Wheezing! Wheezing! Wheezing...

the rapid gasping sounds in the back garden of Nangong manor.

Then he saw Nangong flying, dishevelled, and fled in confusion.

He never thought that this Doctor Lin would be so terrible.

It never occurred to me that there would be so much blood shed by the miraculous doctor Lin.

Never thought that Doctor Lin was so crazy, so determined, so ruthless...

is he really the miracle doctor who can help the world?

No! Now he is a devil!

A murderous demon!

This time, he came with the mentality of killing Nangong family completely!

He didn't want to deal with Nangong family with those complicated methods.

What he wants is to make the whole Nangong family disappear completely.

Nangong Feiyang is good at knowing people. He saw the story from the first sight of doctor Lin.

Lin Yang can change his appearance, but he can't change his eyes.

Nangong Feiyang doesn't know what Dr. Lin has experienced. In his heart, there is a demon.

This demon has been hiding in the heart of Dr. Lin. he may not even notice it.

Today, Nangong Feiyang is to release the devil.

Lin Yang no longer chooses self-control or containment.

He wants to vent!


Nangong Feiyang looks back as he runs away.

I saw a figure in the rear rushing towards this.

It's Dr. Lin!

Nangong Feiyang scared scalp numb, desperate to run forward.

All the strength was concentrated on these legs.

Nangong is flying like a gust of wind.

But... He couldn't get away from Lin Yang.

Linyang is getting closer and closer.

It's getting closer.


Nangong Feiyang is heartbroken.

He knew the consequences of being caught by Lin Yang.


At the time of Nangong Feiyang's fright, a foot severely kicks in his back.

Nangong Feiyang, the whole person flew out and fell on several big trees in the back garden.

Those thick trees were broken, Nangong Feiyang had been smashing the back garden wall, just stopped.

The whole back garden is in a mess.


Nangong Feiyang gets up with difficulty and spits blood crazily in his mouth.

He could feel that at least three of his bones were broken.

I can't get up anymore.

He glared at the people walking slowly over there.

"Doctor Lin! Stop it! Stop it!! Spare my life, I can give you unexpected benefits Nangong Feiyang shivers and shouts as hard as possible.

"But I just want your life now."

Lin Yang said without expression.

"What is your anger at killing me? With your medical skills, Miss Su Yan's injury is not a problem at all. You can soon make her perfect and unharmed. Why do you still... Have to blame our Nangong family? " Nangong Feiyang shivering call, at the same time constantly thinking of countermeasures.

At this time, his shaking eyes caught a glimpse of the mobile phone thrown out of his pocket.

The phone's buttons seem to be touched and the screen lights up.

And the signal is on the screen!

There's a signal?

This generation has not been blocked by Dr. Lin?

Nangong Feiyang was overjoyed, slightly shaking his body, and quickly hid the mobile phone behind him.

However, just such a simple action, involving the next wound, let him hurt the heart and lungs.

Doctor Lin is so strong now!

With a single blow, Nangong Feiyang's fighting power was completely abolished.

Dr. Lin can't deal with such a doctor at all. At present, he can only seek help from his master's family and ask his family members to arrive here for rescue.

Nangong Feiyang quietly pressed the home phone, at the same time his mouth also opened his voice shouting.

"Dr. Lin, I can satisfy you whatever you want, and I will try my best to help you, as long as you don't kill me, you want me to be an ox and a horse! Please, spare my life! Spare my life

He yelled loudly, and his mouth was constantly crying for mercy.

After the phone call, the Nangong aristocratic family over there was about to make a noise. When he heard the voice of Nangong flying, he immediately stopped speaking.

"As I said, I only want your life!"

Lin Yang murmured.

"Is there no room for discussion?"

"From the moment you decide to kill me, there will never be room for discussion."

Lin Yang said calmly, then walked forward to the south palace to fly."Ah

Nangong Feiyang roared, and suddenly took out a shining dagger from his sleeve and stabbed Lin Yang's chest.

This dagger is just like a poisonous snake. It's terrible. Ordinary people can't handle it.

So is Lin Yang.


After Nangong Feiyang exhausted all his strength, the dagger went directly into Linyang's chest.

Blood was pouring down.

"It's done!"

Nangong Feiyang was so excited that he almost couldn't stand firm.

But the next second, Lin Yang moved.

He clasped Nangong Feiyang's wrist, pulled the dagger out of his chest, and then stabbed it into his chest again!

A blood hole came out again.

Nangong Feiyang is totally stupid.

"Do you want to poke?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

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