Su Yan lies powerless in Lin Yang's arms, her eyes are wide open, and a little blood overflows from her eyes.

Lin Yang stares at Su Yan's autumn eyes.

Only then noticed that her eyes were each pierced by a fine needle.

The pain of piercing pupil is so severe.

If Lin Yang had not paralyzed Su Yan's nerves, Su Yan would have fainted on the spot.

But even now, she's not much better.

"Doctor Lin, I can't see clearly... I can't see anything clearly. Can you help me? What happened to me? Can you help me Su Yan cried out in pain.

Lin Yang clenched his teeth and clenched his fist fiercely. His resentment was almost towering.

He hugged Su Yan in his arms and whispered, "Xiao Yan, don't worry. I'll make you safe and sound. I'll let you see the light again."

"Doctor Lin, what happened?" Su Yan almost asked with a cry.

"I will take you back now, and I will heal your eyes." Lin Yang firmly said, then picked her up and went to his car.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute Su Yan suddenly exclaimed.

Lin Yang looked at her in silence.

"Can you... Call my husband Lin Yang, he just said he would come here... I'm afraid he can't find me... Can you tell him for me..." Su Yan said weakly.

The paralysis of nerves also made her voice tone and breathing power become weak.

Lin Yang listened, but he was stunned.

At this time... Su Yan thought about Lin Yang...

"what are you still thinking about him

Lin Yang took Su Yan into the car and said.

"He's still my husband..." Su Yan was lying on the front passenger's seat weakly, saying weakly.

Lin Yang looked at her silently, and then took out a needle and pricked it on her neck.

Su Yan shivered all over, then her eyelids closed slowly, and she fell asleep.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately got on the bus and rushed to Xuanyi school.

Buzz... Buzz...

at this time, the phone rings again.

Lin Yang pressed the connect button directly.

"Dr. Lin, I think Miss Su Yan should be in a state of extreme pain at the moment, right?" At the other end of the phone is Nangong Feiyang's indifferent voice.

"Well, she's miserable, but fortunately I paralyzed her and she's asleep now." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"You are worthy of the miracle Doctor Lin, and his medical skills are really superb. The human eye is one of the most vulnerable organs and one of the most complex organs. Now there are two needles in Miss Su Yan's eyes. I think even if Dr. Lin wants to take them out, it should not be too loose?" South palace flies light way.

Lin Yang is silent.

About three or four seconds later, it opened slowly.

"Nangong is flying."

"What? Are you ready to tear up the contract? "


Lin Yang has a low voice.

This word falls, the south palace that telephone side flies Yang quite unexpectedly.

"It's not like you, Dr. Lin!"

"I'll send you the original contract later."

"Dr. Lin, if you had made such a decision earlier, how could miss Su Yan suffer like this?" Nangong Feiyang said with a smile and hung up the phone.

Lin Yang quietly put away his mobile phone, but his eyes have become extremely blood red...

he called Qin baisong.

Knowing that Su Yan's double pupils were blind by acupuncture, Qin baisong was shocked and immediately arranged medical equipment and the best doctor, ready.

But Lin Yang refused to be treated by any doctor.

He put on his white coat and his mask.

He wants to operate on Su Yan himself.

Qin baisong and others are waiting outside the operating room.

And Ma Hai also received the news, rushed to the scene in a hurry.

Knowing that Su Yan's eyes were stabbed blind, he was scared out of his wits.

He knows Lin Yang!

He understood what this meant...

he quickly dialed a number for Xu Tian.

"Xu Tian, where the hell are you?" Ma Hai roared.

"I'm watching Nangong Feiyang's people!" Xu Tian is puzzled: "what happened?"

"Miss Su Yan has an accident and her eyes are blind!" Ma Hai roared.

This word falls, Xu Tian's face is extremely ugly, the whole person also rigid in place.

"I think this time, how can you explain to Lin Dong?" Ma Hai hums, hang up the phone.

Xu Tian is as dumb as a cucumber.

But then another call came in.

He is Xu Tian's confidant.

He was busy getting through, and he said in a deep voice, "ah Jie, what's the matter?""Uncle Tian, something has happened... Our people... Are gone..." the voice of Ajie on the other side of the phone is shaking and hesitating.

Xu Tian's scalp is numb: "what are you talking about?"

"In fact, from the beginning, the people we monitored Nangong Feiyang... Have been controlled by Nangong Feiyang... It is not so much that we are monitoring Nangong Feiyang, in fact... Nangong Feiyang has been monitoring Yanghua through us..." ajieduo shivered.

As soon as Xu Tian listened, he sat down on the ground directly, and his legs were completely soft.

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