire? "

Lin Yang was shocked.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and looked at the wall clock in a hurry.

But it was shown on the wall clock that it was one past eight!

Nangong Feiyang didn't wait for Linyang to tear up the contract!

Now... His revenge will begin!

Lin Yang quickly put on his coat, the crazy Chaoyang Hua company rushed to.

At the moment, several fire engines are also driving to Chaoyang building.

Outside the building gathered a lot of onlookers, all holding mobile phones, taking pictures of the building on fire, and some reporters who ran faster also rushed to the scene to grab the exclusive news.

Lin Yang stopped his 918 on the side of the road and got off the car directly.

"Is this Lin Dong?"

"Ah? It seems that it is really him

"Here comes Lin Dong!"

"Everybody, look, Lin Dong is coming!"

There was a constant cry of alarm.

All the onlookers around looked at Lin Yang one after another, and then all of them came around and asked for signatures.

But how can Lin Yang, who has the heart to take care of these people?

He went straight into the cordon.

"Sir, this is a dangerous area. Please stay away from it!" A man in uniform stopped Lin Yang immediately.

"I'm the chairman of this company!" Lin Yang immediately said.

"Mr. Lin?" The man immediately recognized Lin Yang and immediately called out.

"How is it going?" Lin Yang asked.

"Fire on the 32nd floor! And it was the whole floor that caught fire instantly, because the floor was too high, our water pressure was not enough! It's hard to put out the fire on the 32nd floor! We can only rush into the scene to put out the fire, but the risk factor is very high. Now there is a very dangerous situation, that is, people above 32 floors can not get down! " The man said hoarsely.

As soon as Lin Yang heard this, he immediately realized something and looked up.

Sure enough, there was an open fire on the 32nd floor, and the flames began to cover the 31st and 33rd floors.

People on the thirty first floor were evacuated when the fire bell rang.

But all the people on the 33rd floor were stuck there.

As the flames approached, they had to keep climbing.

But Yanghua has 35 floors.

If it goes on like this, within ten minutes, the fire will directly devour the whole floor, and they will all be buried in the sea of fire...

Lin Yang's eyes are red and his face is full of ferocity!

He never expected that the Revenge of Nangong aristocratic family would be carried out in this way...


at this time, the mobile phone vibrated.

Lin Yang got through to the phone.

"How do you feel, Mr. Lin?" Over the phone is Nangong Feiyang indifferent voice.

"Didn't you think about the consequences?" Lin Yang asked coldly.

"Is this a serious consequence?" Nangong Feiyang asked.

Lin Yang does not speak, but his eyes are covered with frost.

"If Mr. Lin thinks the consequences are serious! Then I suggest you see a psychologist, because more serious consequences will come soon! "

With that, Nangong Feiyang will hang up the phone directly.

Lin Yang was furious.

But he didn't lose his mind.

Looking at the burning floor, Lin Yang went straight to the company.

"Ah? Lin Dong

Cried the man in uniform.

But Linyang speed is very fast, soon rushed into the company.

He didn't take the elevator.

Never take an elevator during a fire.

As a result, Lin Yang ran up the safe passage.

Although it is climbing, but for him, a floor is just a second or so.

In less than a minute, he rushed to the fire floor.

At the moment, five or six firefighters are fighting to put out the fire.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Yang, everyone seemed very surprised.

"Help! Help... Cough, cough, cough...

a weak voice came.

People around him can't hear clearly, but Lin Yang's ear power is different from that of ordinary people. His hearing is much sharper.

He immediately locked in the source.

It's from the bathroom on this floor!

Someone's hiding there!

"Everybody, please excuse me!"

Lin Yang drank low, then a leap, directly into the fire scene.


"Come back quickly!"

"Do you want to die?"

Several people look terrible, want to stop.

But the flame is merciless, and Lin Yang's figure is directly engulfed.

They tried their best to put out the fire, but which fire could be extinguished in a moment and a half?"More people! We need support, we need support! "

There was a cry.

More and more people rushed into the fire scene.

Is Lin Yang afraid of fire?

Of course.

He's a doctor, but not a god!

He's not invulnerable.

But at the scene of the fire, he still has a lot of different advantages.

He can hold his breath, not inhale too much carbon dioxide, and can use brute force to break open some blocked channels.

It's just the terrible heat of the flame that still burns his clothes and burns his skin.

It is impossible for ordinary people to enter such a deep burning point.

But Lin Yang held on to his teeth.

In just over 20 seconds, he went to the bathroom and kicked the burning door open.


The gate collapsed.

But when he kicked the door open, Lin Yang looked in and was stunned.

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