Private room on the second floor.

Nangong Feiyang, leaning against the window, is sitting in front of the tea table drinking tea.

Several women dressed in ancient style are playing guzheng and Pipa in the box.

The sound of the music was swirling around the room.

The door was pushed open.

Lin Yang came in.

Nangong Feiyang did not move his eyes, but continued to watch the beautiful and antique girls playing, as if completely immersed in it.

Lin Yang did not speak, just sat in front of him and put the contract on the coffee table.

Nangong Feiyang's eyes opened slightly.

But soon, he closed again and continued to enjoy the sound.

It's over.

He put down his cup and slapped.

"Good, good! I didn't expect that there was such a wonderful sound in the small Jiangcheng. It's very good! "

"Thank you, Mr. Nangong." The little girl rose and bowed slightly.

"You go down first."

"Well, have a good time."

Several girls got up and bowed, and they had to pack up and leave.

"Don't go, play one more song."

Lin Yang side head, calm said.

The girls were stunned and fixed their eyes. They found that the man who had just come in was Dr. Lin. they covered their mouths and almost screamed out.

"It's Lin Dong!"

"My God, how handsome

The little fans in the back were excited.

Nangong Feiyang smiles: "Oh? Lin Dong also likes this instrument? "

"Here we are. Let's listen to one song."

Lin Yang light road.

"Well, you can play a song for Lin Dong, and I will pay for it." Nangong Feiyang said with a smile.


Several girls sat down again, but their looks were obviously more excited than before, and the sound of the piano was more cheerful.

However, Lin Yang's face did not change much.

"What? Lin Dong seems not very happy. " Nangong Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Here it is! You can destroy it now. " Lin Yang pushed the contract to Nangong Feiyang.

On the contract, Nangong scorpion's blood fingerprints are clearly visible.

Nangong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Dong Lin, I knew you were a smart man! But you're not a happy man. If you had done so earlier, you might not have had so much. What do you think? "


Lin Yang poured himself a cup of tea and said hoarsely.

"So, do you regret it?" Nangong Feiyang approached and asked with a smile.


"Mr. Lin, can you do me another favor?"

"What's up?"

"I want to ask you to tear this contract for me with your own hands!" Nangong Feiyang said with a light smile.

He leaned back on the chair and looked at Lin Yang.

That eye is disdain, is contemptuous, is arrogant, is arrogant!

Dr. Lin?

He has to admit that the name is too loud Now!

But... This is not enough to see in front of him!

What's the use of being famous, being young and promising, and being unparalleled in medical skills??

Compared with Nangong aristocratic family, Dr. Lin is just like the dim stars beside the bright moon and the sand beside the boulder, which is insignificant at all!

He has to admit that the talent and strength of this young man is really outstanding.

But can a person no matter how powerful, talented and hard-working, can he make a family that has been passed down for hundreds of years and has been worked hard by more than ten generations?

This world is unfair.

Nangong Feiyang looks at Lin Yang quietly.

Lin Yang also fell into silence.

As the girls played, they watched Lin Yang.

They all felt that the atmosphere in the room had become very abnormal.

Very... Depressing!

After about ten seconds, Lin Yang raised his hand and picked up the contract on the table.

In front of Nangong Feiyang's face, a little bit of the contract will be torn to pieces.

The sound of tearing paper is so harsh at this moment.

"Good! Ha ha ha... "Nangong Feiyang clapped his hands and laughed.

Lin Yang let go.

The pieces of the contract slipped from his hand like snowflakes.

Nangong Feiyang got up with a smile, patted Lin Yang on the shoulder and walked out of the room with a big stride.

Lin Yang can clearly see the ridicule and contempt in the corner of his eyes.


The door closed.

The south palace flies away.

With the Nangong family members driving to Jiangcheng airport.

Mission complete.

The face of Nangong aristocratic family was saved by him.He can return triumphantly.

The girls all stopped, open the eyes of the autumn, staring at Linyang.

They all know, Lin Dong... Eat shriveled!

Who can make this character eat? "I am afraid that no one believes in it...

finish this song."

Lin Yang took up the cup on the tea table and drank.

The girls nodded silently and continued to play.

But the music, no longer cheerful, but is filled with endless pressure.

Linyang listened silently.

It was not until the sound of the piano that a call came in.

"Leader Lin." The old voice came in.

"Find the location of Nangong family?" Lin Yang face expressionless question.

"Found it! I am preparing to report to you. Why did you suddenly call me back? What happened? "

"Well, you come back first. I will arrange a special plane. You can visit Nangong family with me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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