Xu Tian swears at the phone.

But it's useless.

The most important thing to do now is how to remedy it.

But there is no doubt that Nangong Feiyang's means are far higher than Xu Tian's. all his means are seen through by Nangong Feiyang, and all his actions are just children's play in the eyes of the other party...

at this time, Xu Tiancai understood how terrible Nangong family was...

he did not dare to hesitate and immediately drove to Xuanyi school.

When I ran to the door of the operating room, I saw a lot of people gathered here.

Ma Hai, Gong Xiyun, Xu Nandong are all here, and even representatives of Qilin gate and forget worry island.

Kang Jiahao and Ji Wen take a piece of information and stand by and say something.

The expression of the people was very dignified.

Seeing this, Xu Tian's heart thumped and cooled.

He knew that this time it was... Not easy.


At this point, the door to the operating room is opened.

Lin Yang came out tired.

"Lin Dong!"

They all cried out.

"Lin Dong, is Miss Su Yan OK?" Ma Hai asked carefully.

"The needle that pierced her eyes has been taken out by me, and I also applied medicine to her. Her eyes are preserved, but the strength will drop a lot compared with before. This medicine has to be adjusted slowly!"

Lin Yang said without expression.

They all jumped off their nerves.

Everyone knows what this means...

Lin Yang went to the chair beside the corridor, sat down, lit a cigarette by himself, and began to smoke.

There was a cloud of smoke.

The atmosphere was oppressive...

"Mr. Lin, this is a bureau. We controlled the Xie family in the manor. According to their account, they found Miss Su Yan to discuss cooperation. It was the result of someone's needling. I guess it should be the Bureau set up by Nangong family. They wanted to deal with Miss Su Yan for a long time. We checked Miss Su Yan's car for the first time, It was found that her door was equipped with a mechanism. Once the door was opened, the mechanism would start, and the silver needle was emitted from the mechanism Kang Jiahao handed over a document and said.

Lin Yang did not go to pick up, just silently smoking.

Kang Jiahao mumbled his lower lip and put away the information.

"Is there surveillance on site?" Ma Hai nearby is busy asking, trying to break the deadlock.

"The surveillance was destroyed ahead of time." Kangjiahao road.

"Then we can only collect clues from the Xie's! After collecting evidence, we must sue Nangong family! Let them pay the price Ma Hai said again.

"Jiwen and I will do our best to collect evidence." Kang Jiahao nodded.

"No more!"

At this time, Lin Yang opened the cavity hoarsely.

The crowd was stunned and looked at him in unison.

"I'm not interested in any evidence now, Jiahao and Jiwen. You don't have to collect evidence. You don't have to be responsible for this matter." Lin Yang throws the cigarette butt on the ground, spins and stands up.

People were stunned.

"Mr. Lin, what are your plans?" Ma Hai asked carefully.

Lin Yang said nothing.

The crowd looked at each other.

"Beast, don't you come here soon!" Xu Nandong here murmured.

After the crowd, Xu Tian shivered all over, and then bravely stepped forward.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very... Very sorry, i... I let you down."

Xu Tian trembled gently all over his body, and his knees were soft. He knelt in front of Lin Yang and shivered.

Lin Yang asked him to monitor Nangong Feiyang's every move. However, he was countermonitored by Nangong Feiyang, and even let Nangong Feiyang harm Su Yan.

Anyone who has ever known Lin Yang knows it.

Move Lin Yang, move the people around him... That's absolutely taboo.

Especially this woman is also Lin Yang's nominal wife...

Xu Tian is afraid and his face is full of sweat.

Xu Nandong also went to his knees and bowed his head and said, "Mr. Lin, our Xu family's poor work has caused Miss Su such great harm. This is our fault. Please punish him!"

Finish saying, then heavy kowtow toward Lin Yang.

It has to be said that Xu Nandong is the elder brother in the end, and he is more steady than Xu Tian.

"Get up."

Lin Yang raised his eyes slightly and said calmly.

"Lin Dong..."

"it's not your fault. After all, it's Nangong aristocratic family. It's Nangong Feiyang. His means can't be resisted by you. I don't blame you..."

"thank you very much."

Xu Nandong and Xu Tian are both relieved.

"Xu Tian, you should have a rest first. Gong Xiyun is in charge of your people for the time being." Lin Yang said again.

Xu Tian breathes and looks at Lin Yang in amazement.What else did he want to say, but Xu Nandong secretly pulled the corner of his clothes.

Xu Tian was stunned and immediately understood his brother's meaning.

"Nan Dong."

"Lin Dong, the south building is here."

"I'll give your brother three months off, will you?"

"No problem."

"Let him rest in bed for three months." Lin Yang said again.

Xu Tian breathes heavily.

People were also stunned.

Xu Nandong was very happy. He was busy kowtowing again: "don't worry, Lin Dong. I'll take ah Tian back to carry out the family law."

"Go back." Lin Yang closed his eyes and waved.

Xu Nandong immediately drags Xu Tian and leaves by force.

"Lin Dong, I'm sorry..."

Xu Tianhu's eyes were full of tears and he called out.

Lin Yang nodded silently, but did not say a word.

Lin Yang must punish Xu Tian.

After all, he wanted to let these people know the consequences of failure.

But Xu Tian is not to blame for this.

Therefore, it is the most appropriate and the lightest punishment to let Xu Nandong carry out the family law of the Xu family.

After the two brothers left, Lin Yang also got up.


"Lin Dong."

"Arrange a car for me to see Nangong Feiyang."


"Qilin gate, quickly find Yi Guilin."

"Forget worry Island, pass on my words to xueyouyou, and immediately call all the disciples of the island to Jiangcheng."

"Gong Xiyun, integrate all available forces."

"The rest of you... Get ready and stop everything you have! Always wait for my order. "

Lin Yang said faintly.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Dong... What is this for?

People want to know, but... No one dares to ask.

A moment later, Ma Hai prepared the car and drove for Lin Yang himself.

Lin Yang gets on the car and goes directly to the Pearl Hotel where Nangong Feiyang lives.

About 20 minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the Pearl Hotel.

Immediately, a man in a suit trotted forward and opened the door for Lin Yang.

"Lin Dong, you are here at last. Our second master is waiting for you upstairs." The man smiles at Lin Yang road.

Lin Yang got out of the car and gave him a light look.

The man's face was full of banter.

Obviously, these Nangong family members all know Su Yan's situation and understand the purpose of Lin Yang's coming here.

Lin Yang didn't say a word, and walked towards the inside.

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