
The car braked hard.

Nangong Feiyang, accompanied by Nangong people, strides towards the inside.

"Oh, my second brother is back?"

Nangong song, who is drinking tea in the hall, suddenly gets up and takes the initiative to go out to meet Nangong Feiyang.

"Big brother."

Nangong Feiyang called, his face full of smiles.

Nangong song saw this and couldn't help laughing: "you're happy, how? Is it done? "

"It's solved! I asked Lin Dong to tear up the contract in front of me! This time, he should be honest and obedient. " Nangong Feiyang said with a faint smile.


Nangong song laughed, patted Nangong Feiyang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "second brother, this time you can thank for it! Ha ha... "

" it's a piece of cake! Brother, don't blame scorpion! "

"It's all settled. It's meaningless to blame him. I'll report it to the owner later! I don't think the owner will say anything more when he knows about it. "

"The master will not say much... But this time Dr. Lin succumbed. I think it's a good omen. You can take the opportunity to speak to the master and let him use all the strength of our Nangong family and concentrate on dealing with Yanghua! Dr. Lin is bound to suffer a lot from this experience. Without his arrogance, he will feel a lot guilty against us. We can take advantage of this Kung Fu to take his Yang Hua down! " Nangong Feiyang said with a smile.

Nangong song heard it and then laughed: "second brother! Don't you know something about it? Just now, Yanghua group has cancelled all commercial means against Nangong family

"What?" Nangong Feiyang was stunned and suddenly understood something. He also laughed: "I thought the miracle Doctor Lin was a hero. I didn't expect that he was just a cowardly rat! I just used a little bit of means, and he was so afraid that he gave up fighting against my Nangong family! Ha ha ha ha, funny! What a shame! Ha ha...

"second brother, it's all your credit! Go! If you go with me to see the master of the house, I will certainly invite him to do a good job for you. "

"OK, big brother, let's go!"



on a special plane to Kunshan International Airport.

Lin Yang sat in his chair, closed his eyes.

The plane was full of people.

Next to Linyang is Yi Guilin, the former head of the Qilin sect.

He looked around these people uneasily, his old face flashing with thick fear.

Of course, this is not the purpose of Lin's fear of Yang.

"Headmaster Lin, I don't know what you're going to do this time, but I have to remind you that the place where the Nangong family is located is extremely complicated! If we mess around there... It'll cause a lot of trouble! " Yi Guilin lowered his voice and cautiously rushed to Linyang road.

However, Lin Yang did not respond.

Yi Guilin was a little anxious, and whispered: "Dong Lin, I think you should have heard of Kunshan. This mountain has been known as the holy mountain since ancient times. Kunshan is huge, and there are dragons and tigers in it! Not to mention those hermit families, there are some former famous terror figures living in seclusion! If we offend them carelessly, it's all over! "

"Are you afraid?"

Lin Yang opened his eyes and asked calmly.

"If it's just Nangong aristocratic family, what can I be afraid of?" Yi Guilin murmured and lowered his voice.

"That's it!"

Lin Yang closed his eyes again.

Yi Guilin opened his mouth and sighed helplessly.

He knew that the current Doctor Lin would not listen to anything.

The special plane soon landed at Kunshan International Airport.

Lin Yang walked out of the airport and headed for Nangong family under the leadership of Yi Guilin.

Ma Hai arranged the car ahead of time.

One car after another followed him.

There are more than 30 cars.

Every car is full of people.

And these people... Are not ordinary people.

Yi Guilin is still very nervous.

But Lin Yang ignored.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.


"Hello, Lin, call me for no reason. Are you in trouble again?" There was a bright voice over the phone.

"I will do one thing today, and I will bear all the consequences!"

Lin Yang said quietly.

The voice on the other side of the phone was suddenly stunned, and then the silence was countless.

"Who are you... Going to move?"

"Nangong aristocratic family!"

Lin Yang opened his mouth.

There was no hesitation.

The voice on the other end of the phone fell into silence.It took about five or six seconds before the sound came out.

"For what reason?"

"Su Yan's eyes were blinded by them." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

There was once again a dead silence on the phone.

But this time, for a minute.

"Be safe."

Four words down, the phone is hung up.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and looked ahead.

"How long will it be?"

"Master Lin, there are about 10 minutes left!"


Lin Yang nodded and picked up his mobile phone to dial the number again.

A moment later, Nangong Feiyang's voice rang in the phone.


"I, Lin Yang!"

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