Nangong song rushed to Linyang like a madman.

But with Yi Guilin in the way, they can't get close to Linyang.


The noise came out.

Then the bright red liquid splashed.

The scene was shocking and trembling.

Nangong song, Nangong Feiyang and others stare at each other.


Nangong scorpion is still bleak, seems to be still struggling.

But it didn't last long, and his screams slowly weakened.

The ground was filled with bright red...

nangongsong was suddenly depressed.

The whole person did not have a bit of spirit, so sluggish looking at that, looking at the slowly falling figure, facial features completely solidified.

He can't accept it!

I can't believe it!

Nangong scorpion's eyes widened and his lips trembled. He tried his best to shout something to Nangong song, but he couldn't shout out, just like a dying mouse.

Lin Yang kept waving his arms.

The mechanical movement is ferocious and fierce.



The strange sound stimulates everyone's eardrum and heart.

The people who followed him were frightened and looked at Lin Yang.

No matter who he is, he has never seen Lin Yang so terrible.

He seems to be a different person.

After a while, Lin Yang stopped.

As for Nangong scorpion... It's gone completely.

Nangong pine is petrified and remains in place.

Nangong Feiyang scalp tremor numbness, brain a blank.


Finally, Nangong song wakes up from the stupidity and shouts in his mouth.

This sound awakened all the people of Nangong aristocratic family.

"Kill!! Kill!! Kill me! Kill this man for me! Kill the Doctor Lin!! Kill him

Nangong song roared, and the whole man rushed to Linyang like a wild beast.

"I don't know good or bad!"

Yi Guilin jumps over and slaps Nangong song with a backhand.


Nangong song was shaken out and fell to the ground, but he immediately got up, persevered but rushed to Linyang.

But Yi Guilin stopped him, he could not get close to Linyang.


Nangong Feiyang clenched his fist tightly. He looked at the indifferent Nangong family members around him and immediately roared.

"Everybody, listen, kill all these dogs for me at once! Not one! Especially Dr. Lin! Kill me! Kill him!! Do it!!


The people of Nangong aristocratic family roared wildly and rushed over.

But there are still some people who are hesitant and dare not go forward.

But Nangong Feiyang didn't allow them to watch the drama on the side?

"Anyone who doesn't care! All of them will be expelled from Nangong aristocratic family and recorded on the blacklist of Nangong aristocratic family. Then they will be wanted by masters of Nangong family! Think about it yourself Nangong Feiyang cheered.

One word fell to the ground, and the rest of Nangong family were nervous.

They hesitated for a moment and finally chose to fight.

They deeply understand how terrible the blacklist is!

As a result, Linyang was besieged.

All the people of Nangong aristocratic family attacked Lin Yang.

They draw their guns or their swords.

Everyone in Nangong aristocratic family took the attitude of killing Lin Yang and others.

It's just that...

although they have many people and excellent skills, they don't get any cheaper after they fight with Lin Yang's people.

People in Nangong aristocratic family know why.

Because many of these people brought by Lin Yang are people from forgetful island and Qilin gate.

These people are excellent warriors.

"Kill! Keep killing! Kill me hard! I'm going to chop these people into meat sauce and feed them to dogs! I'm going to cut off the head of Dr. Lin to sacrifice my son's spirit in heaven

Nangong song roared bitterly, and then rushed towards Yi Guilin like a beast.

"Asshole! Since you are going to die, I will do it for you

Yi Guilin was furious. This time, he directly moved his heart to kill him. He held up his palm and raised his knife. He intended to chop Nangong song's neck.

But just then, a hand behind him pushed Yi Guilin away.

Yi Guilin stumbled and nearly fell.

When he stood still and looked, he found that the owner of this hand killed Lin Yang!

"Since he is going to kill me! Then let him come! "

Lin Yang said ferociously, and then another hand, toward the south palace song to catch."You die for me!"

Nangong song's eyes showed a fierce anger. He roared and turned his hand into a fist to smash and kill him.

But in the moment of approaching, Lin Yang suddenly did not know where to grab a silver needle and stabbed it fiercely on the arm that stretched out.


Silver needle into the body.

All the veins on the surface of the arm burst, and one hand became as terrible as a devil's arm.


His fist was firmly grasped by Lin Yang.

Then Lin Yang made a sudden effort!



Nangongsong made a miserable howl.

His fist was crushed by Lin Yang's five fingers.

And the next second, Lin Yang moved his arm again, accurately pinched in Nangong song's neck.

For a moment, nangongsong couldn't breathe.

His neck was almost pinched out of shape, and the whole person was pinched by Lin Yang's hand.

"Big brother!" Nangong Feiyang shouts.

But Nangong song has been unable to answer him.

Nangong Feiyang wants to get rid of Nangong song's encirclement. He stops abruptly when he sees the madness in Lin Yang's eyes.

He knew that it was too late...

Lin Yang! It's already killing!

"Stop it! Doctor Lin! Stop it Nangong Feiyang cried hysterically.

Lin Yang slightly side eyes, a pair of blood red eyes calmly looking at him: "why stop?"

"I just... Blinded Su Yan's eyes, but you... Are you going to kill all the people in my Nangong line? Why are you so vicious? Why? " Nangong Feiyang shouts.

However, as soon as this word fell, Lin Yang's face became more and more ferocious.

Is it really just for Su Yan?


Never here!

It is the pain in Lin Yang's heart that is aroused again!

It was his mother's tragic death and his helpless pain that was ignited by Nangong Feiyang again!

If I have enough ability, why can't I protect my mother?

If I had enough ability, how could I watch that man do that?

I exhausted all the means of learning medicine... Do not want to have such a thing happen again?

But now... There are people who do this.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang's heart is filled with hatred again!

He hated not only Nangong family, but also himself and those people!

"You shouldn't... Move people around me!"

Lin Yang hoarse low roar, and then suddenly force.


A clear sound came out.

Nangong song, who was still struggling madly, immediately lost his movement, his limbs drooped, and his breath was gone...

Nangong Feiyang looked at the scene in a daze, and there was no blood on his face , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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