Behind the gate, there is a tape recorder wrapped in a film, in which there are calls for help.

The sound of the recorder is not very loud.

It seems to have been deliberately tuned to this tone. There is a compartment in the film, which is filled with cold water, mimicking the high temperature around, so that the recorder can not work properly.

See here, Lin Yang instantly understand that he was played!

This is the recorder that arsonists put here to lure themselves here.

There must be a trick!!

Lin Yang felt bad and suddenly turned to leave.

But just as he was about to step back.


His arm suddenly seemed to touch something.


boom boom!

All around the burning shelf suddenly collapsed, and the ceiling also fell down, severely buried to Linyang.


Lin Yang's pupils widened, and he immediately rolled to the side.


The ceiling was smashed to the ground, and the position he was standing on became a sea of fire.

But Lin Yang was also uncomfortable, and several places on his body caught fire.

He hastened to put out the flame of his body.

How close!

If he is not fast enough, he may be directly buried in the sea of fire and cremated on the spot!

Nangong Feiyang is so vicious!

Lin Yang wiped the sweat on his forehead and tried to release his breath to disperse the fire.

But even so, it's just a drop in the bucket.

In front of the merciless water and fire, no matter how high your martial arts are, you can't compete with them.

"Help... Help..."

at this time, there was a faint and urgent cry for help.

Lin Yang immediately listened.

This time, there was no recording of the sound. It was the sound of people shouting, and... Among them, there was the voice of Ma Hai.

Just as Mahai said, he's on the top floor of the building.

Lin Yang looked around.

At the moment, the fire around him was extremely strong, blocking his previous road.

Now it is impossible to rush to the top to save Ma Hai and others.

What to do now?

Lin Yang's eyes swayed, thinking of countermeasures.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and looked up.

The burning ceiling had fallen, and the top was covered with mottled cement.

Eyes a Lin, jump high.


The cement roof was smashed by Lin Yang, and a big hole appeared. Along the hole, Lin Yang jumped to the 33rd floor...

there were many open fires on the 33rd floor, but the young and strong people were holding the fire extinguisher provided by the company to curb the spread of the fire. Dry powder was everywhere. These young people sprayed dry powder and coughed violently.

Seeing Lin Yang jump up suddenly, everyone was surprised.

"Mr. Lin"

Ma Hai, who was putting out the fire, was overjoyed and immediately stepped forward.

"Are you all right? Is anyone hurt? " Lin Yang patted the dust on his body and immediately asked.

"Mr. Lin, basically nothing's wrong. The staff of the 32nd floor have to hold meetings on this floor every morning. In addition, the fire is not here. The company's fire-fighting equipment is very sound, so everyone is not in a big way!" Mahaido.

"Is it? So the fire happened during the meeting? "

"It may be... But..."

"but what?"

"But... The fire started so fast that not only did the whole 32nd floor burn, but even the fire passage was blocked by the fire. We had no way out." Ma Haining's voice.

Lin Yang said nothing.

This flame is Nangong Feiyang's masterpiece. It's no longer necessary to guess.

What Lin Yang didn't expect was that Nangong Feiyang's method was so excellent that he sent someone into Yanghua and burned his floor.

"This is not the time to talk about it. We'd better try to put out the fire!" Lin Yang sinks.

"Mr. Lin, our fire extinguishers are almost used up, but the fire is still out of control. We can only wait for firefighters to come to rescue..."

"the floor is too high, and the rescue force is limited. It is impossible for firefighters to control the fire in such a short time. We have to find a way to cooperate with them to control the fire. Otherwise, if it continues to burn down, we will have no way out. " Lin Yang sinks.

"What should we do now, Mr. Lin?" One employee asked carefully.

Lin Yang looked around and said in a deep voice, "help me find out the water pipe distribution site of this floor right away!"


"How to find this... This?"

People are confused."Find a way to find it, even if it's to peel off the wall tiles and demolish the floor, you can find it for me!"

Lin Yang drank heavily, then rushed to the window, opened all the windows, and took down some flammable things and threw them to the bathroom.

The flames soon filled in.

Lin Yang stared at the increasingly high temperature of the ground, and those who came from the lower floor of the fire, suddenly thought of something, a hand stabbed into the floor, and then suddenly force.


The floor of the floor was raised by Lin Yangsheng and then smashed into the terrible fire below.


The flame was weakened by the boulder, but after a moment, it shot up again, with a trend of becoming more and more fierce.

This is not the way to go.

Lin Yang's eyes are tight.

However, at this time, Ma Hai called out: "Mr. Lin, the hydropower branch on this floor should be in this place!"

Lin Yang looked sideways, but saw Ma Hai pointing to the bottom of his feet.

Lin Yang no longer hesitated, immediately put his hand to the bottom of his foot.


The water pipe burst and splashed all around.

Everyone was very happy and cheered.

The splashing water made the temperature of the whole floor drop a lot.

People bathe in the water, is incomparable happiness.

But... It's impossible to extinguish these flames only by splashing water from the water pipes, or even to stop them from spreading.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand, pressed on the broken water pipe, and then made a slight force.


A strange air current suddenly rose in the floor.

Then I saw the spray of water suddenly condensed out of the ice, all fell down.

In an instant, hail fell on the whole floor...

people looked silly.

So is Mahai.

No one knows what's going on, what's the principle...

when the hail appeared, the terrible fire was immediately alleviated. In addition, Mahai quickly stopped people from using fire extinguishers to put out the fire.

About half an hour later, the fire in Yanghua building was finally brought under control.

Everyone was relieved.

Lin Yang is also included.

He's sitting on the floor, sweating, panting.

The exhilaration just now took a lot of energy out of him.

Fortunately, the fire was successfully put out.

But before he could rest, the phone in his pocket vibrated again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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