"The owner of the house!"

Numerous people of Nangong aristocratic family made a shrill roar.

They opened their eyes wide and trembled.

However, nangongsong can no longer hear their voice.

Lin Yangsong started.

Nangong song is like being pulled out of the bone, the whole body soft fell on the ground, no more movement.

The world looks at it with a dull look.

At this moment, time seems to be frozen.

In such a short time, Lin Yang killed Nangong song and his son.

How terrible.

"You're crazy! You are crazy!! You... You're absolutely crazy! " Nangong Feiyang points to Linyang and shouts with fear.

"I'm... Really crazy!"

Lin Yang covered his forehead with a look of pain.

He seems to want to stop himself from going on like this, but his inner hatred and impending loss of reason make him unable to do so.

Lin Yang has to admit that he's out of control.

"Kill! Kill me

Nangong Feiyang roared as he retreated.

People of Nangong aristocratic family launched an attack on Linyang and yiguilin.

When the head of the family was killed, the people of Nangong aristocratic family were also angry.

Because of Nangong song's death, these Nangong people had unprecedented fighting power.


Yi Guilin is OK.

It's just that other people don't seem so natural when they fight.

The people here in Linyang are not able to withstand the trend.

Nangong Feiyang, who is retreating, has hope in his eyes.

"If I can kill Dr. Lin here, the master will have an account. And I will be the master of this line with great responsibility." Nangong Feiyang eyes dew light, suddenly also had the confidence, immediately organized people to continue the siege.

In fact, he is also very eager for the position of the owner of the house.

Although it's only the head of a branch family, it's also particularly attractive.

Nangong aristocratic family is a hermit family. Although the people in this line are not as strong as those in the master family, they are not weak.

Nangong Feiyang is also a first-class master.

Even if he can't solve the two masters Yi Guilin and Lin Yang, he believes that even the strongest people will only lose in such a consumption of so many people.

"Doctor Lin, you are really cruel, but it's a pity that you are not more cruel! Why don't you find more warriors? Relying on such a person is like killing my Nangong? Too much thought

Nangong is flying in the dark and cold.

But at this time, Lin Yang had another change.

He took out the silver needle from nowhere and stabbed it on himself.



A strange voice came out.

All the silver needles did not enter Lin Yang's body.

To our dismay, the location of these silver needles can be said to be disorganized. It is not like the needles given by a miracle doctor. On the contrary, it looks like a beginner who doesn't know anything about it.

It's just.

After these silver needles were pierced, all the veins of Lin Yang's body protruded, and his skin became extremely red.

Nangong Feiyang can almost see the breath from Lin Yang's body with naked eyes.

Lin Yang aims at a family member of the Nangong family who rushes over and kills him with a fist.


The body of the sword that the man cleaved was smashed by Lin Yang's fist, and his fist didn't deviate from it. It hit the Nangong family member steadily.


The man's chest was directly punched with this punch!

Nangong Feiyang's eyes are huge and his scalp is shivering.

He read it right!

It's going to go straight through.

No resistance!

The man seemed to be in front of Lin Yang, just like paper paste...

then Lin Yang hit another person again.


Another blow.

There is no room for breathing, the direct result.

How strong is this fist power?

Is this still the power that people can have?

Nangong Feiyang was trembling. Originally, he wanted to help, but he was shocked by Lin Yang's appalling method.

However, it is not over.

Probably because he felt that his strength was not enough, Lin Yang raised his hand again and pulled the sleeve of that hand down.


Nangong Feiyang sent out a shrill cry, and the whole person was scared to sit on the ground.

He widened his eyes and looked at Lin Yang's arm. Almost his soul was scared out of his body.

The mouth chatters unceasingly, the eyeball son seems to want to fall out from the eye socket."Blood of falling spirit"?? That's the blood of falling spirit

"My God, how could there be so many?"

"What kind of monster is this Doctor Lin?"

"No!! No

The people of Nangong family also screamed.

They looked at the dense red dots on Lin Yang's arm, and all of them were scared to pieces.

At this moment, no one has the mind to resist.

All the people turned around and ran away like crazy.

But how can Lin Yang give them a chance?

He jumped forward and blocked the gate directly. His arms were like the sickle of death, and began to reap the lives of these warriors.

No one can stop him now.

One figure after another fell at his feet.

Nangong Feiyang suddenly turns around and runs towards the back garden.

At this moment, he finally understood!

It's not just a revenge!

This... Is still a massacre!

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