Even if Lin Yang didn't look, he knew who was calling.

He took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID number, hesitated, and pressed the connect button.

"Lin Dong, it's hard work. It's not easy for you to put out these fires?" Over the phone is Nangong Feiyang indifferent voice.

"It's a bit of a joke." Lin Yang said without expression.

"It's only a small change, and the more fun is still ahead. Of course, if you tear up the contract in time, maybe the things behind will not splash

With that, Nangong Feiyang hangs up the phone.

Lin Yang's eyes rippled with a strong sense of killing. He tucked his cell phone into his trouser pocket. His back was against the wall and he lay quietly.

Nangong Feiyang's behavior was beyond his expectation.

The man did not intend to attack him directly, but began to attack the things around him.

It's much more direct than what he's trying to do.

What's more, Nangong Feiyang also knows that Doctor Lin is not easy to deal with. If even master Wan and Nangong Yi of Qingdu are easily cleaned up by him and forced to yield by fists and feet, it will obviously cost a lot.

Wait! People around you?

Lin Yang suddenly realized what, the whole person suddenly shivered, suddenly stood up.


Lin Yang shouts.

"What's wrong, Lin Dong?"

Ma Hai, who was being questioned by the police, looked at him immediately.

"Come on, get me a car now!"

Lin Yang yelled and rushed downstairs.

Ma Hai did not dare to neglect, and quickly picked up the phone to dial the number.

A moment later an Audi stopped downstairs.

Lin Yang, who was all over the country, didn't want to think about it. He immediately jumped into the car and stepped on the accelerator.

In the car, he hastily took out his mobile phone and dialed a number for Su Yan.


The phone rang for about ten seconds before it was connected.

"Lin Yang? What's the matter? " At the other end of the phone is Su Yan's confused voice.

"Where are you?" Lin Yang asked.

"I'm outside to talk business with clients. What can I do for you?"

"Where are you talking about business?"

"What's the matter with you?" Su Yan on the other side of the phone felt that Lin Yang's tone was very wrong, so she immediately asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me! Where are you? " Lin Yang suddenly roared.

Su Yan was shocked suddenly, and became dull on the spot.

She was the first time to see Lin Yang in such a fire for no reason. For a time, the whole person was a little confused.

"I... I'm in Tianci manor..." Su Yan Na said.

"Wait for me!"

Lin Yang cold drink, then hang up the phone, gas pedal directly to the end.

Su Yan was confused, but she had a bad premonition.

She was worried that Lin Yang would be bad. After all, it was a big client she had to get in touch with. If it was yellow, it would be all over.

No matter, if Lin Yang is here to make trouble, I can't spare him!

Su Yan thought silently, and then ran into the tea pavilion in the garden, and squeezed out a smile at a lady: "I'm very sorry, madam. I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"Whose phone is it?" The lady frowned slightly, rather displeased.

"Oh, it's... It's my husband's..."

"Miss Su, you're talking about business. Can't your husband understand you? Call you at this time? "

"I'm so sorry..."

"OK, let's continue with the topic."

The lady snorted, picked up the black tea gracefully and took a sip, then began to chat.

Su Yan listened patiently beside.

Although the list is a big one, the guest's requirements are actually harsh. After listening to it for a while, Su Yan felt that it would take a lot of time to do it...

"Madam Xie, you said that you should correct the color... It is difficult. At present, the material of our company's clothing color is fixed. The color you said is too rare and can be blended This is too high. If you decide to unify this color, the delivery time and payment will be changed Su Yan hesitated, carefully said.

"Oh, what's going on in your company? Just such an ordinary color, you can't do it? If I can't, I'll let others do it well! " Mrs. Xie is not happy, immediately put the cup heavily on the table, angry said.

"Madam Xie, we are really in a dilemma..." Su Yan was helpless.


Mrs. Xie was impatient and wanted to say something else. At this time, a middle-aged man came over.

"Manhong, it's almost time to go!"

"Husband, I haven't talked about it yet!" Mrs. Xie pursed her lips."To what extent?" Asked the middle-aged man.

"The girl asked for an extension of delivery date and an increase in price."

Sheffield's way of life was to say what he had just said.

The man frowned, looked at Su Yan and said: "Miss Su, we are sincere to cooperate with you, you do not really, this list you earn a lot, now because of a little cost to increase our price? You're really a bit of a bully

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