No one can describe, at the moment, Lin Yang's eyes are how lonely, how gray, how vicissitudes.

Nangong song does not know, but he is not in the mood to see it.

Nangong Feiyang only thinks that the situation is not right. He is busy secretly winking at the people around Nangong aristocratic family.

At this time, Lin Yang made a sound again.

"I am not complicated, Nangong song, Nangong scorpion, Nangong Feiyang! If you want to deal with Yanghua and me, you can go straight to me. Why do you attack the people around me? Why? Is it because you hurt them? Do you think you hurt me? "

"If so, I would like to congratulate you on your success! Now I'm in pain, and I'm in pain! I even regret it. Why am I against you? If I don't fight against you, won't they be hurt? "

"If God can give me another chance, I will choose to surrender! I will definitely choose to submit to your Nangong family! It will be... "

Lin Yang kept saying.

It's like remorse and remorse.

The words are a little nervous.

People are also a little weird.

Nangong scorpion heard the sound, excited, but also happy to the extreme.

"Doctor Lin, it's not too late for you to wake up now! We Nangong family can't forgive you! Why don't you tell these dogs to let go? There's less pain in their dog's paws Nangong scorpion snorted and struggled for two drinks.

But this word falls, over there south palace flies Yang but anxious is low drink: "shut up!"

Nangong Scorpion was stunned and could not understand what the second uncle meant.

But when he looked at his father, he realized that something was wrong.

However, he saw his father's face full of horror and hesitation, looking at the man standing in front of him.

Lin Dong!

Nangong scorpion can not help looking.

At one glance, he was struck by lightning.

Blame yourself?



What's in Lin Dong's body?

In his body, only crazy now! Only ferocious! Only hysterical and desperate...

but Lin Yang raised his hand, and the people next to him immediately handed him a knife.

Lin Yang, with empty eyes and a knife in his hand, walks towards Nangong scorpion with a dull look. His face is infinitely ferocious.

"However, what has happened will not change. My people will still be hurt by you."

"Since you hurt my people, I should not choose revenge too much?"

With that, he went to Nangong scorpion.

"No!! Lin Dong, stop it

Nangong scorpion suddenly came back to his senses and made a shrill roar. The whole person seemed to be crazy and rushed forward.

"Save three young, all hands on!"

Nangong Feiyang also realized that the situation was not right and immediately roared.

All the Nangong aristocratic family members in all directions rushed in the direction of Linyang, intending to stop it.

However, Nangong Feiyang and Nangong scorpion just moved, and they were suppressed by a terrible force on the ground.

How strong!

The two men were shocked.

In a hurry.

An old man with white hair and a red Kirin suit stood in front of them.

"Who are you?"

Nangong song drinks and shouts.

"My husband Yi Guilin! Don't you two rats even know me? " It's cold in Guilin.

"What? Are you Yi Guilin? "

"The head of Qilin gate?"

Nangong Feiyang and Nangong song are shocked.

"Oh? You also know that my husband Yi Guilin was quite surprised.

"It turns out that the leader of the Qilin sect is here. We have lost our welcome! But Master Yi, you are the head of Qilin sect. Why do you want to work for this boy named Lin? What good did he give you? In this way, if you are willing to help us, we will give you three times the benefit of him. How about that? " Nangong Feiyang said with a smile.

"Bah! Do you want me to cooperate with you shameless people? That's trampling on my personality. Although I'm not a good man and I've done something disgraceful, I'm still much better than you animals who are not as good as animals! " Yi Guilin spit and scold.

As soon as this word falls, Nangong Feiyang and Nangong song's face changes.

"Master Yi, what are you talking about? We don't understand. "

"What? And I'll tear your veil off in public, and you'll be content? I have been under the orders of Dr. Lin to investigate your Nangong family, your dirty activities! I know it all! Don't you wonder why a shipment was missing last week? I tell you, the goods were robbed by my husband! Those goods are now sent to their parents by my husband Yi Guilin hums coldly.

As soon as the words fell, people's faces turned pale, and they all knew what Yi Guilin meant by dirty activities.Many members of Nangong aristocratic family are looking at Nangong song and Nangong Feiyang.

Obviously, many people don't know about such despicable things, and they feel particularly shameless...

"one minute!"

At this time, Lin Yang stood in front of Nangong scorpion, raised his hand and calmly said: "in a minute, there will be no more people with compound surname Nangong here!"

Finish saying, then the hand mercilessly falls down.


The sad cry resounded through the whole house , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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