Su Yan is helpless.

"Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie, we misunderstood. I have no intention of slack off this cooperation. The color that Mrs. Xie just proposed is a very rare color. If we want to deploy it, the cost will be very high. If we do according to what Mrs. Xie said, we will not only have no profit, but also have to pay back! This list is really not as simple as you think... "

" OK, Miss Su, since you are not sincere, we can find someone else to make this list! Come back, please The middle-aged man snorted coldly, but he didn't want to talk to Su Yan again. He waved directly.

Su Yan immediately got up and said, "Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie, please don't get angry. Let's have a good discussion. Otherwise, I'll list a list and a price list for you. You can compare the prices of raw materials by yourself. How about that?"

"Our requirement now is that you should produce this batch of goods for us at this price within the time limit we set! At the same time, if you have agreed to all the contracts with my wife! If you don't agree, the gate is over there, no delivery! " The middle-aged man hums coldly, the attitude is firm, there is no room for discussion.

Su Yan opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

She thought that this big client was very good at talking, but now it seems that the more rich people are, the more they care about money...

Su Yan sighed and had no choice but to bow to them gently: "I'm very sorry to disturb you!"

Finish saying, then want to leave.

"Hum." Mrs. Xie's eyes showed disdain and anger.

The middle-aged man did not retain him.

Just... When Su Yan was ready to leave here, the housekeeper's cry came.

"Master! Master, someone broke in

"What? Who is so bold? "

The middle-aged man was astonished and called, and saw a figure rushing towards this.

Fix your eyes.

Lin Yang!

At the moment, Lin Yang is using its original appearance.

"It's Mr. Lin?"

The middle-aged man was stunned. For a time, he thought that he was wrong. He was so happy that he went up and said, "good to meet you, Lin Dong."

However, Lin Yang ignored the middle-aged man and walked up to Su Yan and looked at her up and down.

Seeing that Su Yan is OK, she just breathed a sigh of relief...

Su Yan is now gaping.

"Lin Dong, what's wrong with you She looked at Lin Yang blankly.

You know, Lin Yang just ran out of the sea of fire. His clothes were all ragged. His whole face was black and black. If it wasn't for his chopping face, it's easy to remember. These people can't recognize him.

Lin Yang was stunned, only to realize that he was facing Zhang Lin Dong's face.

"Oh, i... I have nothing to do, that is... Just passing by here, just passing here..." Lin Yang could not think of any reason for that, so he made up a saying casually.

Even though the excuse is ridiculous.

"Passing by..."

"yes, Miss Su, what are you doing here?" Lin Yang asked.

"Oh, I'm here to talk about business, but it doesn't seem to be very smooth. I'll leave first, Mr. Lin." Su Yan smiles, ready to leave.

"Miss Su, I'll take you back."

"No, I'm driving."

"I have a project that I want to work with you. You can take my car and we'll talk." Lin Yang is busy again.

"This..." Su Yan hesitated.

She thought it was weird.

I always think that the so-called project of Mr. Lin is an excuse.

But Dong Lin's appearance is too strange. Why did he suddenly appear here? And... Still insist on giving yourself away?

What happened?

Su Yan didn't know.

Let's see.

Su Yan thought about it and decided to listen to what Lin Dong wanted to say. At least, he had to make things clear.

"All right, but just a moment. I'll talk to my husband first, so that he doesn't have any misunderstanding." Su Yan smiles and takes out his mobile phone and dials Lin Yang's number.

Not good!

Seeing this, Lin Yang quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

However, it was a slow beat.

Before his hand touched the cell phone, it rang.

Su Yan was stunned and looked at him strangely.

Lin Yang was in a hurry and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone."

With that, he covered the mobile phone with his hand, quietly pressed the mute, but did not connect, pretending to speak with each other.

"Hello, Ma Hai... Wait a moment. I'll deal with it in advance, and I'll come back to the company later..."

Lin Yang yelled loudly, letting Su Yan dispel his doubts.And Su Yan see can't get through Lin Yang's phone, also had to give up, sent a short message to him in the past.

"Let's go." Su Yan said.


Lin Yang sighed with a sigh of relief and busily adjusted the silent mode.

But at this time, the middle-aged man was busy.

"Wait a minute, Miss Su. We've decided to sign a contract with you! Please stop , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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